I want to enjoy my life more fruitfully, is this the right place...

@emily7339 (1337)
March 31, 2013 12:36am CST
I am now not working in the secular world. I have resigned from my job recently and now a full time homemaker. My children are all grown up except one is still studying in college. I have a lot of spare time now and my friend invited me to join this online site. However, this is the first time I am getting involve online and I am not sure is this the right place I should come. As I look through some of the writings here and did participate some, I do enjoy a little from there... I hope this site will make my life more fruitful and meaningful...what do you say...
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25 responses
@alpha9180 (301)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 13
Yes, This is a good place to be with. You will surely find this place amusing and fun as well a lot learning opportunities as they are many great mylotters here having great advices. Do not hesitate to come here more often. And you can participate in discussions here anytime of the day. You may do post, respond or comments at your liberty but within the rules of MyLot. Welcome onboard!
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@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
2 Apr 13
I appreciate your warm welcome and I am sure I will try my best to come here as often as I could to participate in whatever ways I could. I began to feel this is a nice place to be with. There are indeed many warm and nice mylotters here. I am delighted to see the way they post their discussion, with valuable information and amusing. I surely will not miss to come reading them as well besides participation.
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@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Hello there emily7339, welcome to mylot! Yes, this is the right place for you to spend your free time earning while sharing. You can see many new ideas, information, and even get some suggestions from the mylotters here too if you need any. When you reach your first 100 ranking (which is the number in bracket beside your username), you will get your rated star which helps in your earning in participation in mylot here. Besides, the fun part is when you reach 200 ranking, you get to use the smileys icon , along with bold, italic and underline function, Also, when you reach 500 ranking, you get to use copy & paste function, then you do not need to worry that your writings will go disappear just in case the connection line has problem posting your respond or discussion. I wish you will gain your fruitful harvest here in mylot. Have a great day ahead!
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@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Oh yes, i forgot to share with you that apart from participating in mylot through starting discussions, responding to members' discussions, and commenting members' responds; you may earn rewards from using mylot search function as well. You may read the terms and conditions, and FAQ for this. However, do use the search function with care or you may get your account deleted if being misused. As long as you search with a purpose and proper usage, you gain rewards from it. Enjoy mylotting dear friend.
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@joycseer (845)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
LOL! Thanks, yes i indeed find my avatar interesting. Seems like it is always reading out my response and giving mylot members a good welcome. Don't worry, i believe you can do it and reach 100 ranking soon in no time. You are here for just a day, and you already have 33. Keep it up your good work, and you will surely not feel any idle state here or fearing of getting dementia.
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@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Haha, I like your avatar it looks cute, cheerful and gave me a warm welcome! Thank you for taking your time to guide me with the ranking, rated star and search function. I love to use those smileys. They are so cute! I guess I need to work harder to achieve the 100 ranking first before I strive for 200 to enjoy the smileys! But, it will take me quite a while to reach there... I am glad that there is a function of copy and paste which will be very useful for me. As I did experience my text went missing and I have forgotten what I typed. I was having a great headache to re-type my text and post again. However, if I could do copy and paste then I could have reduce the hassle by saving my text on the clipboard and this problem will be solved. I do not expect to earn big money here. I guess I am more for fun and having a fruitful time spent instead of having my brain in an idle state, fear of getting dementia...haha...
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
31 Mar 13
Mylot is a great site. If you enjoy discussing different issues and getting others opinions on issues then this is the place. I have been here about six years and I enjoy the friends I have made. As you compile a frieinds list you can begin to understand the type of discussions these people are into and which ones get the most responses. I hope you stick around. We need some good addition to our site. Feel free to message me if you have any questions. Happy Mylotting.
@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
1 Apr 13
Well, remember that the more you write the more you will make. I am sure you have opinions and ideas too. Jump in. Don't let that brain of yours be idle. GO for it!
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi celticeagle, First of all I want to appreciate you for being my friend even though I am only a few days old here. And I am very happy to you are being kind and helpful. Wow, That is great! You are being here for six years, that is marvellous! This really convince me that it is a legit and good site as the number of years you are here could proved to me. I do go through some of the discussions here and notice the people here are great, creative and have a lot ideas and opinions. I believe it is a place where we can exercise our brain and not letting it being idle. I will surely enjoy my stay here and will try participate in whatever ways I could!
3 people like this
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Yeah, thank you for being so thoughful. I will try my best to participate as much as I could. Exercising my brain and not let it idle to prevent me from getting dementia as well, haha!
3 people like this
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
31 Mar 13
hi there emily7339, after i have read your post, i remember those years when i was a newbie here. as there were a lot of if's and but's running on my mind. and as time goes by, i have learned the process. and when i have learned the process, i began to enjoy the benefits. year after year after year, i have acquired more friends and makes me say, being here is really worth staying. as the time goes by, i am learning and i am earning. and the words that i am saying truly comes to what i have experienced.
• Philippines
31 Mar 13
hello there emily7339, its my pleasure to be your friend. you can send me a pm if you wish. that is the best place to chat our personal questions and queries. though it is really best to place your thoughts and new ideas to be posted so you can reap a good earnings. being at this site is really superb....
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Oh, this is a wonderful place where we could use PM as well. I am so delighted to be here and I guess I am a little addicted to it now. Prior to this I was wondering how to to occupy my free time but not for now on...haha. I began to feel that I am running out of time each day to catch up with a little discussion and so many post for me to read. I cannot managed them all now....what to do? Well, I guess I need to go one at a time and I hope I will not be penalized if I am not able responding to all as time is limited for me now...hahaha! What a great site!
2 people like this
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Wow! I am glad to know that you have been here for four years now. I surely believe you have a great time here and have learnt a lot over the years too. You are right, I am not expecting to earn big money here. My main purpose is to put my free time to good use. It is not good to allow my brain being idle and soon I may become dementia, hahaha. I will take heed your advices and hope we can interact with one another more often !
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
1 Apr 13
Welcome to this site , emily. I have been here for more than 2 years and i can truly say that in here you will enjoy participating. Just keep on posting and for you not to violate any guidelines , you must read it.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi SIMPLYD, Yes, thank you for being my friend. I am happy that you have been here more than two years. I do read the rules and guidelines here. But I may not remember most of them. So, I need to read them from time to time and also I did learn some of them from the mylotters' sharings. I find it easier to remember when I learn from the mylotters' sharing than reading them myself, hahaha! Happy Mylotting!
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@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
4 Apr 13
Well, I am very happy with you for giving me this very good tips. So, I guess I will not feel out of place here but surely have something good to look for...Thanks, my friend!
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@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
31 Mar 13
Welcome here , for me this is a very good site . You can earn a lot from here and win many good friends also. Actually it depends upon you in how are you going to use Mylot , all are in your hands. You're getting what you are giving to Mylot . Be active friend , Mylotters are here to support you ! All the best !
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Hi Angelpink, First of all I want to thank you having you as my online friend. I am happy to hear a positive remark from you concerning this site. I can see that you are here eight months ago and still active and enjoying here. This has tell me something about the site. Good, I will participate more so I can earn and making more friends as well. At least my life will not be boring and I know where to turn to so not allowing myself being idle. I really appreciate your respond!
2 people like this
• Philippines
31 Mar 13
hi emily7339, honestly, i feel great when you have chosen me to be your friend. as well as, i consider myself lucky to be a friend of Angelpink. and for me, though you are on the other side of the fence being a virtual friend, i truly believed that you are part of the blessings which God permits me to met.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Hi airasheila, That is very true that we need friends in our life. Nothing happen by chance and sovereignly arranged by God. Let's put our effort here so we could have more interaction. My only setback is I am always lacking in ideas and I may not post a good discussions. But I could try to participate more on respond and comment. I guess this will be fine...
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Welcome to myLot. I hope you will learn many things and want to continue to always stick around. There are a lot of things you can learn and discuss here and that is great. Anything you are going thru or want to talk about usually is OK. I enjoy being able to talk with others and relate no matter where we are from, and have developed many Great friendships as well.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
4 Apr 13
Hi KrauseHome, I am very glad to receive your respond and warm welcome! Yes, I was told this is a great place to develope friendship and I would be glad to be your friend too. I have been here quite often since someone introduced me here. This place is indeed wonderful and a good place to kill my free time. However, on the contrary I began to feel that I have not enough time to spend here as there are so much to participate that I may miss some of them due to limited time now. haha! This is indeed a great surprise for me... I took some time to read through a lot of mylotters' post and do gather some informations as to what they are sharing and find them amusing as well as valuable information too. I do hope to stick around here as much as I could!
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
1 Apr 13
Welcome to Mylot, emily! If you are into writing, I am sure this is one great site for you. Once you feel real hooked on the site, it is more of the warm feeling that the site brings to you that will keep you coming back. The first time I joined Mylot was in 2010. I was really looking for something to earn. Money was my goal, and so I overlooked the possibility of earning that coz I was thinking of earning bigger. After 2 years, I came back and felt so much at home with the site. And since then, I log in everyday and has become one of the active members.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi jenny, First of all I want to thank you for being my online friend and thank you for giving me your valuable advices. You are right, we may not be able to earn big money here. And this is not my goal here too. I will be happy if I could spend time more meaningfully. So, I can see that it is the enjoyment here that holds you on to this site. I am also glad that you feel at home in this site and became active. Even though I am new here, but I can sense the warmness here too! It is liken a big family...haha!
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@lil_toni (206)
1 Apr 13
Welcome to mylot!I think you will enjoy here like I do. And this is one of my habit everyday. You can share your thoughts and also make your own discussions that you would want to share to us here.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi lil_toni, Thank you for your warm welcome. I am happy to know that you are spending your time here daily and has become habitual! Honestly, I am not a person who has great ideas so I guess I will not be able to do much post here. However, I will try my best to participate on other mylotters' discussion. I guess I will surely have fun here as well.
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@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
5 Apr 13
Hi, You ahve chosen the right place to enjoy and earn. You are lucky that you have star of rating 10 only having 160 number. You can earn more as your rating is more. You can enjoy sharing your views and ideas with mylot friends. Enjoy mylotting.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
5 Apr 13
Oh really? This is something new to me here to have more earnings with more rating. I have here not long ago but I did not know of this benefits. Thanks for sharing it with me. I feel good to be here and I would come here whenever I could. I have learnt to be here at my own pace so that I would not feel so pressure or chasing after time. I want to enjoy interacting with friends here...It is fun, amusing and good place to learn many things. I want to thank you for responding to me and be my friend!
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@deazil (4730)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Welcome to mylot, emily! You'll like it here. It's a warm, friendly place to be. I have made several good friends here. I don't come in as often as I used to but I dropped in tonight and and saw your post so I thought I'd stop in and welcome you. You'll get a lot out of mylot. Mostly the friendships. I think they're the most important part of mylot. I like what you said, talking to someone else "I am very happy to have you in my boat". What a delightful expression! I never heard that before. See, you've already taught somebody something! We all teach and learn here in mylot. It's a place where people make friends with people they would never have a chance to meet otherwise. Enjoy your stay. Have fun! The lot is open 24 hours a day.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
4 Apr 13
Hi deazil, It is do sweet to meet you and thank you for spotting me, haha! It is true that I have learnt that this is a wonderful to have many friends from all over the world and I would like to be friend with too! I notice people here are warm be it they are new or senior. So, we are now all in the same boat [em]happy[/em.]! It is marvellous to know MyLot opens for 24 hours but I feel it will be better if I could have more extra hours to spend here. I am running out of time daily. I do not have to worry about my free time anymore. As this place could take up much of it, with no extra, haha!
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• India
5 Apr 13
welcome to mylot , i really enjoy here, at least i fill up my loneliness with sharing here, and what i enjoy about is we share our ideas freely and we can have many friend who are exist somewhere but invisible in our life... i hope you enjoy of working in this site.. have a good day...
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
7 Apr 13
Yes, my friend. Thank you for sharing your enjoyment here. I am glad to know that this place fills up your loneliness and we can freely share our thoughts here . I notice it is indeed a great place for friendship. We could have many virtual friends here . I do enjoy myself here, and great to have you as my friend .
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• Philippines
1 Apr 13
Joining myLot is a wonderful experience for me. Whenever I get bored and whenever I feel sad, I read discussions and it gives me a sort relief since most of the topics relate to my personal life. I'm happy that you've found this site. I hope you will stay here forever.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Well, I am very happy that you love to come to this site to seek help and have fun. I do that believe there are many members here could give good advices which you need. It is indeed a good site and I am here to stay...I appreciate you sharing here.
2 people like this
• Philippines
1 Apr 13
MyLot will surely add some meaningful contributions to your life. I came to know MyLot while looking for advise as my brother badly needs help on his Hepatitis and people here are so helpful to give to some advice. More than that is the earnings you'll get when you participate and above all, the good relationship with different people.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi jayceeg1987, I absolutely agree with you that there are many mylotters here are warm and helpful as I can see from the discussions here and the warm welcome they gave me. I appreciate all that and look forward for the coming days here. This is only unique place which I come to know in my life and it is my first online site too. I will also be glad that we are able to earn a little through our participations! Thank you for your participation in my post and happy mylotting!
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@sid556 (30960)
• United States
31 Mar 13
Welcome to Mylot. Yes this site has its ups and downs but it is legit and you meet a lot of great people here. I hope you enjoy it here!!
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
31 Mar 13
Wow! I can see that you are very at ease and enjoy this site as you are here for six years! Surely I can believe this is a legit site from your stay here. I am glad that I will get to know more great people here through my participation here. I believe I will enjoy here as much as you do! Thanks for your sharing and participation!
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
1 Apr 13
Oh i hope you will enjoy with us and stay longer, i have been here for like nearly 4 years i think and i am enjoying it here too. not just for the money as that is just a bonus but also for the friendship i was able to nurture here.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
1 Apr 13
I have been here on this site since 2008 and I love it. I too joined after quiting my job and moving out of state. I found this site and don't really remember how. However, its been the best website in my opinion. You make friends with people from all over the world and you can give advice and get advice when you have problems. For me this website is even better then facebook.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi lelin1123, Glad to know that I have someone same like me coming to MyLot after quiting the job. I will be very glad if I could make friend with you too. I am very encouraged by your long stay here since 2008. This reveals to me that it is a great site that holds you here for four years now! Yeah, I realized there are people all over the world participating here! And it makes me feel good to be able to have many friends from here with different cultures, countries and background. I did have a facebook account but I did not enjoy much over there as I enjoy here now. I love to read many post and respond, comments here. There are valuable information and some are very amusing too. I really appreciate that you have found me and drop by participating in my post. Happy mylotting!
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• Jodhpur, India
1 Apr 13
great idea to share thast true
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi jitender53, I also want to welcome you to MyLot! I get to feel this is the right place for me and I am it is for you too! So, get onboard and participate as well...
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@merylpan (37)
1 Apr 13
hi I am new here too, and I like this site because it can practise my english,earn money,and making friends, hope I can have many friends here.
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi merylpan, I am very happy to have you in my boat. I want to thank you for being my friend. And I am also sure that you could make many great friends here! I do agree with you, this is the place where we can practise our English writing as this is also not my native language. It is true that practise make perfect! I am sure you will improve your English in no time. So, continue to participate here and see yourself acheive your heart desire! Happy mylotting!
2 people like this
• United States
31 Mar 13
I was a member a few years back and left because I didn't have time to come on here anymore. But I'm back to make a little extra money to help with my current financial situation. Even though its only cents, every little bit counts every day that you post and answer discussions. You'll get out of it, what you put in to it. Enjoy!!!
@emily7339 (1337)
• Malaysia
1 Apr 13
Hi maddysmummy, Yeah, I saw your profile that you have here recently but glad to know that you are an old member before. That shows this site is still in your heart and that makes you come back. This is something good too that you find this is a legit site and want to earn some money to help out financially. You are right, even though if it is only a little but it still builds up and meet some of your needs. I hope we can both enjoy together here and do our best!
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