Brenda and least we don't have to watch it! General Hospital

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
April 3, 2013 8:06pm CST
When they showed Jax at Carly's front door.. I was so hoping that they were going to put those two back together...Carly say she isn't going to re sign the divorce papers..and they say they will get back together. But then I remember...Ingo Rademacher is on Dancing with the Stars and he said he is living in Hawaii now, and teaches beach related things...paddle boarding etc. He is on DWTS now and I remember when he left GH....we weren't sure if he was fired or quit. But his talking on DWTS...he has no intention of going back to GH. I figure they just had him as a guest appearance for the anniversary. Dry my tears. Then they showed Brenda showing up at SOnny's front door and her constant complaining and her voice is so annoying..sounds like she is always out of breath and struggling to speak. And she is just a brunette Laura...a useless character with no education, purpose, reason for even being in town. Always complaining, always having everyone in town cater to her and take care of her etc. But again, the anniversary time But..when they put Jax and Brenda getting married...I thought I'd slap them stupid writers into next week!Why trash a good character like Jax by putting him with that empty headed, useless, whiney blurb of a person!!!!! Okay, so he doesn't want to be on the show, why trash the character? Either write him out nicely like they did, or recast him, but good grief, don't put him in the trash! I at least hope this means those two characters are gone from the show for good...but still. What a bad bad conclusion! At least we won't have to watch it....guess it could be worse, they could have both return to the show and we'd have to watch it every day!!!
2 responses
@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
5 Apr 13
As soon as Jax said he was engaged I knew it was to Brenda. I was so excited when Carly went over to Sonny's. I love Carly and Jax. Brenda has always been so obsessed with Sonny. She is basically using Jax as her backup and then has the nerve to blame Carly! She actually blames Carly for telling Jax, and it's like it's your fault, Carly wouldn't have anything to pin on you if you didn't do what she said you did. She is just using Jax until Sonny decides (if he decides) to be with her. No one should treat another human being like that. She reminds me too much of my hopefully soon to be ex sister in law. Jax has always been a second choice to her. Kind of her fall back guy. There has been a time or two I kind of (emphasis on KIND OF) liked her, but she always goes back to being that person I can't stand. Yeah, I doubt Jax will stick around, I just hope they keep Jax and Brenda separated, and don't stick them back together. If Ingo ever does decide to return to the show, hopefully they'll stick him back with Carly.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
6 Apr 13
I liked Carly and Jax to. When he said he was engages, I didn't think Brenda...I don't think such hateful stuff! But when they showed her telling Sonny she was engaged, I immediately said "OH NO!!!!!" as I thought it'd be Jax as that is why they played at least 2 previous episodes of him and her with nothing prolific in the episode! I know what you mean...she lies to him and he calls her on it and it's okay? He should just not be concerned about it? And to lie about something that she knows makes him volitale and knows how he feels about Sonny and her history with him etc. And she dont think he should be mad about her sneaking out to see SOnny and then finding out that she offered to break her engagement if he wants her back? I thought Jax was very calm about it! Good thing he did walk out on her. I think I read where either Ingo quit or he was fired, but whichever way, he isn't coming back to the show full time. THey'll probably have him and Carly have a nice couple days and then he will go back to wherever he came from. I wish they'd be able to keep him, but they won't. But I still hope Carly don't sign the papers even if Jax does leave....maybe there'll be a day he can come back! But hopefully Jax finally got the picture...Brenda wants Sonny and only Sonny forever and always so write her out of your life for good, Jax!
@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
7 Apr 13
lol, I apparently do think such hateful things, mostly because this is a soap, and well crap happens! I thought Jax was fairly calm about it too! I read on soapcentral that he was fired. I want to say it was the old producer that may have done it, because the new producer seems to be fixing everything the old one screwed up! I love Frank Valentini he and head writer Ron Carlivati have done a lot of work to fix the show. I am actually kind of worried that Brenda and Jax will some how get back together. I just think that break up happened a little too fast for it to be over. I guess we will see. I sure hope I'm wrong! I think Carly actually showed up with signed divorce papers unless she rips them up. She showed them to Brenda and said they were signed and then made an awesome what I call Carly comment about her and Jax being split up. I know he isn't here to stay, but I would love for them to bring him back to stay and put him back with Carly! I seriously think they make a great couple, they are opposites in a lot of ways, but do have enough similarities to not be complete opposites. Carly is tougher than Brenda will ever be. Jax needs that! I mean who else would be able to put up with Jax's brother Jerry? Definitely not Brenda. She is probably one of the best female characters on GH.
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
4 Apr 13
Wow, you really don't like Brenda. I only saw her a couple of times when she was on GH before. But I liked the actress a little when she was on the prime time show Vegas(not to be confused with the new show Los Vegas that is currently on) several years ago. But they are making it look like Carly will possibly break Brenda and Jax up since she overheard Brenda and Sonny talking. I haven't seen today's show yet so I don't know what happens next on Thursday if they showed anything about it or not.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
5 Apr 13
I hope so. It was obvious that Brenda wants Sonny and is only settling for Jax as she asked Sonny if he had read the letter things might have been different insinuating that she would end it with Jax if Sonny wanted her to. Carly is right on this one! And I do hope she breaks them up. And no I don't like Brenda or the actress. She just looks/acts very arrogant and egotisical..even when she was on 90210 years ago. She talks like she is on her last breath and that annoys me to no end! She sounds so laboring just to talk. And just thinks that she is every man's dream! But I was thinking to...on the 50 hour marathon last weekend, they showed an episode where Sonny dumped Brenda and Jax took her to Beverly Hills Rodeo Dr to shop all day on his dime.. and I thought, good grief...of ALL the episodes of the last 50 years...and that is one they choose! I guess now, I see they were "preparing" us for their us how they started and now they are getting married. Why didn't they do that with Lila and her relish or the crash with Jason and AJ to show how Jason's personality changed story...etc. She is just another Laura...a brunette one. Mindless, useless and for some reason the entire town flocks to her! And she has done absolutely nothing for the town or anyone in it...just like Laura!