when was the last time you got to be the star of attraction and how was it?

South Korea
April 12, 2013 2:13am CST
it could be your birthday, anniversary, wedding whatever occasion is it. (except funeral of course ) I'm at the hospital now, and its not all pain,boredom or any disadvantages of being at the hospital, but also the advantage of being here. I don't know maybe it depends on your culture but here in south korea, everybody seems to be very thoughtful once my friends and family heard that i had an operation, they came and visited me, and i am flooded of gifts! mostly fruits and healthy drinks. there's no more space to put it. I am just so happy to see them because everybody is just so busy. some of them I haven't seen in a couple of years, and I am really moved that they remember me . Yes I am actually enjoying the attention that I am getting, suddenly everybody is so concerned about me and i just miss talking to them! The bad sides is i'm not on my best looks when they visited..ahaha
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12 responses
• India
12 Apr 13
Two days ago, my brother got engaged and you don't believe me that he has become a center of cynosure for the last one and a half month when the engagement was fixed 9 April. Unlike you, he was looking at his best on his engagement day. Throughout the day he was simply smiling.
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• South Korea
12 Apr 13
aww congrats on your brother. yes its an engagement he indeed have to impress at least most of them.
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
12 Apr 13
Wow! You're really like a star :D But in no good reason, right? Because you're in a hospital? Hehe! Anyway, you're one lucky person to get such gifts and supplies. And you also now know that you're an important person to those people because they bothered to visit you and bring yo gifts, too. Enjoy while it lasts but never let yourself be in the hospital again just for the attention, little star. Have a good day princess! ;)
• South Korea
12 Apr 13
oh you don't have to point it out joizee, i know its not a good thing to be in a hospital duh.. but yes i'm really enjoying it while it last because it doesn't happen everyday. Its just that i feel like i don't really have a lot of friends specially your staying in a foreign country,turns out i'm wrong. its also an eye opener to appreciate those people who never thought would be bothered.
@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
Why are you in the hospital my princess? What happen? Anyway, get well soon. It really is hard to get sick these days. I am glad your family and friends are always there to support you. You can survive this crisis, I know you can because you are a talented, responsible and strong women. Many will pray for your faster recovery. Hopefully soon. I am glad you can still visit mylot despite of your condition. Keep praying and surely you will be rewarded. God Bless and be strong..
@pals101 (2010)
• Philippines
15 Apr 13
I get it now, so that's why you were in the hospital my princess, Hopefully you can get well soon. I am sure the operation is a success. Never lose hope. You can do it because many people are praying for you including me. It's great you are recovering fast, never get tempted again to do things that can trigger again this disease. Stay fit, healthy and beautiful..
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
Aww thank you very much those really lift my spirit^^ I've created another discussion before why I end u at the hospital, I needed an operation for acute cholecystitis, to make it easy to understand the food you take couldn't really digest properly so it cause a terrible ain, and in my case operation is the only way.. It's really ainful even the operation. So from now on I will really try to stay healthy and fit, you should too..we all should. prevention is always better than curing. You'll never know how painful it is until you have it..really sux.. but i'm recovering really fast now. thank you ^^
• South Korea
15 Apr 13
Yeah I promise myself I would change my lifestyle to be more and more healthier gosh after these operation I realize I'm still lucky because I only have this problem, and after this its like a second chance again for me. When I was at the hospital its really sad to see that there's a lot of people who were sick.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
HI there princess, Well it has been a while since ive had that kind of luck in my life but i think that in due time if it will also happen to me (being with some old friends all of a suddne) it might occur and I would have tons of things to share to them. And i might be the center of attracton maybe for a little while.
• South Korea
15 Apr 13
Haha thats okay atleast you know that they are very concern to you for them to put those attention.^^
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
Even though I get together with my friends whom I didn't see for a very long time, I'm not sure if I could get their attention.. ahahaha I'm the kind of person who just like to listen and watch.
@deodavid (4150)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
Then good for you my friend, for me i tend to get attention even though sometimes i dont want it, it can get annoying sometimes because it is not always a positive kind of attention but most of the time it's cool anyway nice discussion on this one i can really realate on some incidence that i have had the chance to be with people i knew and just got together with after a long time.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
12 Apr 13
Hi, I also had very minor operation of removing lump on my back. there is nothing serious. But I am receiving many phone calls from that day. I feel very happy as everybody is worried about me. I had not to stay in hospital so I am not getting gifts like you. I also feel myself as a star of attraction.
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• South Korea
12 Apr 13
i mean it feels so good right? when friends and family are checking you up, it could be annoying if they do it often, but for those you haven't seen for a long time. it could be a really good feeling .
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
13 Apr 13
hospital? attention? hmmmm i don't like the feeling of getting attention when I was in the hospital, when I was hospitalized nobody knew except my sister who will be with me to do some bath and going to the toilet thing. however, I kept myself beautiful hahaha (for the doctors hehehe flirty me). I wear my lipstick. and puffed some powder, not makeup really, but I made sure that I have my pressed powder and my red lipstick with me. hihihi such flirt...
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
omg so true! even though I am already married I'm still conscious on how I look. well just because your married doesn't mean you became blind too..ahaha I think its always best for woman to try to look on their best. but that time its really hard for me to move, but not to type here in my lot ahaha.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
13 Apr 13
hahaha yes....
@AJ1952Chats (2332)
• Anderson, Indiana
17 Apr 13
Whenever I know I've made another person's life better, I have that feeling. Like, I have this really dear friend who was murdered in 1978 and would have been 86 this past April 11. I wrote this tribute to him: http://goodbye-before-hello-after.blogspot.com/2013/04/roberto-lehouse-41127-91178-would-have.html His son was only 12 years old at the time of Roberto's murder, and he's now 47. We have just recently re-connected at some social sites, and he told me that what I'd written helped him to get some much-needed closure. This made me feel really warm and fuzzy inside. I don't know if you would actually call that being the star attraction, but, as a writer, I like to know that what I write is making a positive difference in the lives of others in some ways, so feedback like this is always welcome.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
13 Apr 13
I don't remember the last time anyone did anything like that for me...
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
oh so sorry to hear that, but at least no negative reasons too for you to be the star of attraction.
@sonusd (1547)
• India
13 Apr 13
This is general courtesy by every civilized person to visit a medical admitted person. I can feel your feelings by getting attention from your friends and relatives, if you believe in superstitious then I want to say by getting so many visitors ( well wishers) and their pray you will get recover soon from your operation wounds.
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
I am a solid believer of prayer. I am also a kind of person that appreciates every little thing somebody did for me. I also believe in what goes around comes around.
• India
12 Apr 13
Thanks for sharing We do the same, once your friend, relatives know you are sick and admitted in hospital they are sure to visit you, some come with fruits, some flowers and some with food of your choice; it is really pleasant Well you can know who are your real friends.
• South Korea
12 Apr 13
Well I cant blame those friends and family who wasn't able to visit me, I know how busy they are, but of course I was surprise because those people who I never thought will visit me, are actually the one who did.
@natliegleb (5175)
• India
13 Apr 13
i was when i was performing my computer program applications,i got an appreciatement statement from one of my clients and he praised me duly
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
aww sounds very confident..ahaha but I feel you there,where the one who put effort into it, so we kinda know the possible results.^^
• India
13 Apr 13
I think getting a lot of attraction is one of the greatest feelings in the world.It used to happen to me whenever I conducted class seminars but it was long ago.I wish if I could gone back to those days.Those were the days hmm.Anyway I hope you get well soon.
• South Korea
13 Apr 13
oh come on at least you are left with those memories, some people doesn't get tht kind of chance in their lifetime(I mean conducting class seminars) Of course there is a lot of way to get notice, either positive or negative.