Do you use work-planners, weekly, monthly ?

@greenline (14838)
April 21, 2013 8:16pm CST
With many things to finish at the work place, I have been using work-planners, weekly and monthly. They are indeed very helpful in keeping matters on schedule, and to meet the target dates. How about you ? Do you use work-planners, weekly, monthly ?
5 responses
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
To keep track of the things that needs to be done, I always use a planner. I list down everything in there and maintain a checklist so that I know what needs to be attended to immediately. Without my planner, I'm completely lost and I wouldn't know what to do :)
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
26 Apr 13
You are perfectly right. I agree with you totally. Me too, without a planner I would be a t a loss too, and miss my schedules.
@cttolledo (5455)
• Legaspi, Philippines
22 Apr 13
I am using work planner from monday to friday... ( working days) I always check on my planner if we have meetings, schedule of my compliance with the government agencies..I used to write down remarks every time I've done something as scheduled on my planner and before going home I write down my schedule for tomorrow...
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
26 Apr 13
I can see that you always have your activities well planned and schedule. That is excellent. Yeah, one cannot miss the commitments and target dates !
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
22 Apr 13
Hi there Greenline! Well, I do not have an actual planner but I do have a big calendar that I use for that purpose. I write important events, deadlines and things that I need to remember on their specific dates. It helps me a lot since I am a very forgetful person. I also use the alarm feature of my mobile phone to remind me hours or days before the event, depending on the occasion.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
26 Apr 13
Hello Nanay. Yes, that certainly helps a lot for getting day-to-day things properly organized. Have you marked what you will do tomorrow ? Any way, have a nice day !
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
22 Apr 13
Since I am not working any more, I have no need of a planner most of the time now. However, when I was working, I found it hard to get anything done without a planner to help me keep things organized...
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
26 Apr 13
Well, you are fortunate that you can relax better compared to the time you were working. Those years must be very busy and stressful at times, I would assume, and that would certainly need a good planner !
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
22 Apr 13
Work planners work for me,so i use it for weekly cuz i probably couldn't make a plan even for a month,so i think weekly would be great to use.I remember once i saw a movie and the girl was using day planner for her speech and it worked quite well.
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
26 Apr 13
Sounds wonderful. The plan for the week already certainly would have things in order. Me too, I would focus on the week first.