What Got You Started In Making Money Online?

United States
April 23, 2013 9:02pm CST
I'm sure most here are interested in making money online but what made you decide to do so? Did you randomly do a search or did a friend convince you? Is there a certain site that helped or not? As for me I was in need of making money and I just randomly decided to search one day. The first site I ever joined and still am a member of is Swagbucks. I've had much luck with it and now am much more active on it. After that I just kept researching sites and now I'm friends with many on Facebook and Twitter who have told me sites they use that pay out good. Being a college student now I'm even more interested in sites to make money and I've even took the risk in sites that involve paying money to help you earn more and I've actually had success with them. Of course I do research these sites and make sure those who tell me aren't trying to scam me. I even have started a blog to tell others of my sites because I'm sure if I did a search others will too and I just hope those who come across my blog or anyone else will have luck too. It definitely is possible to earn online and the more time you put in some sites the more you will earn. I just hate that some sites I've really enjoyed have went away but at least before they shut down I was still able to earn. But in the end it's the first site I ever joined that I still see is here which is Swagbucks.
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18 responses
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
24 Apr 13
I was unemployed and needed cash, a friend of mine told me about FusionCash. FusionCash was the very first site I ever joined and I made good money on there also. Ever since I have joined a couple of different sites but have only stayed active in about 3, and occasionally will go on one other site. I also joined Swagbucks and it has become one of my favorite sites, it really helps me out a lot at times. I use the gift cards, paypal, and other gifts at times. I actually think it is one of the easiest sites to earn on, and is worth my time. I have been on sites in the best where I only earn a couple of cents for hours of work; I gave those sites up because they weren’t worth my time. I didn’t see any reason to continue doing this type of work if I was only going to get paid a couple of cents. In all honesty, my favorite online making money websites are Mylot, Swagbucks, Fusioncash and I will occasionally go on Inboxdollars but I don’t care for that one. There was a long period of time when I stopped doing all the sites but I need the money now again, so I am back on here! I have to say Mylot is actually one that I enjoy and it doesn’t feel like work!
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@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
2 May 13
@PrettiMamita I don't know if you are aware of this but Mylot will not be paying their members anymore.
• United States
3 May 13
@o2bnocn I wrote this before it changed it. I realize that now though lol. I'll still continue to use the site still even if doesn't pay,maybe just not as much though.
@o2bnocn (2992)
• United States
3 May 13
@PrettiMamita OK I just wanted to make sure you knew.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
24 Apr 13
Yeah I remember clearly how I started my online adventure. I was separated from my family because I need to stay in the place where I was working in preparation for my training. Since I was alone I decided to look for a part time job. I can't find a job in the place because most of the jobs available need to work full time. That was when I decided to try online. I went through a lot of scam sites before I actually find some legit sites. I can't ask anybody because until this time, I am the only one doing this kind of stuff in our office. I can say that I've already learned some things but there are still a lot of things to be learned. I'm happy with my present achievements but I'll be happier if I could share it with others. Have a wonderful day!
1 person likes this
• United States
2 May 13
Well I know here on mylot is a great place to start to share with others, of course there are rules to go by so be careful doing so. But if you do some research online you'll find other similar sites that aren't as strict as well as multiple forums. There's also many groups on Facebook I've come across where people will share multiple ways they earn but on there you have to be really careful of scammers.
@nishdan01 (3051)
• Singapore
24 Apr 13
It is always good to earn online. Earning online is fun and we can good income, but requires lot of hardwork. Most of all we need the right skills to make a good sum. Scams are out there, but we must take the first step of trying it out to see if it works.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
I started searching for possible online earning sites when there were no projects coming in from my online job. Out of the 20 or so sites that I have been, there were only about 5 legit sites which I have maintained. I am no longer working online and it is hard to put up a business or work in an office, so I try to earn something through several sites now. I don;t earn much, but at ,least, I would always have something in my pocket.
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@mohkanari (1957)
• India
24 Apr 13
Hello PrettiMamita, Certainly Swagbucks is a great site with effortless good earnings. As you said we can identify reliable sites with good earnings by searching purposefully. Another way to enhance online earnings is making good number of referrals. If you are interested we can exchange referral links of good paying sites. So please inform me. I have already joined at Swagbucks. [I have made a request for your friendship. Hope that you see it.]
@vip25sc (48)
• Thailand
24 Apr 13
I started making money online few years ago but it doesn't continueouse go. I started, disappeared from the system comback agian. Most of them is just waste of my time. well, but I still hang around making money online. Also, I almost have 24 hours online, which drawn me back to the make money online again. I think that currently there are more choices for makeing money online, which I hope I will find the one that is the right one for me. I am thinking of writing blog but wasn't sure that I will enjoy doing it. But it is my near future plan and mylot is preliminary writhing of mine.
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• India
24 Apr 13
Pretti beti Glad to know you are in college, good if you can earn money much online, but i doubt, earning is always slow, better concentrate in your studies, if you have time pass time here in mylot and join some writing sites. by the way, what course you study?
• United States
2 May 13
I definitely plan to concentrate more on studies once I start college to get my bachelors in Accounting. I am on other writing sites besides mylot such as bubblews and gather. Also there's a few sites that all I do is watch videos and even though it takes time to earn it's better than nothing and when I have time I will fill out offers.
• India
24 Apr 13
I am a rheumatoid arthritis patient and have been on bed since 2004. It was my cousin brother who told me to do something online. Something that will keep me busy and also help me earn. I began with blogging and then did some micro jobs, surveys and now mylot. Everything has paid me something and I am satisfied with whatever I have been able to earn online. I do keep looking for new ways as I want to keep progressing.
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
During my free time, I usually look at Yahoo comments on recent news. I came across a comment advising bashers not to waste their time criticizing the news but invest them in online sites for additional earnings. Since it included an email address, I sent a message which was immediately responded to and referred me to Webanswers.com, an online site similar to myLot that pays good money for informative discussions. From my participation in the site, I found out about the feasibility of earning online from legitimate sites. It's been 2 years and I am still with the same online employer I found from my search.
@cttolledo (5455)
• Legaspi, Philippines
25 Apr 13
A year ago, I had this friend who keep on convincing me to maximize the usage of my internet and computer, she told me to that I can earn online if I want.. At first I didn't show interest but when she showed me her earnings , I was impressed and from now on I decided to join in online paying sites.. Until now she's the one who are giving me sites that really pays.. I just rely on her since I have no idea of those sites ... because a lot of scam sites online are active ...
• United States
2 May 13
I agree there's a lot of scam sites. A lot of my friends have told me from seeing me talk about them they always thought all were scams but now they know they aren't since I post proof of my earnings.
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Hello there! I just started working online last February of this year. It was my husband who encouraged me to do it since he heard from a batch mate that there are various online jobs available to stay-at-home moms like me. I also wanted to make money for myself even if I'm at home and I want to get my mind working as well. So I signed up with oDesk and tried my luck there. But since after a few weeks of not being able to land a job, I looked for other ways to earn online. So here I am in myLot :) And eventually, I landed a few contracts in oDesk which paid me really well.
@lizziegee (297)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Hello. I am just starting to learn to make money online. I am a stay-at-home full time mother to my two kids, and my husband is working abroad. I am looking for good online jobs because I want to save so my husband wouldn't have to leave again for work. I hate being far from him, and I figured that since I can't work yet because no one will look after the kids, I might as well resort to the internet.
25 Apr 13
Financial problem pushed me to search jobs onlines. Nobody recruited or referred me, instead i'm the one who find some different opportunities offered online.
• Bucharest, Romania
26 Dec 13
Did you ever imaginated did you can make money from playing games? It is posible now, there are lots of games that offer you the posibility to exchange vitural currency in real money. I tryed most of them and the best, in my opinion, is marketglory. Marketglory is a browser-based economy game, where you have options like: fighting, participating wars,creating companies to sell products, working, getting bonuses for your refferals activity. It is easy to play and only takes a few minutes a day. Also free to play- of course, you have the posibility to invest if you want. Register now here: and I will help you with guides and free products, for a better start. Join our most than 30.000 players community now and start making money by having fun!
MarketGlory is a strategy game, economic, political, social and military strategy game, in which you have possibility to convert your virtual currency into real money.
@airasheila (5454)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
A pleasant day to you PrettiMamita, First of all, I want to commend you for a nice post. Well, as for me here, at first, doing an online task is just like doing a past time. As in, I am not too serious though I know I can really earn from here. Perhaps, during those times, I have a high-paying job. But, as time goes by, I have learn to appreciate it though I am not after the money being earned. What, I like most is the appreciation that people shows plus the new friends that I am gaining day by day. Until such time that I loose the job that I have, so I need to divert my time into another venture. Until that venture didn't went through so I need to think of ways on how to earn more. And one of the earning ways that I have learned and need to adhere is the way on how to earn online. Better to say, making money online.
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Hi PrettiMamita! My health condition is what made me venture into money making online. Hehe. It's a blessing in disguise. I have worked in 2 different countries before and experienced earning better than working on my own country. I went home to undergo surgery but I wasn't able to do that yet because I don't have the cash to spend for operation and I don't have someone to take care of me for that. My loved ones are also outside my country and have their own family (Siblings). Anyways, I'm glad that I am successful working online and it really helped me a lot knowing my capabilities working from home and earning good amount of dollars. It helped me on paying my monthly bills while taking some food supplements that boost my immune system. Slowly I am saving for my operation. There are plenty of websites that helped me and most of them are from article writing jobs. I started selling online via Facebook and Multiply.com as reseller then later on as direct supplier. I left my online shop since I can earn better via writing online. God is great!
@joizee (502)
• Philippines
24 Apr 13
Hi PrettiMamita! :) Nice topic you got there. You can definitely have infinite responses to this. As for me, having a child was the top reason I choose online work. My husband and I just had our first born. Since it's our first child, we decided to be more focused and learn how to be a parent on our own. I agreed to my husband's decision since there are lots of opportunities online. I started as an online English tutor. It was very satisfying aside from the pay because I can have a constant brushing up of conversational skills and be able to have new circle of friends too. I'm almost 3 years in this work, too and I have already been promoted as a business English tutor and new tutor trainer as well. Then my company introduced much flexible tutorial hours so I was overly excited to try early mornings and afternoon lessons. But now I feel exhausted talking for 5-7 hours straight. That's why I opted to try online writing jobs. And now I'm here in myLot. ;) My child's almost at the age of going to school, so I am starting to contemplate whether to have regular, outside job or just continue home-based jobs. Hope you enjoy my story :)
24 Apr 13
What made me look for ways to earn money online was that I needed to pay for my thesis. There are a lot of scam site but I'm fortunate to know beforehand that I should not pay anything for registration. I've always been dreaming to have my own car and a house and also, I would love to travel. This is why I'm doing everything I can to earn money and save.