What is the worst disease in the world?

April 25, 2013 3:47am CST
I think too much about it and I just find one disease which is main for other disease... The ill is not the one who has some health problem but the real ill is the one who has humanity problem.... whatever I think I just reach to one point and that is IGNORANCE which I can notice it as the worst disease for human beings... the base of why we hurt others, why we lie, why we are jealous, why we do wrong is just something behind and I see only Ignorance.. and ignorance come when we do not know... and when we do not know that we do not have enough knowledge about the life..... and I feel that we have only a great way to come over it, they key to come over this problem and all wrong done is just to increase our knowledge each time in our life.. we should give it that much importance like how we give importance to our daily food and our stomach... I really wish our world will become clean from that disease and with knowledge of love and humanity we make it a real heaven here to live in.... Thanks
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8 responses
@kheigh (215)
25 Apr 13
I would say it's GREED. They want more than they need. Greed leads to corruption. And corruption kills many people. Some people are just too greedy for money, power, etc. They do not care if poor people die because of poor health, if youth could not afford education, if we all die from calamities. So, yeah, greed.
1 person likes this
• India
25 Apr 13
so why people feel Greed? is not that because they are selfish and wants to have more and more and for that they do wrongs?? what is the base of being greed?? is not that ignorance behind as we do not know about the life and what is laws of humanity...? that is why make us to be greedy of whatever else..
• India
25 Apr 13
but what is that make us to be greedy????? is not it cause we do not know why we born and what actual life is????
@dagami (1158)
• Rome, Italy
25 Apr 13
i agree with you, kheigh. greed is the disease whatwe have to eradicate if we want a better life for all of us. ignorance is not the basis of greed. most greedy people know the ill effects of their actions but these do not hamper them because they want more and more. they're greedy for everything.
@dogsnme (1264)
• United States
25 Apr 13
That's an interesting point of view. It would be easy to say that the worst disease in the world is cancer or AIDS or some other medical condition that strictly affects the body. But, you've approached it from a whole other perspective. However, in that case, I would say that sin is the worst disease in the world. Sin is the root from which all other maladies grow from, including ignorance. Sin, or more specifically, disobedience to God, is what made God's perfect creations, imperfect. Sin encompasses every possible imperfection we experience in this life. Cancer, AIDS, jealousy, greed, lying, war, selfishness, vanity, corruption....and the list goes on.....are all byproducts of the disease that no one on earth is immune to...SIN.
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• India
25 Apr 13
thanks for sharing,, you are right about sin... all other members that replied to this discussion they mentioned about greed, but why to forget that Greed, lies, corruption, war, selfishness, jealousy and.. all are SIN.. which God want human being to not do it.. why ? because God is the only knowledge, he knows everything, make things from nothing whenever he wants... he is our creator and love us, he does not want us to do wrong, because wrong make us to suffer in the life.. he show us the straight and forward way if we do his commands... he want us to reach to the point which he is..... but we go this way and that way, wrong ways and we fell dawn and stand and suffer and suffer and hurt..... isnot it? if we have the knowledge of God to know why that is bad for us then we would never do it again.... so why we do SIN is cause we are in our ignorance, we are not awake fully to see and hear,, weak in our knowledge... that is what I want to say!
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
26 Apr 13
Love, happiness, care faith, etc will always make everyone happy.
• India
26 Apr 13
Thanks for your nice comment, I really appreciate whatever you have said here... and Hello ajithlal, well, I think when we can full fill our hears with love that we come to know about the reality of God and life , why we are here! when we come to know the answer of this question then we will see we do not need to be bad and that is the time we can make our heart full of love and when we start loving each other, then Happiness happens , and when we are happy and make others happy, then no need for tears, for sorrows, for sins.... for ignorance.... because we are full of knowledge of what God wants us to have and to know....
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
26 Apr 13
I also think that ignorance can be one of the worst diseases. I think most probably when are happy and when we make happy we will have less disease and also I think it is good to have less stress and relax. I also think that when we increase our wisdom and love others and make others love and receive love and care we will have a very good life.
• India
26 Apr 13
yes, when we love others and we receive love and care, then that is a real happy life, imagine if everybody live like that then our earth can be a heaven so what we have to do for that to happen is just to start changing ourselves in that way by increasing knowledge of love and humanity and teach that to those who live with us who are surrounding us...
• India
25 Apr 13
For me it's tension. Once tension sets in, human body is unable to cope up with. Health starts deteriorating. HIV don't make people life hell, it's tension that creates life hell. Having detected HIV, a person can live his life up to 8 years healthy if he takes life in a positive way.
• India
25 Apr 13
well, tension is base of all body disease and mental disease
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
26 Apr 13
The worst disease in the world is lack of empathy and compassion for ourselves and others. All diseases take hold with a negative attitude and most diseases can be cured by eating a healthy diet. We all must learn to treat others as though it was our inner selves that we were taking care of. The world can be cruel but with love and compassion we can solve so many of the diseases that plague this world.
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• India
26 Apr 13
you are right, we can cruel with love and compassion but love and compassion comes only when we know the reason for love, when we know why God has made us and why we live in this body in the earth and what is the reason we born.... so it is knowledge which make us to full fill our hearts with love
• India
25 Apr 13
hi extremefun4fun, i am also an indian. anyway i would like to tell you one thing that the wrost disease may be AIDS. because the HIV virus will kill our immunity power so that the body will be a godown of a lot of disease
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• India
25 Apr 13
so how AIDs comes from and how it create? is not that ignorance of human being.. to be with monkeys? or just same gender.... relation....?! is not that base of human being ignorance.. ?
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
24 Jan 14
Ignorance is easily cured by some common sense and some research.
@hebeyy (13)
• Hangzhou, China
24 Jan 14
Sometimes the part of us which needs medicine is our mind,we think too much of ourselves about the hurt both in our body and metal.If we think we are sick mentally,then we can really be hit by the disease.