the rudest thing I've done....

@Cutie18f (9551)
April 26, 2013 7:47pm CST
Well, I know that I've done a number of rude things in my life but there is one incident that tops them all. How about you? What was the rudest thing you have done to others in your life? I hope you will be honest enough to share your own experience because I am now spilling mine. It happened years ago, I was at the supermarket and was at the elevated part of the place. I was heading down and was walking towards one area where I could safely go down from that elevated place, but there was a lady or woman who was going to my direction, she was also going to the elevated area, it's not really high, but we met in one spot where only one can pass. I do not know what came into my head, but I did the rudest thing in the world. I pushed her back down so I can pass. Yes, she went back down after I pushed her. Oh my God! I will never do it again although I know what I did did not really hurt her, but she only got pushed back down. Your thoughts?
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6 responses
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Ouch! what has gotten into your head that time that made you push her? Were you having a bad day? I have not done something rude to others. I try to be really careful and considerate with people I don't know. Not unless they provoke me, then I would be as rude as them.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
It just came into my head. She saw me trying to go down and she went ahead and tried to go up and only one can pass so I pushed her. LOL
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
2 May 13
@Cutie18f you are so funny!
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
29 Apr 13
Who cares, it was not even that mean. I can think of a lot of other things you could have done that would have been mean but not that. Either you or her would have had to back up to does it really matter who. Don't let that make you feel bad because it wasn't rude at all.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
It wasn't? Well, it's true I have done a lot of other rude things but I consider that as the rudest.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
27 Apr 13
The rudest thing I did was to have a right go at this woman in the building society when I was paying in my cheques, she didn't realize I was in the queue, well what was I stand there for? To be part of the furniture and when she moved in front of me I had a right go at me, all she could say was 'why are you being so hostile'? I was fuming, and my anger got the better of me, I couldn't wait to get out of there, I used a different branch after that. Sometimes we are not in the right head space and our 'aggressive side' comes out when we least expect if, of course we feel guilty afterwards, it's like the devil has surely possessed us, because we don't know what came over us and it's something so out of character, being rude to someone!
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
I agree Wolfie. Each of us do have our own mean side when the occasion calls for it.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 13
hi cutie I guess it would be yesterday when this male resident that I really do not like very well came running for the elevator and some wicked implus made me not hold the door for him so he had to wait til I got off. lol that was really rude of me as I pride myself on not doing those things. I just get all bristly when I am around him as hes a braggart and also I think hes a liar but still I should not have done that. You should not have done that to the poor woman either. I should have held the elevator for him I have no excuse at all.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Apr 13
Yep, Hatley! We all have those days when we just become rude. I shouldn't have done that but I did.
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
I recall one day when I boarded a mini bus full of passengers. There was a girl sitting at the front at the passageway, just to the right of the driver but closer to the exit, because females would rather sit than stand. I climbed up the bus, it moved, as I go further to the back my left leg got stuck at the girl's face. It's just the side of her face I thought and it will dislodge. Boy was I wrong. Her face still stuck to my leg and her head turned counter-clockwise. I felt guilty after that.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
Oh boy. That was something. I didn't want to be that girl, Cowboy.
@averygirl72 (37854)
• Philippines
28 Apr 13
Speaking of rudeness, I don't know, but I am careful not to be rude to anybody maybe so I won't feel guilty afterwards. However, recently I've realized in this world there are lots of rude people so eventually I did became rude too, just to protect myself from rude people. Now if your rude to me, expect that I am rude too. Recently I have so many rudeness which I think is just right, some slight rudeness because I really don't feel like being nice.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
Yes Avery, I think we need a dose of it from time to time.