Why Doesn't America's Schooling-System Wake Up to Its Constant Failure?

@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
April 26, 2013 9:55pm CST
Because--like Amazon.com--it's only reason to exist is to keep on existing. Sure, it kinda helps people stay useful to others as they entertain themselves (yes, still talking about BOTH Amazon.com & school). They are only run by people who have been through them---if I were to apply for a school's principal-position, the hirers would just laugh and have me 'escorted' out of the room! Do you have a differing view? Maybe think they have some BETTER reason to stay the same?
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2 responses
• India
27 Apr 13
If you want it to change what other type of education system would u suggest... Atleast you learn most stuff by doing.. You don't end up "mugging" your text books since the teachers expect everything down to every last punctuation to be as is in the book, in order to get a decent pass... You should probably be happy with your system...
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
27 Apr 13
I guess I would suggest something similar to what Napoleon Hill kinda suggests in his classic book Think & Grow Rich: as the root of "education" means 'to produce from within,' I would have students' advancement-&-graduation depend upon the usefulness of their production. If they learn to do something (from taxes to musical-performance), have them do that for people & learn whatever else they need to learn as they would need to from that (rather than learn it all as 'the answers to some trivia-quiz they're taking later'). Home-schooling, more like.
• United States
28 Apr 13
The answer is money. The Suits at the top want to keep getting paid. If we Really cleaned up the school system , about 95%of the suits would be gone.Many positions would disappear and New, less expensive people would take the places they keep open.no one who is in the system wants that. And sadly many a parent hated school but think that is the way it suppose to be. Plus they are way too busy making money so the children can eat and sleep at home to push for a difference. The parents that are fed up are ho,e schooling their kids. So here we sit . It is broken but may never get fixed.