My life

Green Bay, Wisconsin
October 7, 2013 2:15pm CST
My life has been up and down. I am a medical mystery I like to say because I have experienced many health issues no doctor has ever been able to pinpoint. I have seen many doctors in my area, specialists and gone to Milwaukee to the Children's Hospital. Many theories have been created however we have never recieved one specific factual answer. Are any of you dealing with medical problems which have not been diagnosed?
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4 responses
• Calgary, Alberta
7 Oct 13
My eyes hurt when I just woke up after sleeping, they feel really tired. Also my colds never leave me alone, I have colds all year
• United States
10 Oct 13
sounds like allergies to me capt...
• United States
10 Oct 13
i know many people who deal with this. there are many things that can't be diagnosed traditionally. what kind of specialists are you seeing? what are the possible issues? there are many conflict ions and diseases out there that are diagnosed more by elimination than anything else...
• Moradabad, India
8 Oct 13
I think the doctors have turned in to Leech. Is it not a shame ? Doctors ask the patients about the desease the patient is suffering from.The doctors do not have any consideration for the poor. Thanks
@Redisis (52)
• Henderson, Tennessee
8 Oct 13
Doctors are just people. They study and so by books then think they know it all. I work with a Doctor who is like this. Have you tried natural medicine? Sometime the simplest way is the best.