the special scenery on the bus

By Abby
Beijing, China
July 4, 2014 8:33am CST
I am reading my book on the bus , there's no seat left for me , so I just stand on the front of the bus ,beside the bus driver who is one of the men I admire very much . at that time , I feel fulfillment filled with my heart . a man's phone rang ,he received it and the voice just came into my ears vaguely . then a little boy's voice , he said that "mommy , I am going to your place and I am on the bus" I must addressed that there's enjoyment and happiness and excitement filled with his voice . the next second , he is sobbing and said sadly "no , I just want to go to your place" then he was just crying without hesitation which attracted my attention I smiled happily that's what baby means even though he will be a man who will meet many different kinds of setbacks ,and he must undertake much burden in his future life at his childhood time ,he is so easy , if he is happy ,he just laugh. and if he is sad ,he cry ,in the crowd under so much eyesight that's to say ,if his need is satisfied , he is happy . if not , he is sad no consideration about his vanity no need to pretend that's what we really are the real thing is the special scenery of our life does it ridiculous ? does it need to be considered deeply ? I am smiling
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