Watching SpongeBob SquarePants - Do You Still Watch Cartoons?

United States
September 11, 2015 3:09pm CST
There is nothing on cable right now that interests me, so SpongeBob it is! Yes, I perhaps it's a little odd for a 22 year old to be watching SpongeBob, but oh well! It's entertaining. So, who cares. I also find other cartoons entertaining, however, some are more for young adults. Some of the cartoons I watch are The Regular Show, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Chowder, Metalocolypse, King of the Hill, Family Guy, American Dad, and Squidbillies. Do you still watch cartoons? Which ones do you still like?
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11 responses
• India
11 Sep 15
I watch cartoons even though I am 20 years old. But I am not into most of the recent cartoon shows. The only new ones that I watch are Adventure Time and The Simpsons. But its the older ones that still makes me still burst out laughing. Anything from Tom and Jerry, Johnny Bravo to Road Runner, Flintstones, Powerpuff Girls makes me feel like a hyperactive ten year old.
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• United States
11 Sep 15
I love Tom and Jerry, that is a good one for sure!
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• United States
12 Sep 15
@DanieGirl80587 It's a classic! My Dad loved it as well.
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• United States
11 Sep 15
@Angelee_27 Tom and Jerry was epic when I was younger. I could watch it for hours.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
11 Sep 15
Yeah why not they are funny.
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• United States
11 Sep 15
Yep, they sure are!
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• United States
11 Sep 15
@Angelee_27 I love cartoons and you named off some of my favorite ones! Courage The Cowardly Dog is one of my all time favs and they just put it on Netflix. If you have that, should be a treat for you. (: I prefer American Dad over Family Guy because Family Guy goes a little far, but I still enjoy most of their shows. King Of The Hill is absolutely hilarious. I can't get enough of that show. The Regular Show is great. I don't see that one on tv as much anymore. Another great show I LOVED was Boo and the house of Imaginary Friends. It's on Netflix too or was last time I checked. I think it's a good kid show. I'm 20 years old and I don't see a problem at all with it. I much prefer that then the MTV shows any day.
• United States
12 Sep 15
I watched all the episodes of The Regular Show on Hulu, there are still some I haven't seen though since they haven't put them up on Hulu yet.
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• United States
12 Sep 15
@makahutch Netflix is easier to navigate, however, they mostly have the movies and Hulu mostly has the TV shows. I used to have Netflix but switched to Hulu because of the selection of TV shows I liked.
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• United States
12 Sep 15
@Angelee_27 I used to have Hulu, but I found Netflix easier to navigate. I'm not sure if The Regular Show is on there or not though.
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
11 Sep 15
I love to watch cartoons! I love phineas and ferb! Those cartoons are amazing.
• United States
11 Sep 15
I never got into Phineas and Ferb but I've heard of it. What is it about?
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• United States
11 Sep 15
@fufurinha Hmm, that sounds pretty good! I'm going to have to check it out sometime.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
11 Sep 15
@Angelee_27 It is always the same. 2 brothers, on summer holidays, that are building up gigantic things in the backyard (like a roller coaster) while their ornithorhyncus is trying to save the world (there is a bad guy always trying to kill everybody). Meanwhile their mum is out and is sister is desperate trying to call her mum to see what her brothers have done. When she finally gets home, there is nothing in the backyard! It is really funny ahaha
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
12 Sep 15
@Angelee_27, yes sometimes I like to watch cartoons, especially one called "Caillou" it is so well done!
@TLChimes (4822)
• United States
12 Sep 15
My grandson is a HUGE fan of Caillou. My children watched him too.
• United States
12 Sep 15
@TLChimes It's a great show for children. They won't learn any bad habits from that show, like from some of these other cartoons they have.
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• United States
12 Sep 15
I used to watch that when I was younger, along with Authur and Clifford the Big Red Dog. However, I don't watch those anymore, I've lost interest in those since I've aged.
@ZHVegas (248)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
11 Sep 15
I Would if I still watched TV, but I don't anymore, I really like spongebob, simpsons, futurama, and some really more unknow cartoons that I watched some years ago(Shaolin Showdown, Oban Star Racers, Code Lyoko; Long time I don't watch these), nowadays I am more into Anime that I can easily find online... Sometimes when I feel into it, I search some old cartoons online to watch, but it's very rarely...
• United States
11 Sep 15
Ooh, you mentioned some that I left off my list (simpsons, futurama). May I ask why you don't watch TV anymore?
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@ZHVegas (248)
• Sao Paulo, Brazil
11 Sep 15
@Angelee_27 Hmm Well, I think the computer took it's place... Exactly when I started using the internet, I watched less and less TV, to a point that I don't watch it anymore, when I was younger, It was TV all day, every minute home, playing and watching... When I got to the internet it began to be internet all day, learning things, watching online, and playing... I kinda just changed screens!
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• United States
11 Sep 15
@ZHVegas Hmm, interesting. I tend to use the computer and watch TV at the same time, haha Just glance at the TV from time to time while I'm myLotting or browsing the internet.
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@owstalaga (4707)
• Philippines
11 Sep 15
Yeah I still watch cartoons/anime at my age though the frequency has been lessening over the years somehow. Not that I don't like them anymore but simply because I watch more live action these days.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
27 Sep 15
I watch it whenever I stumble it on TV especially when I am doing something, it can really relieve any stress I got.
@kataomoi (708)
• Japan
12 Sep 15
I don't go out and purposely watch cartoons, but I watch it if it happens to be on. I don't think it's a bad thing. I like being a kid at heart, lol.
• United States
12 Sep 15
Nothing wrong with being a kid at heart, it's fun!
@kataomoi (708)
• Japan
13 Sep 15
Indeed. I plan to watch the Spongebob movie on Netflix when I have time :)
• United States
11 Sep 15
Some cartoons are funny. I'm not a fan of SpongeBob whatsoever. I like Futurama and Family Guy.
• United States
11 Sep 15
Spongebob isn't my favorite by any means, but it's something to watch.
@IvySaysHi (4467)
• United States
11 Sep 15
I still watch cartoons and I will be 20 this year. I thought when I was younger that when I grew up I would not watch them anymore but so much for that!