What does happiness means for you?

@fufurinha (11930)
September 17, 2015 2:15pm CST
I guess that the feeling of happiness can vary from person to person. There is no specific definition for happiness. There is nothing saying "do this and that and you will be happy". For me, being happy is to feel good with my life. To have my family, friends and boyfriend by my side. To have a house and some money in my bank account. That is exactly what I have at the moment and I feel good, happy. We need to be happy with what we got and no spending all the time thinking on what we could have. What about you? What is happiness for you? What does make you feel better? Do you feel happy at the moment?
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16 responses
@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 15
Peace and freedom, my family, food, shelter, traveling and books. I agree with @Marcyaz , the key to happiness is to be content with what you have. I've seen people who have nothing and no one but can still live happily, and I've seen those who have everything, envied by others, yet still living miserable lives.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
@cahaya1983 It's good that you are happy
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
So you are happy with your life at the moment?
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@cahaya1983 (11120)
• Malaysia
18 Sep 15
@fufurinha Very happy, not complaining. I wish I can say the same for the rest of the world, too.
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• Mumbai, India
18 Sep 15
Happiness for me is good health, to be able to help others, some money indeed, and some good friends who also share my interests. Being in the lap of nature also makes me happy.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
So you consider yourself happy?
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
@Surinamstar27 What are you trying to achieve?
• Mumbai, India
18 Sep 15
@fufurinha , I am happy now but not very happy because there are some more aims to fulfill. So, I hope that by the end of a few more years I will be happier than now.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
17 Sep 15
To me happiness is being content with what I have, my family, dogs and cats ,friends, house, and my vehicle. Having enough to eat and able to enjoy life.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
17 Sep 15
And are you happy at this moment?
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
17 Sep 15
@fufurinha I am happy, I have a full stomach, warm house, my pets laying at my feet and that makes me happy and content, thanks.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
17 Sep 15
@Marcyaz And I am happy to know that you are happy with your life
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
18 Sep 15
very much unpredictable for me. At times it can be as simple as floating a paper boat on the poodle of water and at times, even a mug of iced coffee or a choco cake doesnt seem to work. At the moment, it is neutral, I am neither happy nor sad.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
18 Sep 15
@fufurinha Maybe some one around whom I would love to talk to
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
@thesids You can talk with me! I'm right here
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
What would make you happy now?
@gudheart (12659)
18 Sep 15
It means for me and my family to be healthy and to be content with our lives and to be at peace.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
@gudheart what's missing?
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
That is a good definition of happiness Are you happy?
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@gudheart (12659)
18 Sep 15
@fufurinha Not there yet no, but I am hoping soon.
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• Quezon City, Philippines
18 Sep 15
Happiness for me means you are satisfied with what you have, a family that is always there for you and a life where you will encounter problems that will mold you to become a better person. We should always smile at our problems because we can find a solution to every problem if we have the strenght of happiness.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
Being positive when facing problems is always a good idea. Are you happy at the moment?
@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
@intal_carl Confidence can help us too. We need to have confidence and positivism in our life.
• Quezon City, Philippines
18 Sep 15
@fufurinha Yes, I'm very happy at that moment because you are determined to face that problem with confidence in yourself that you can overcome that problem.
@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
18 Sep 15
Happiness is a state of mind. We could feel happy seeing a chirpping bird, flowing river, snow on the mountain, thumping waves on a beach or seeing a little kid smile. Happiness is directly related to contentment, if we feel contended, we would feel happy. Positive attitude also keeps us happy. I try to remain positive and contended and if something sad happens I try to divert my mind.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
Being positive will help us to be happier in life.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
21 Sep 15
@fufurinha - You are very right. I hope you remain positive in life?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
21 Sep 15
@dpk262006 I do! At least I try to.
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@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
6 Oct 15
I feel happy when I set myself a goal, and I fullfil it, other things like not having finantial problems, and a healthy family to rely on are important things in life, yet, I think that one can be happy, even in the most extreme circumstances, if our lives are fill with challenges and all those little successes that make it worth living it.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
6 Oct 15
It takes a lot to be happy sometimes. But we need to be happy with what we have.
@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
6 Oct 15
@fufurinha Indeed, I think that happiness is a choice we make, we can choice between being happy, or living worrying for all things. But is not easy sometimes. as all worth things.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
7 Oct 15
@albto_568 Are you happy now?
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
17 Sep 15
Happiness can be a really funny thing to pin down. There are some people who struggle to find their happiness, and there are others who find it a lot easier to grab onto. Guess what they say is true, it's all a matter of opinion and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. For me though, personally, happiness results for one simple thing. Am I doing the best I can? Are my friends and family doing the best they can? Perfection is the white whale many people seek. I take pleasure in the little things which make you smile. The silliness of children for example, they really do have a perspective where we can learn a lot of. A bright sunny day also leads to much happiness. I'm not too hard to please, most of the time. Just the simple things in life. Really, is there anything more?
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
17 Sep 15
You've hit the point! We need to learn to love simply things in life. Last week I was working on my summer job and I just stopped for a minutes (before going to work) just to enjoy the view for the beach. It was perfect!
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
18 Sep 15
You currently know where i am at, Just back from the USA after a broke up in my relationship with my partner, I have nothing apart from a bag of things. No home to go to, no job and so on. However I have myself and feel positive at times things will work out. Being so far down makes you think and stand back and look around you and see the beauty of life and what we have, that makes me happy for now. I'm happy being here on Mylot interacting with other, it's keeping me going.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
18 Sep 15
@fufurinha Totally I love being here and it's good therapy for sure, takes me away from whats out in the real world.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
@kevin1877uk yes, it happens the same with me. there is nothing else while I am here chatting with you folks.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
We can stop thinking about bad things when we are here at myLot. It is like a therapy.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
27 Nov 15
It would be nice to be with someone, to be able to give all my love to that special person in my life.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
29 Nov 15
That person will come, don't worry
@sprite1950 (30453)
• Corsham, England
18 Sep 15
I'm like you, I just need the basics in life. People who care about me and enough money to be comfortable. I don't really hanker after things that are out of my reach. I guess that's called contentment.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
Yes, we have to be happy with what we got. We might as well dream, but not be sad for things we don't have.
@valmnz (17099)
• New Zealand
19 Sep 15
I'm happy with where I'm at with my life at the moment, little money but plenty of riches in my life - my husband, my home, friends, contributing to the community. Life is good.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
19 Sep 15
Money isn't important when we have a lot of other good things in life.
@marlina (154165)
• Canada
18 Sep 15
To me happiness is a lot of little "joys" here and there.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
Enjoying the little things is a secret for true happiness.
@celticeagle (160750)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Sep 15
Yes, feeling good about ones life is very important in whether you are happy or not. My life is my kids(grandkids and daughter)and if they are happy, working and in strong relationships then I am a happy camper.
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@fufurinha (11930)
• Portugal
18 Sep 15
That is a really nice thought. I guess my grandmother thinks like you.
• Bhopal, India
2 Oct 15
M happy , God is always kind.. getting opportunities in work, Making money steadily and happily :) ...My mom is healthy ..M all good.. Hoping and praying the same goes on... God is great, Great is God !! He is always there by my Side... by our side :) Cheers to life !!