We finished reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

@shaggin (71672)
United States
September 23, 2015 8:01pm CST
Every night before bed my kids and I sit down and read together. For the past few weeks we have been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling. We read one chapter a night which is usually about 20 minutes. Tonight we finally read the last chapter. I loved the ending. I was very surprised to find out that Quirrell wound up being in cahoots with Voldemort. I think my favorite character in the book was Hagrid. Hopefully at some point tomorrow I will get down to the library and see if they have the second book in the series for us to read next!
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1 response
@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
24 Sep 15
I used to read them to my daughter until she got old enough to read them herself. They are fantastic books. So much imagination. We have also seen all the movies which are great but not near as great as the books. It is always great to find a book or movie or story that really gets your childrens imagination and wonder running and that is what these books are for my daughter. We would get into long talks about that world and the people and all of it. Fantastic books no doubt.
@shaggin (71672)
• United States
24 Sep 15
Both of my kids read very well. Very advanced for their ages. But thankfully they still love to sit with me and have me read stories to them. I cannot tell you how glad I am that they still like me to do this because it truly is my favorite time of the day getting to sit with them like that. We are all huge book lovers in my family. I agree I liked the book better then the movie. I was just looking at the end of the movie to see where it was that I fell asleep so I can finish watching it. I think though that I will just rewatch the whole thing again. I was very tired while I watched it so it seems like missed a lot more then I realized.