The deal of the century

@topffer (42156)
October 2, 2015 3:08pm CST
You like to organize parties ? You don't want to be disturbed by the barks of your neighbors' dogs ? You want to feel secure at home ? You think that we will have a nuclear war soon ? Then I have found the perfect place for you : an atomic bunker of the ex-Stasi (the Ministry for State Security in the late German Democratic Republic) near the airport of Berlin. But you will not hear the planes and you will not have to clean the windows, because there is no windows. Well, there is a bit of restoration works to do, and it is not cheap (2000 Euros/month not including charges) but it is large : 1000 square meters and 40 rooms ! OMG ! Who would like to live in a place like this ? What would you do with a ruined atomic bunker ? I give the link to the ad, not to advertize for this "deal", but to allow you to see the pictures. If GAA thinks that there is a problem, I will remove the link.
Freizeit allgemein Gosen-Neu Zittau: Atombunker am Stadtrand von Berlin
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30 responses
@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
It doesn't seem like a fun venue for a party to me, so I'd have to say no thanks.
7 people like this
@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
There is a lot of space available and a guarantee that the noise will not be heard outdoors, so I think it would not be bad for a club. Indeed they would need to change the decoration.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
5 Oct 15
It doesn't sound like a fun venue YET, @jaboUK ! If you help me find some really colorful decorations and we get a few people to bring in flat screen tv's with countryside pictures displayed on them, I bet we can fancy it up enough that even @sofssu , @TexanTornado , @purplealabaster , @sishy7 , @yukimori , @PhredWreck , @Rollo1 , @hereandthere , @crazyhorseladycx , @rebelann , @sacmom and any others who felt so inclined would have a good time with us in there! I think it would be worth trying, don't you?
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
@PhredWreck Lol, it is about 15 meters under the ground, you would need a serious sound system.
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
3 Oct 15
Do you know that we were obliged to have an atomic bunker in every individual house here in Switzerland, this until four years ago. We have one and it is a perfect "cellar". The temperature is always around 17 degrees down there, no pollution, no noises, the only minus is the door, it's so heavy! I would never close myself inside, but it is a useful 15 square meters room.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
I knew that it was mandatory for every new house in Switzerland, but I did not knew that your laws had changed. I don't think that I would be able to live long in a 15 m2 room, but it can make a large storeroom or a big cellar. 17° is also not bad to stock country hams.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
@LadyDuck At least you will have something to drink if you have to use your bunker. 17° is perfect for a cellar. There is a large vaulted cellar in my new house, and it is more around 15°. Anyways I have not many bottles to put in and 15 m2 would have been enough.
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
3 Oct 15
@topffer I am using the bunker like a cellar, as now is no more mandatory to have one, I hope that nobody will ring at my door to check if it is in "liveable" state.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
4 Oct 15
I am surprised that they are legally permitted to sell something of this nature. It would be an excellent residence or base of operations for a gang involved in criminal activities.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
4 Oct 15
@topffer A single entry or exit also raises the issue of Health and Safety. Imagine purchasing this and being told that it would be illegal to occupy it on those grounds.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
4 Oct 15
@Asylum I don't know the law in Germany. In France with only one entry you cannot have more than 19 persons in a building. The only exception is for churches, when they have been listed as a historical monument. Then it would be impossible to create a night club in this bunker, but it would be possible to use it for a small business or for a home.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
4 Oct 15
I don't know if the owner is still the state or if the state sold it. In France the state is selling useless barracks times to times, and I think it is the same in Germany. It was certainly an excellent atomic bunker, but being under the ground with only one entry, I am not sure that it would do a good base for a gang. They would be trapped like a rat in a building like this one : the police would have only to cut the electricity and the aeration and to wait for people inside to go out.
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@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
11 Oct 15
Would be the perfect place those underground rave parties! Which I have never once in my life attended but the admission fee would cover all of the expenses and then some. No need to get new paint or anything of that nature. Set up the dj stand, set up lots of black lights , have a few places to sit, and a large open area for dancing. So who all is going to join me? @rebelan@jaboUK @crazyhorseladycx @DaddyEvil @LadyDuck any takers?
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@Shellyann36 (11385)
• United States
11 Oct 15
@crazyhorseladycx We will find you a dance partner and set you up your very own hardwood platform somewhere near the door! @toffer Yes we would make plenty of cash with that place. I wonder what the going rate is for the entrance fee to a rave these days? Does anyone know?
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@topffer (42156)
• France
11 Oct 15
A rave party ? You found a cost-effective ready-to-use solution for this building. We have already the sound system with Lamb, we just lack the black lights and everything will be ready for a wild party.
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• United States
11 Oct 15
black lights?? i'm gonna need somebody to put me out a wooden dance floor topside i fear. 'n then i'll need me a dancin' partner - preferably one who knows how to 2-step, waltz 'n that sorta thingy. yer 'rave party' sounds a bit too wild fer this ol' country gal, lol.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
3 Oct 15
I dont' even like in a room where there are no open windows . How much more in a place like that . I will feel so suffocated .
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
Our atomic bunker is perfectly ventilated, and we can offer you some fake windows, with a view on the mountain or the see, according to your wishes.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
5 Oct 15
@topffer No thank you.
4 people like this
• United States
5 Oct 15
noperz, i fear livin' in such'd prolly push me right o'er the edge.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
6 Oct 15
I understand that a horse does not want to live in a rabbit hole.
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@rebelann (111578)
• El Paso, Texas
6 Oct 15
Yeah, me too @crazyhorseladycx I'd rather be on a hilltop over lookin good ole mom nature.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
6 Oct 15
@crazyhorseladycx Okay, Crazy, I have read this response from you eight or nine times over this night... wanting to make a comment, but debating whether I should do it or not... Well, I finally talked myself into it! How would ANY of US ( @jaboUK , @rebelann , @sishy7 , @yukimori , @much2say , @topffer ) know you finally went over the edge?? You'd still talk, "dribble" and act exactly the same as always! So, that means you'll be there, right?
5 people like this
• United States
5 Oct 15
It definitely needs some paint, decorations and furniture, but it certainly could work as a fun party place ... or a mysteriously spooky maze, since it is October and we are getting into the Halloween spirit.
2 people like this
• United States
5 Oct 15
@topffer Oh no, it needs a LOT more work if it is going to be a really good spooky maze, but you are right that it is off to a nice start.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
It already looks as a ruined spooky maze perfect for Halloween. I only hope that they have not forgotten a bomb or two inside.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
@purplealabaster I believe you need a few skeletons, ghosts and giant cobwebs. Maybe a witch or two, a pirate and a vampire.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
3 Oct 15
If this came in when I was healthy, I would definitely be up for it. Get it air conditioned (I think the air conditioning would already be at place). And if I could, I would use 10 of these rooms as a hotel... some for honeymooners. There are many takers who would love to have an adventurous stay or honeymoon and many of them are rich, pretty rich. So money would not be a problem in the long run. you mention 40 rooms. That makes things even better. I will have 1 room for myself, 1 for my office. A few for the chef and other attendants. There is also a larger room on the slides, which can be used as a party organizer - Bouquet Hall sort of. And in case you or @jlyn10 needs one for experiments, I am willing to accommodate you people too
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
3 Oct 15
@Jlyn10 it is an ex-atomic bunker. So the wonderwoman can decide what to experiment and whom to experiment... or even train...
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 15
Experiment what?
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 15
@thesids Do you think that's why @topffer suggested the place? To experiment on him?
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 15
Once you have finished the renovation work and decorating the place, I will come pay a visit. You can reserve just one room for our partying. I'll bring the balloons.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
I am not interested by the place, but it looks like @thesids has a serious project for it, and he will probably organize a party to inaugurate the hotel, with free champagne for all. We will just have to pay for the rooms.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
4 Oct 15
@Jlyn10 I think that a hotel would be a good project, but I would not like to live in a basement all the time. He should better find a partner able to enjoy to live in a basement, like a ghost or a vampire.
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@Jlyn10 (11966)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 15
@topffer I don't think he could afford a place like this on his own, maybe you and him should be partners.
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• Preston, England
3 Oct 15
It would be the perfect place for my hidden evil empire base; I can get the monorail, piranha tanks, dungeons and torture chambers in, and being bomb proof James Bond couldn't stop me. Whaa ha ha!
4 people like this
@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
Lol, thinking about it, it would be a perfect place for a James Bond movie and he would certainly manage to enter in your evil base as always.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
3 people like this
• Preston, England
3 Oct 15
@topffer He's welcome to enter. It's leaving again that he might find difficult. ha!
3 people like this
• United States
2 Oct 15
As great as that deal sounds, I think I will have to pass. I need to have windows and plenty of them, even if I don't like cleaning them.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
Imagine if these 40 rooms had windows the time that you would spend to clean them !
2 people like this
• United States
2 Oct 15
@topffer Nah, I wouldn't clean them. I have 27 of them in my present house, and I don't clean these. I simply don't do windows. But I have to have them, or I think I would go stir crazy (more so than I already am, that is).
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@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
@TexanTornado Lol, I would also not be able to live in a basement. Although I find this "home" really secure; I need to see the sky times to times.
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@sofssu (23662)
3 Oct 15
Party in a morbid place like that? No windows.. 40 dark rooms.. no thank you
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
@DaddyEvil "I have trouble believing any government would approve plans for a bunker that didn't include some type of ventilation system!" I would be not so sure about that, as it was made in the late German Democratic Republic and they had a few problems with planning and designing (remember their Trabant cars). If Germany sold this bunker, maybe is it because it had some problems ?
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@sofssu (23662)
5 Oct 15
@topffer windows aren't just about seeing.. its also for ventilation..
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
5 Oct 15
@sofssu If the designer(s) did their job right, there would have to be some type of ventilation that can be opened and closed at will, sofs! Otherwise the designer was only having a very large coffin built! (I have trouble believing any government would approve plans for a bunker that didn't include some type of ventilation system!)
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
5 Oct 15
You know, topffer, with the right lighting and decorations... maybe a few flat screen tv's on the walls mimicking windows and the right group of friends, it could be a fun party pad! *DE thinks to himself, 'Now who do I know who would be a fun party guest?'*
2 people like this
• United States
5 Oct 15
@topffer @DaddyEvil I think that the menu needs to be more diverse than "a bottle and a cake" from all the party guests. It would almost seem like neither of you has ever thrown a party before.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
It would be fun to organize a party for all members here. We will ask SGT to install the sound system, and if everyone comes with a bottle and a cake, it might be the party of the century.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
5 Oct 15
@topffer Oh, HECK YES! That's really getting into the spirit of things now, topffer! LMFAO! Edit: Oh! You have already taken care of the refreshments! Fantastic, Topffer! Thank you!
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@wetnosedogs (1533)
• United States
2 Oct 15
no, thank you. Looks spooky to me.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
@wetnosedogs It is near an international airport, so the outside is a bit noisy. I am joking : it is a place that I would probably visit by curiosity, but I would not like to live in a basement
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@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
Military are not very good for decorating rooms, but you can change the decoration if you want.
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• United States
2 Oct 15
@topffer , I would definitely change the decoration. I still wouldn't want it. The wetnosedogs may like it for a day, but then how's the outside.? Would they want to go out?
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Oct 15
You wouldn't have to worry about disturbing the neighbors with the noise, but with no windows you wouldn't know if it was day or night. You might lose track of time.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
Right. I like to see the sky, the sun and the moon, and I would not be able to live in a bunker with no windows. It would be depressing.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
5 Oct 15
As long as i can have parties in there fine with me...hahah
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
5 Oct 15
@topffer can you imagine all the classrooms i could have with all you rowdies destroying everything...flying airplanes and eating brownies???
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
With 40 rooms at 40 feet under the ground, I think that you can have parties every day without disturbing your neighbors.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
5 Oct 15
@Rosekitty Lol, you are the first who want to install a school in this bunker. But would you be able to prepare brownies for 40 classrooms ?
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@allknowing (130540)
• India
3 Oct 15
I want cross ventilation without which I cannot breathe. No thanks.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
This is a good point. I think that a part of the machinery in the pictures is here to ventilate the rooms. Maybe you can even have some wind inside.
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@gudheart (12659)
4 Oct 15
Not sure about it! Kind of spooky to be honest.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
4 Oct 15
Military forces are not good for decoration. A feminine touch is obviously lacking in this place.
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• United States
2 Oct 15
That is definitely a place I wouldn't want to live in. I NEED windows!
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@topffer (42156)
• France
2 Oct 15
I would also not like to live in a basement like a rat. I don't see who can rent such a place, except an eccentric.
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• Pune, India
3 Oct 15
I sure would hope it doesn't come to that! But if it does, what the heck, i'll grab myself a bunker and live the Fallout life!
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@topffer (42156)
• France
3 Oct 15
You can never be too careful. This is the perfect opportunity to make an atomic bunker, as it is already an atomic bunker.
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