News of a good sort!!!

Centralia, Missouri
July 18, 2016 9:59am CST
So, hubby got hired on where I work as a field tech and he starts today. I didn't want to say anything because so many other things fell through last minute. He still has to pass training and some evaluations, but if nothing else, those can take a month or two, being paid during them. So yay, work!!!! We need that money to start rolling in. My shoes are falling apart, so today I have to go replace them. Gizmo needs a dental appointment. To be honest so do both of us. We also need the yearly eye doctor appointments.
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39 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
18 Jul 16
Yay! That is great news! I hope everything works out the way it's supposed to. =)
4 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
it really is, and came just in time
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@LeaPea2417 (37339)
• Toccoa, Georgia
18 Jul 16
That is great he is getting some work. It does seem like bills pile in at the worst times.
4 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
they really do
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
20 Jul 16
Yeah some good news for a change. So glad for you and your family. Hope you can go and buy those shoe and have your dental and eye appointments.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
20 Jul 16
@Jessicalynnt That is good about the shoes, why don't you see if giving your dog a nyla bone will help clean his teeth it really works with my dogs.
2 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
20 Jul 16
I managed to find 22 dollar tennis shoes at walmart, my special inserts fit, so that's done, the rest will have to wait a paycheck or two, gotta pay on the credit cards again, and one dog has got to have his teeth cleaned before they make him ill, so that's the next thing getting done next week
1 person likes this
• Centralia, Missouri
22 Jul 16
@Marcyaz he won't chew on them, and it's too advanced sadly. Now the puppy will and he gets all kinds of dental type treats
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
18 Jul 16
That is indeed good news! Hope this works out fine for you and your husband. In today's economy, a two-income household sometimes ain't good enough.
3 people like this
• United States
18 Jul 16
yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope all goes well and things improve for you guys.
3 people like this
• United States
18 Jul 16
@JessicalynntYou need to celebrate with a pizza or something!
1 person likes this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
I know, I've been dying to announce it, but I decided to wait until his first day, so much else was sure, or so we thought, and then fell through
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
18 Jul 16
that is wonderful news - I am delighted that an opportunity has come along. Well done to the both of your for having the tenacity to hold one, persevere and keep looking for those open windows. You will be blessed. continue your endurance and strength and it will show rewards
4 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
if he makes it, which I think he can, but if this past year taught me anything is that ability and longevity at a job sometimes are not bedfellows, there is room to move up the ranks, and this is work with lots of companies in lots of places, so it can maybe open up more doors.
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
18 Jul 16
That is good news for you guys. It certainly will help the stress levels.
2 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
I certainly hope so!
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
18 Jul 16
That's great news! I hope everything works out with his training and evals. Good luck!
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
I get updates now and then with what all they have done, thanks!
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@vandana7 (99925)
• India
18 Jul 16
Good news after a long time...Happy for you...
2 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
it really was thanks!!!
2 people like this
• United States
18 Jul 16
That's great news congratulations!! Training and evaluation should be smooth sailing in a company!
2 people like this
• United States
19 Jul 16
@Jessicalynnt that's great news!
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
so far the day, he texted on lunch, has gone well, they got him part of the uniforms and a few odd things done
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@TheHorse (214672)
• Walnut Creek, California
18 Jul 16
Congrats! I hope his transition stage goes smoothly.
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• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
the technical side of the job will be mostly new to him, aside from networking and setting up net on people's devices and stuff that he knows. but dealing with upset people, and being out in homes and such, that part he already is good at
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@JudyEv (335353)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Jul 16
That is wonderful news. I know it has been a long time coming. Really great to hear. It will take a bit of pressure off the pair of you.
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
18 Jul 16
Congratulations. Hope this time things go smoothly!
2 people like this
• Centralia, Missouri
18 Jul 16
so far so good, or so I heard over lunch
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@Daljinder (23236)
• Bangalore, India
19 Jul 16
@Jessicalynnt Good to know!
2 people like this
@responsiveme (22926)
• India
18 Jul 16
Congratulations! Glad it worked out finally. Happy for you'll.
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@sofssu (23662)
20 Jul 16
Yay.. I am happy for you.. Your patience has been rewarded.
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@else34 (13516)
• New Delhi, India
21 Jul 16
@Jessicalynnt,Glad to know your hubby got a job.Wish you all the best.
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@else34 (13516)
• New Delhi, India
22 Jul 16
@Jessicalynnt,You know him.What do you think?Would he continue?
1 person likes this
• Centralia, Missouri
22 Jul 16
so far he is liking it, I hope he continues to, nothing worse than working a hated job
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• Centralia, Missouri
22 Jul 16
@else34 he won't quit unless he lines up a medical job
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@Butchcass4 (5895)
• United States
18 Jul 16
I pray all works out for both of you. Father, You see and know what needs this couple has and I ask that You would meet their needs as Your Word declares You rain on the just and the unjust. I thank You in faith for this couple in Jesus' name Amen
1 person likes this
• Dallas, Texas
21 Jul 16
1 person likes this
• United States
23 Jul 16
@lookatdesktop Are you a Christian?
• United States
20 Jul 16
This is good news and hope your hubby loves the job and it all works out for you both
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
19 Jul 16
That is really great news. Positive one to recover your current situation.
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@noni1959 (10018)
• United States
3 Aug 16
This is great news. May you catch up on bills soon and enjoy some new shoes.
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• Centralia, Missouri
3 Aug 16
I was able to find a pair fairly cheap at walmart, bills are slowly coming around, but it takes time to recover from something like that sadly