Interesting Stuff 1.5 • Extreme Hobbies - Underwater Hockey!

@Joel7050 (125)
Singapore, Singapore
August 10, 2016 11:34am CST
I'm sure most of you have heard of Hockey. Well then, Underwater Hockey is self explanatory! But when you actual picture it in your head, wow! That sure isn't an ordinary hobby! It's played with extremely short sticks, and no oxygen tanks! That's right! So players have to constantly get back to the surface mid play! Teamwork is important here, but there is no sound and it's hard to make gestures and actions! This sure is extreme! Tell me what you think of this sport! Would you try it? And why would/wouldn't you? I personally would go ahead and try it! I'm more of the adventurous type. If I can, why not?
1 response
@skysnap (20153)
10 Aug 16
it's like slow motion hockey lol.
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