Is Russia preparing for WW3?

@owlwings (43915)
Cambridge, England
October 13, 2016 5:30am CST
I take very little notice of the Daily Star and not much of the Daily Express but both have published a story saying that Vladimir Putin has issued an order to all Russians living in foreign countries to 'remove their children from school immediately' and to 'return to the Fatherland'. It seems that Russia has also been carrying out big exercises in Moscow to prepare emergency services and other organisations to cope with disaster situations. We know, of course, that relations between Russia and other Western powers are at a very low ebb over Syria and also over the Ukraine but does Putin know something else that we don't? How worried are you that we may be in for another World War and do you think that, if there were a big punch-up, it would be the end of the world as we know it? Here's the Daily Star article:
VLADIMIR Putin has reportedly told officials to fly relatives living abroad back to Russia – as relations with the West deteriorate.
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25 responses
@youless (112190)
• Guangzhou, China
13 Oct 16
I traveled to Russia and the people are so friendly there. So I have a good impression to Russia. I think if there will be the World War III, it will not be created by Russia.
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@topffer (42156)
• France
13 Oct 16
After the xenophobia that followed the referendum on the Brexit, the revival of the cold war. Sad to tell, but I think that many people in UK are engaging on a wrong track. Russia has officially denied this rumor and apparently the Russian newspapers are having fun with your tabloids. I give a link to an English article published yesterday by RT, in the past "Russia Today", which is owned by the state, if you want to read an official version from Russia. I would not tell that Putin is a saint, but he is not mad enough to start a World War.
An unconfirmed report in a regional news site appears to be enough for British tabloids to remind readers how ‘Big Bad Vlad’ secretly wants to nuke them.
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
13 Oct 16
Thank you for finding that link. As I said, I have never given very much credence to the Daily Star but I do have a smidgeon of respect for the Express, even though it does tend to over-sensationalise rather often. It seems there may be some red faces among the tabloid journalists, though nobody will probably notice because their faces are already red from all the whisky they reportedly consume in the Fleet Street pubs!
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@topffer (42156)
• France
13 Oct 16
@owlwings I read them times to times, and I am also circumspect about their news. The Express is probably the newspaper that has given more news about the Jungle in Calais than any other newspaper. The news are not fake but magnified. It is certainly a nuisance for the local inhabitants, but not the mess described by the Express day after day.
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@marguicha (216917)
• Chile
13 Oct 16
I have decided for a long time that news are not my thing. I don´t trust the media.
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@LadyDuck (461849)
• Switzerland
13 Oct 16
The world economy is in a very bad shapes. Nothing is helping. We know from the past that there is only one way to boost the economy. This is my only fear.
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
13 Oct 16
It does seem that a war effort has often been a sure method of boosting economy in the past.
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@LadyDuck (461849)
• Switzerland
13 Oct 16
@owlwings This is what I think and this is what I fear most.
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@Mike197602 (15489)
• United Kingdom
13 Oct 16
I'm not at all worried...what would be the point. Plus I think certain media outlets love to hype up the situation for some unknown reason.
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@jennyjoy (1961)
• Bangalore, India
13 Oct 16
Each country is at loggerheads with its neighbor. Countries have been taking sides in conflicts.We are on the brink of war,it is frightening. With the advanced weaponry that most countries have the war will not last long.Whether we will be there to tell the tale is any ones guess.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
13 Oct 16
I cannot seriously envisage such a scenario occurring. It is the smaller less stable countries that are likely to cause such global disaster, whereas I consider Russia to be more responsible.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
13 Oct 16
I beg to disagree, on the contrary trouble comes from bigger more powerful nations that has the capacity to escalate things on a global scale. It only seems as if trouble comes from small unstable states because they fight a proxy war for more powerful Nation's interests. Who developes, manufactures and sells arms and decides whom to give to give?
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
13 Oct 16
The US and Russia are at serious odds over Syria. This may just be figting talk to get the two big powers to come to some sort of agreement or it may just be an 'exercise' as any country is entitled to hold from time to time to train people to react responsibly and quickly in an emergency. The only real source for this story seems to come from the Daily Star who cite their 'sources' rather vaguely, at best.
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@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
13 Oct 16
@owlwings it's another problem or a related one when media sensationalizes stories and or publishes only partial truths with very vague sources.
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• China
13 Oct 16
He must have known in advance that there would be a terrorist attack aimed at Russians living in foreign countries .As for the World War,I don't think anyone would unleash it on the nuclear weapon age in which there will be no winner if anyone risks waging a nuclear war.
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
13 Oct 16
If reporters in the UK are anything like the ones over here I'd be skeptical about all that, it could well be just another one of medias way to try to stir up trouble.
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
13 Oct 16
The Daily Star is one of those which likes to publish reactionary and edgy reports but I am a little concerned that the Express has picked it up too. I'm waiting to see what other media outlets have to say about it.
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
13 Oct 16
Hopefully nothing @owlwings I'm so tired of this planet constantly being bombarded by war, it kills more than just people.
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@PatZAnthony (14752)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
17 Oct 16
We might not know until it actually happens- Being worried helps nothing for me, so not worrying about this.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
12 Jan 17
Such scenarios are often created to distract the population from unsatisfying internal living conditions.Not all Russians are billionaires. The majority of the Russians lives poorly.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
13 Oct 16
I suspect this a response to the calls in the UK for people to protest at Russian Embassies. It's no more than an attempt to play the victim. Poor little Russia, forced to recall its officials for fear they'll be harmed by the nasty Westerners.
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• Japan
14 Oct 16
Do you think the Russians who have children overseas studying are likely to do what he says? I don't. I think they are more likely to "visit" their children.
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@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
14 Oct 16
Apparently, this was a silly rumour which originated in a small provincial Russian newspaper. See @topffer's response and link.
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• Japan
14 Oct 16
@owlwings Thanks. I only believe about half of the things reported in news anyway. Glad to hear this one debunked.
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@thelme55 (76635)
• Germany
19 Oct 16
OMG! I hope there is no war. That would be crazy and we will all die.
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@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
16 Oct 16
Is it Fatherland or Motherland? When two recent mortar attacks on their embassy in Damascus came from terrorists funded & armed & supported from the USA, UK, Saudi Arabia, etc, it was a very sensible move. Mr Putin is not acting, as your media asserts, but reacting, and yes,he certainly knows lots, lots more than we do. It's his job to know & act. So yes, you will have your war, but won't win it; not by a long shot. Then we will have something far worse than The Great Depression & the same lying mass media will blame the lot on Russia & China. Already, China's huge army prepares to march on Syria, By Invitation & her navy is now in transit to the Middle East. The army will join up with Russia's & Syria's Armies.
The Russian embassy in the Syrian capital of Damascus was shelled on Tuesday, with Moscow stating that it considers the attack on its diplomatic mission an act of terror.
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@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
13 Oct 16
Why not give the region up and let Russia take the slack for any disasters there? Why force a standoff between powers over one war-torn region of the world?
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@skysnap (20153)
13 Oct 16
I don't think there is going to be any world war now. or in future.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Oct 16
Who ever starts World War Three will destroy the world with all the bombs and advanced technology.
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@Jessicalynnt (50525)
• Centralia, Missouri
15 Oct 16
putin is a special duck
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
13 Oct 16
If Trump becomes president, we will have a WW3.
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