~I Cursed At Her-And I Asked For Forgiveness~

Valdosta, Georgia
January 6, 2017 4:03pm CST
I cannot stand the person I become around this woman. I don't usually curse at anyone or say anything mean like this. This woman pushed my buttons so far, I LOST it! My youngest daughter was sitting in the bar stool at the counter and was pushing it back. Her sister told her to stop but she didn't listen to her. Aunt Mary said My Feet! I said Jailynn quit your on Aunt Mary's feet. She said I didn't know I was on her feet, I wasn't paying attention. I go outside for some air and the witch follows me and says your kids must really not like me. I said why? She said because your daughter put that chair on my feet on purpose and wouldn't get off so she must not like me. I said clearly she didn't f'ing realize she was on your feet! I told her our kids wouldn't purposely hurt anyone-whether they like them or not because they KNOW they will be in huge trouble! Then she says...you don't have to get so defensive, jeez. I said well you don't have to be so frieken mean to our kids either!! I told my husband if she is not gone on Monday I am LEAVING and staying with my friend-with our kids. I'm completely DONE!
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38 responses
@paigea (36031)
• Canada
6 Jan 17
Hopefully, she will be gone. Take care.
6 people like this
• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 17
@paigea I hope so but my husband knows either way I'm getting out of the situation.
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@paigea (36031)
• Canada
6 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies that sounds like it will be the best way to keep your sanity and keep the peace for your children.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 17
@paigea Yeah I can't do this any longer. It's his choice, his family or his aunt at this point. We shall see what happens...
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@GardenGerty (158301)
• United States
6 Jan 17
I once had a job that caused me to curse and be impatient with my kids and set a bad example. I quit it. It is much easier to quit a job than to disentangle a person who is involved in our life in a negative way. You have a plan, so I hope you stick to it. She was to leave by January 3, and she did not.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@GardenGerty Oh I am sticking to it because I don't want my kids learning from the example I am being from her.
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
7 Jan 17
Most people won't exert social pressure on you for quitting a toxic job. Do the same with toxic family, though, and you never hear the end of it unless you either limit or eliminate contact with them, too.
• Canada
6 Jan 17
This lady needs to find another place to live. Hopefully she will be gone on Monday.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
6 Jan 17
@Morethanamom Yes she does!! I hope and pray for that.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@Morethanamom She got kicked out by her son, don't blame him. She was going to be homeless so we took her in.
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• Canada
6 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies I am sure you wrote about it at one point, but why is she living with you?
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@Mike197602 (15489)
• United Kingdom
6 Jan 17
Everyone has a breaking point so I wouldn't worry about it. I wouldn't ask for forgiveness either unless I really was sorry...and in this case I wouldn't be sorry
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@Mike197602 Yeah she pushed me too far. I am sorry for the way I handled myself-not for defending my child when she did nothing wrong.
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
7 Jan 17
I'd say at best it would deserve a true nonapology: "I'm sorry that your constant negativity led me to snap at you and swear."
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@NJChicaa (116595)
• United States
6 Jan 17
That woman is the worst. Good for you for dropping the F-bomb!
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@NJChicaa She is. I don't normally react that way but she just pushed my limit.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@NJChicaa I absolutely agree!
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@NJChicaa (116595)
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies she has completely overstayed her limit and never knew how to be a gracious guest. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
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@Happy2BeMe (99376)
• Canada
6 Jan 17
She needs to go. You can't be expected to keep living like that. I am sorry you lost it but a person can only take so much before they snap.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@Happy2beme Yes she does. I tried so hard to keep my cool this whole time but she pushed me too far saying my daughter did something like that on purpose! My kids don't even think like that.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@Happy2BeMe Yeah, that is when I do get defensive and crazy when it comes to my children. Especially of accusing them of doing something so terrible. They are not like that at all and your right-she was just being her rude self like usual.
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@Happy2BeMe (99376)
• Canada
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies she knew she could get at you by saying things about your kids. I know your children would never do such a thing and she knows that too. She was just being mean.
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@katsmeow1213 (28717)
• United States
7 Jan 17
Sounds like you're getting fed up. As someone who doesn't know the whole story, this one circumstance doesn't sound like a big deal... but obviously there've been other things leading up to this. I wonder why you allow this person to stay at your house if you're feeling this way? I once let my mother move in after she got evicted. Then one day she picked a fight with me, disrespected me and my husband, called him a couple of nasty names.. then she told me when she got her next check (in 2 weeks) she'd move out. I said nope.. after all that I will not support you for 2 more weeks.. you can pack your bags right now... and she did!
2 people like this
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies But is it really a big enough deal to lose your cool and curse.. if there hadn't been any previous frustration? That's all I'm saying... if it were anyone else that you weren't frustrated with you probably wouldn't have reacted the same way..
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@katsmeow1213 True, it could have been almost anything she said and I would have lost it because of everything for the last 3 months with her.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@katsmeow1213 Oh there have been many, many issues. It is a big deal to me though when someone tries to say my child hurt them when it was an accident. This was my breaking point. She is my husband's aunt and we let her stay because she was going to be homeless. It's coming to that point where she will be gone with all of her stuff on Monday, no matter what.
• United States
6 Jan 17
She really needs to go. She has already stayed way to long & had a set day of the 3rd! I hope she'll be gone on her way so you dont' have to leave =)
2 people like this
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies Hopefully she'll leave as promised.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@infatuatedbby Yeah she does, I cannot handle anymore. I am sick to my stomach because of everything that happened today. I hope so too, either way I'm not dealing with this situation anymore-I can't.
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@jstory07 (134846)
• Roseburg, Oregon
6 Jan 17
I am sure she will be gone. Your husband does not want you gone.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@jstory07 I don't think he wants that either.
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@jstory07 (134846)
• Roseburg, Oregon
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies I hope it all works out for her and you and your family.
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@LeaPea2417 (36751)
• Toccoa, Georgia
7 Jan 17
I am sorry you went through that. I pray she is gone by Monday.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@Leapea2417 Thank you, I pray she is too.
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@amadeo (111942)
• United States
6 Jan 17
something that you do not have to put up with it.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@amadeo Yeah, I can't do it anymore.
@akalinus (41002)
• United States
6 Jan 17
So sorry. It is time for her to find some emergency accommodations. Bad things are bound to happen if she stays.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@akalinus Thank you. Yeah enough is enough and I can't take anymore. It takes a lot for me to get to the point she pushed me to.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@akalinus He does, he's tired of how she's acting too.
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@akalinus (41002)
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies I hope your husband understands.
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
6 Jan 17
Oh dear. Even after you've moved, she's a pain in the butt again. Send her packing and send good riddance. Don't come again when she's not wanted. Send her to a homeless shelter or another relative.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@KristenH Yeah I thought things would get better here with her but she still acts the same way-maybe worse. She is leaving on Monday or me and the kids are going.
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@KristenH (33362)
• Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies Thanks for the hugs. I don't blame you. I hope she goes bye-bye.
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
7 Jan 17
I'm know you are a kind person, but we all have our limits. I would have reached mine long ago. We are imperfect humans, but you are closer to perfect than most. Cut yourself some slack, you really deserve it.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@fishtiger58 Yeah, I usually am so it frustrates me how she gets me so angry! She knows how to push me to my limit. Thank you, I try to be a good person but she brings out the worst in me. =(
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@fishtiger58 (29823)
• Momence, Illinois
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies There are many unhappy people in this world. There is not a lot you can do about it.
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@yukimori (10143)
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies She does it on purpose so she's always the victim in the situations she creates.
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• Pamplona, Spain
7 Jan 17
Tricky situation and I would not know what to tell you there as you have your other children too. Does she not want to leave now then? She is just trying to see if she can hang on or what and see how far it goes. I would have blown it as well and who would not?
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• Pamplona, Spain
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies Sending you all best wishes for your new life in that house and with time she will find somewhere else to go and maybe find something to make her happy.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@lovinangelsinstead21 I think she is just trying to stay as long as possible, I don't know why. She is clearly miserable being around our kids.
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@Tina30219 (81556)
• Onaway, Michigan
7 Jan 17
I hope your husband takes it serious and makes sure she is gone on Monday. Maybe if aunt Mary did not act like a child herself and act like an adult wait I mean grown adult maybe the kids would treat her better. I hope she is gone Monday.
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@Tina30219 (81556)
• Onaway, Michigan
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies Right you don't want it to come to that but you have to do what you have to do for you and your kids.
• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@Tina30219 I hope so too. Either way I am taking control of the situation even though I didn't want it to come to this.
@averygirl72 (37860)
• Philippines
6 Jan 17
You lose your cool. Hope you get out of this soon
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@averygirl72 Yes I did lose my cool-which I rarely ever do.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
7 Jan 17
I can totally understand your situtation. This is too much. She must go.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@marlina Yes she does have to go, none of us can take anymore.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
7 Jan 17
I don't understand this post. I thought auntie had already left!?
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@MALUSE Nope she was supposed to and didn't.Said she needed to stay until after her doctor appt on Monday the 9th. If she is not gone after the appointment I am leaving with my kids.
@yukimori (10143)
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies Don't let her back into the house after her appointment. She can take her stuff with her to her appointment, and go wherever afterwards. Not your problem. She's an adult who can figure things out for herself.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies I think such a drastic reaction would finally get things moving. It may also show your husband how seriously you're affected by all this.
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@theBlock (2657)
• United States
7 Jan 17
@LovingMyBabies I do feel you on this.... Family or not, you or your kids shouldn't be around negative people---they suck the joy from your life.
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• Valdosta, Georgia
7 Jan 17
@theBlock Thanks, yeah she is sucking the joy out of our lives and this is supposed to be a happy time for our family with just moving into a nicer home.