JJ Blocked...again

Photo: Ann Frye flickr CC
@josie_ (10035)
March 8, 2017 12:00am CST
I read with some amusement a post about someone blocking JJ A side of him can be abrasive. But for me I believe it is part of his charm, this sarcastic humor of not having to suffer fools. To his credit he can take it as well as he dish it out. It is this kind of commentary jousting and repartee I find mind stimulating. For some who found themselves in the cross-hair of his outburst, the question to ask is are you of a "nobler mind" to continue suffering the "slings and arrows" of JJ's outrageous fulmination or are you made of sturdier stuff and "take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them" (sorry Shakespeare) But one has to be thick-skinned if one wish to stand toe to toe with him in mortal combat with no quarters asked or given. Be wary however of a flank attack from his sidekick "Scar". And may the best man or woman win. There are some who might disagree with my description of JJ and say he's just an old grouch. How would you describe your interaction with JJ? Photo: Ann Frye flickr CC
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27 responses
• United States
8 Mar 17
He's like that old dog that you can't help but love. He might bite you from time to time, but his loyalty far out weighs his "sharp tongue"
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@ScribbledAdNauseum _Some say his bark is worse than his bite.
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• United States
9 Mar 17
He is a teddy bear, but don't tell him I told you! He doesn't want that secret getting out.
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@Beatburn (4286)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
He's an old dog?
@ridingbet (66855)
• Philippines
8 Mar 17
really? the blocker blocked JJ? so brave though.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 17
Blocking is brave? I consider it as cowardly
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 17
@ridingbet Yes that sounds just about how a coward would behave
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@ridingbet (66855)
• Philippines
8 Mar 17
@mysdianait he is brave to block JJ, but his act is cowardice. he does not want to be 'interrogated' by @JolietJake.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 17
@JolietJake is like part of the furniture here and his bark is worse than his bite. If you block him then you miss out on so much fun
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@akalinus (42268)
• United States
8 Mar 17
Just watch out for his wicked cat and you will be okay.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@mysdianait _Yes he is fun to read but try to avoid bumping your knee or banging your head on this "furniture". Antique furniture are built of sturdier stuff.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@akalinus _That will prove difficult since Scar can ran circles around JJ
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
8 Mar 17
Who is the coward who blocked JJ? I love his way to be sarcastic and to say things clearly. JJ never wears a mask, but some think that blocking him they cannot be reported.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@workathomefan _I don't think I'll even bother but just move on and look for people of similar interest and temperament.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@LadyDuck _It's good that there are people who go out of their way to insure mylot remains a viable and pleasurable site for well meaning discussions. Trolls and scammers have no place here. However, I think the reason JJ got blocked by that particular person was because their running comments got too heated. As the saying goes, "when an immovable object (blocker) meets an unstoppable force (JJ) something has to give".
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
9 Mar 17
When you block each other the report button is still there.
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@Lucky15 (37376)
• Philippines
8 Mar 17
He is a nice person and owner of Scar, haha
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@Lucky15 _He's actually scared of Scar.
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
9 Mar 17
JJ has a cat named Scar I didn't know that.
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@ilocosboy (45156)
• Philippines
8 Mar 17
I like his style of writing which is sometimes artistic and sometimes sarcasm. When you love the art of writing, then you like JJ
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@workathomefan _So why block him?
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@ilocosboy _Yes, sarcasm is an art. Not everyone has the ability to insult intelligently.
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
8 Mar 17
He seems to be popular and his discussions have a lot of interaction and become hot discussions.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
8 Mar 17
I don't mind his comments and discussions here, and look forward to reading his discussions.
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@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
10 Mar 17
@josie_ Yes I will admit there is a lot I enjoy reading here and being able to respond back too.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@KrauseHome _ It's people like JJ who add the spice and heat on discussions. Just come prepared with a glass of water if it gets too hot.
@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@KrauseHome _Yes, I also like to read articles that are serious, intellectually stimulating and thought provoking.
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@jujunme (2501)
• United States
8 Mar 17
I have only encountered him on 2 of my discussions, and he's been nothing but nice and very informative . Having been a long time member of Mylot , when it comes to JJ i understand his humor and yes, his sarcasm and impatience with stupidity. i guess some people can't take straightforwardness
@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 17
@workathomefan don't forget that it doesn't matter if something you post gets reported by one or a hundred members...if isn't against the rules it stay up if it against the rules admin takes it down.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@jujunme _To appreciate JJ you need to not take things too seriously or be uptight about what he says.
• Prairieville, Louisiana
9 Mar 17
JJ is a tattletale.
@FourWalls (65390)
• United States
8 Mar 17
He loves music, and we all know that Scar controls him. So what's not to like?!?!
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Mar 17
Yes Scar is the Master.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@jstory07 _Scar the master puppeteer.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@FourWalls _Scar should try to rein him in from time to time.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
9 Mar 17
JJ and I get along famously, one old grouch to another.
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@DWDavis (25806)
• United States
9 Mar 17
@josie_ Who is Felix and who is Oscar? I was thinking we were more like the two uncles in Second Hand Lions.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@DWDavis _ You're the "Odd couple" of mylot.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@DWDavis _You both can switch places from time to time. Caine and Duval's characters are tame compared to Felix and Oscar. Although I enjoy and have watch second hand lions several times.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
8 Mar 17
Your description of @JolietJake is perfect @josie_ and that's why I love him. I think I'm his twin sister.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
9 Mar 17
@josie_ Awww shucks; thank you. I hope @JolietJake doesn't get jealous.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@nanette64 _You're much prettier than him.
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@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 17
He's an A$$
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@Mike197602 (15506)
• United Kingdom
10 Mar 17
@josie_ I haven't seen it but if you like his A$$.....
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@Mike197602 _touche!
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@Mike197602 _ But what a nice A$$ he is.
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@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
8 Mar 17
Why blocked him? The blocker will miss something without reading JJs discussions. I like the way he is
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@thelme55 _ I enjoy reading him too. Besides, like me we're too old to change our ways.
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@thelme55 (76645)
• Germany
13 Mar 17
@josie_ so right. Every one of us is unique.
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
9 Mar 17
I can read JJ discussions if I want.
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
8 Mar 17
I love that cat added to your post.I am a cat fan.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
8 Mar 17
Not a JJ fan?
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• Prairieville, Louisiana
9 Mar 17
@mysdianait JJ is not a fan of me either.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
25 Jan 18
I don't understand why someone would block him, but people will do what they will do and we have to accept it.
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
26 Jan 18
@josie_ I've always considered honesty a good trait, as long as it's not meant just to be mean.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
25 Jan 18
His honesty? Saying it like it is and no BS
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• Eugene, Oregon
10 Mar 17
I see the fun meant here and I think that most did. JJ certainly responded with good humor.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
10 Mar 17
@JamesHxstatic _Mylot need more people with a good sense of humor.
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@shshiju (10342)
• Cochin, India
8 Mar 17
May be the Changing mood of Scar and JJ frightened the blocker.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@shshiju _Frightened by that harmless adorable old geezer?
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@db20747 (43440)
• Washington, District Of Columbia
2 Apr 18
I like to tease JJ, I tease a lot of people in good fun!!! Hope they don't take it personal. I try to let them know I am kidding!!! Jj always puts a funny or interesting twist on any subject!!!!
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
6 Apr 18
Some don't get his sense of humor and are offended. Their lost.
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@JustBhem (70555)
• Davao, Philippines
8 Mar 17
The great JolietJake, JJ.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@JustBhem _Let's not flatter him too much. Tone down on the "great".
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
8 Mar 17
I always look forward to his posts and what he has to say on other people's discussions. Of course the pictures of Scar always make my day.
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@Happy2BeMe _I think it's really Scar who people follow and not JJ
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@Happy2BeMe (99355)
• Canada
9 Mar 17
@josie_ it is Scar and his side kick JJ. Oh the stories Scar would tell us if only he could type...
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@josie_ (10035)
• Philippines
9 Mar 17
@Happy2BeMe _That's what JJ is there for...taking "dictations".
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