Why go after Mr Wrong ?

June 4, 2017 2:11pm CST
Why is it that most women only fall for men who don't treat them well ? And why do movies support this logic ? All romantic movies and series have the same storyline. There's a girl who starts falling for a guy who is literally a jerk. One day into the relationship and then bam the guy all of a sudden is the best boyfriend in the whole wide world. He's suddenly very considerate of the girl's feelings and then they live 'happily ever after'. It doesn't work that way in the real world. If a man isn't treating you the way you're supposed to be treated, he probably never will. Giving somebody just one chance is still reasonable, but why go through all this pain when it doesn't even make you happy. Find yourself a man who makes you very happy and never let him go. And please oh please stop being with the wrong man, for wrong men only turn into right men in movies.
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12 responses
• United States
4 Jun 17
It seems that 'outlaws' are always handsome. But seriously, yes life is too short to be wasted in misery.
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• India
4 Jun 17
They sure are :D A pretty face is good to look at but it can never compensate for a good heart. Beauty fades away eventually.
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• United States
4 Jun 17
@EverSoConfused Yes..it good looks fades away in the next day if they are bad people.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
4 Jun 17
"Why is it that women **only** fall for men who . . . " Ever heard of over-generalisation?
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
4 Jun 17
@EverSoConfused Looks better now although 'most' is also a bold statement which I can't underwrite. Yet, I can't speak for your country. Maybe you should add something like "as far as I can observe in my society" or something like that?
• India
4 Jun 17
@MALUSE When i wrote movies, I meant hollywood movies. And when i wrote most women, I wrote it regardless of what country they lived in.
• India
4 Jun 17
My bad ! "Overgeneralization" it is. I meant most women.Will correct it right away. Thanks for pointing that out.
@pumpkinjam (8547)
• United Kingdom
4 Jun 17
I wouldn't say 'most' women but I have noticed it happening a lot. Having spent time in a horrible relationship, I can tell you that women don't usually go looking for 'Mr. Wrong'. Obviously Hollywood is much different from real life. In real life, a woman may well feel she has found someone who will care for her only to discover too late that she is wrong. She may even know that he is not going to treat her well but believe she can't do any better. It's easy to say stop being with the wrong man but it's not always easy to do. I must add, though, that I am finally with the right man whom I know loves me and makes me happy.
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• India
5 Jun 17
Happy for you :)
5 Jun 17
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
5 Jun 17
I agree ,with your lines " it doesn't work that way in the real world. If a man isn't treating you the way you're supposed to be treated, he probably never will", Unfortunately most people live in fantasies
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@atoz1to10 (6781)
• Australia
5 Jun 17
Because they know how to charm women, not only that, you don't know if he/she is a wrong person until you live with that person...Do you think you are a wrong man or a right man??
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@mohit459 (12565)
• Haldwani, India
5 Jun 17
Ya you are absolutely right. They should go for one who would love them by heart. And not for his physical appearanceand body. As most of men need just one thing from girls and you better know what I'm contacting here!..
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@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
6 Jun 17
Not "most" women, that is a generalization. There are some but only a small majority of them: women who fall for the wrong reasons other than love. Material or physical attraction, to name a few. To make things even, there are also some pea-minded men who fall for women who also treat them like rags. I was once one of them pea-minded men so I know the game so well.
@Gabugs (1895)
• United States
28 Jun 17
Well, this is the trend I've seen in some Indian movies. I'm glad you are cautioning women not to put up with men who do not respect you @EverSoConfused
@avi256 (8489)
• Pune, India
5 Jun 17
There is some kind of aura around so called wrong man, which always attract so called right women.
@rjain1055 (595)
5 Jun 17
@PBKING (1523)
• India
5 Jun 17
Good point. It make me think. I think you are right, you may be wrong. I think a good person only can change the habits of bad person.
4 Jun 17
I think the converse question would be: why do men fall for gullible, dull women? Being a guy, I notice a lot of the women I get attention from are usually nothing special, not to say that they're unattractive, just not attractive personality wise.
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