School Daze

School Board Meeting -
@Ceerios (4698)
Goodfellow, Texas
August 10, 2017 7:24pm CST
School Daze - You would think that all of the bad-mouthing that is now ongoing between our "Hippo-Potus" and the crazy fat fellow who fires off his rocket playtoys over in North Korea would be sufficient news for the day - but, NO... I just now read a piece on the Internet ( BreitBart News ) that told of a school district so unfortunate that their board of education has ordered this: "Oregon School Board Removes ‘Lynch’ from School Names Despite Historical Significance." Now, I ask you, Fellow Mill Otters (MyLotters) - really, how stupid can some of these silly people get? This reminds me of the time, back around 1980 or thereabouts that one of the tasks assigned to me was to make a listing of names of ALL the persons who filed for bankruptcy at one of the federal courts in the past ten years and to store the list in the company computer. I did so. It was a huge list - several thousand personal names on it. While posting those names onto this list, something caught my eye - or at least it seemed to say to me, "Hey, this is strange." The first name or the middle name of those names listed were, of course, quite varied, but one name seemed to be present more often than was any other name - at least the pronunciation of that most prominent name was the same - like "Lynn, Lyn, Linn, and the like." There were so many names, overall, on the list of bankruptcy applicants that I decided to wrte a computer program to count those "Lynn" kinds of names for me. Of the thousands of names on the overall list, the "Lynn" pronounceable names amounted to 1.25 % of the total of all names - a truly astoundingly high percentage. Now that I have had lots of years to think about things, I understand that the way I thought about the high rate of "Lynning" on my bankruptcy tally back then was just about as stupid a conclusion about "Lynn" (and the like) as was the idea proposed by that foolish school board in Oregon that ordered the name of any school sporting the name, "Lynch" to have its name changed. Aaaaah - I have a good name for me (back in the day) and that Oregon school board (today) "Dumb and Dumber" (with perhaps another suitable word or two tossed in for earned emphasis.) Image: School Board Meeting -
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2 responses
@JudyEv (328724)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Aug 17
That is just so ridiculous. What is with these people? Some first/Christian names become very popular for a few years and this could account for a name turning up more than you might expect. For instance,in my age group 'Maureen' seems to be very common.
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@Ceerios (4698)
• Goodfellow, Texas
11 Aug 17
@JudyEv - Ms Judy - I remember how surprised I was back in the day when the "Lynne - Tally" was shown. It was not like "Lynn-people are bankrupt prone people." It was more like "Gus, your eyes worked almost as well as did your computer program." Back then I was having lots of fun doing computer program stuff. AND now you are free to ask me if I am happier that NOW I do not write computer code any longer. -Gus-
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@JudyEv (328724)
• Rockingham, Australia
11 Aug 17
@Ceerios So are you happier now that you're not writing computer code?
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@Ceerios (4698)
• Goodfellow, Texas
12 Aug 17
@JudyEv - Ms Judy - Considerably happier. Coding was fun while I learned how it worked, but enough was enough. -Gus-
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@poehere (15126)
• French Polynesia
12 Aug 17
Boy am I glad I live where I live. We don't have all these stupid laws and ways of thinking here on our little islands. This has got to be the most stupidest thing I have heard yet. Beside the crap with Korea and Hawaii. If they do nuke Hawaii theyare only 5 hours by air away from us. Hope the fall out doesn't blow my way.
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@Ceerios (4698)
• Goodfellow, Texas
18 Aug 17
@poehere - Ms Ann - I would guess that it is North Wind that brings bad news to those in your area. -Gus-
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