In Case You Are Wondering...

United States
December 20, 2017 1:55pm CST
In case you are wondering about my posts lately. I decided on December 1 to try to post 10 Posts every day. I call them my Daily Posts. Well, things were going fairly well as I was building up to 10 Different Subjects that I could write something about every day. And then I lost my Internet for more than two days and I got way behind on my Daily Posts. We had some bad weather and I don’t know if that’s what caused me to lose my Internet or not, but I’ve been trying to catch up ever since. My first FIVE subjects are: 1. Vocabulary Words: I am always trying to add to my own vocabulary. Since the English language contains over 250,000 words, maybe as many as 500,000 words, there is not a single person on earth that knows them all, I’m sure. And since there are many persons on mylot whose first language is NOT English, I thought this might be a FUN thing to post a new word every day. Well it’s December 20th today and I have only posted 10 words so I will have to really play catch up if I hope to get 31 words posted this month. 2. Scriptures That I Love: was to be my second Daily Post, but I’ve only posted 4 so far. 3. ODD FACTS were the next subject I chose and so far, I’ve posted 15. But, I’m still behind. 4. U.S. States Facts was next and I’ve only posted 6 so far. 5. Ancestry was the next subject and I’ve only posted 4 so far. My plan is still to get these FIVE subjects caught up in the next 11 days and then to start on five more subjects in January. A couple I already started but fell way behind when I lost my Internet. 6. Countries: I have only done 1, so I will add to that in January 7. History: What Happened on this Date? I started it but will have to leave it for January. 8. Who In the World? Will be about people that I am just learning about and would like to share my research with you. 9. I haven’t decided on this one yet. I may just do travel facts on places that I have actually visited. I think that would be better for my purpose of sharing with my great grandchildren. 10. Poetry and Haiku that I have personally written, which I started but will have to catch up in January I’m just trying to find some interesting things to write about for my own knowledge and share with my grandchildren. I’m keeping a notebook full of my posts as I go along. All four of my great grandchildren are home schooled and I think that they could learn from these posts, so I’ve been printing them out and adding them to a notebook for them to read later. I also HOPE that other mylotters will ADD some information to what I write, because all my posts will be VERY BRIEF. These subjects I chose are basically “thought starters.” If a person has a “thought starter” it’s easier to think of something to write about every day, that others might be interested in reading. After I get through all the U.S. States, I have several other subjects I can add to my Daily Posts, but keeping up with TEN posts per day will be a real challenge. What subjects do you like to write about?
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3 responses
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
20 Dec 17
I don't think it's a good idea to write ten posts every day. You clog the Recent Discussions list and members soon get wary when they see their own discussions pushed down the list which means few reads and comments for them. I'll never read ten posts by one member one after the other. Your announcement to write on all 50 US States sounds like a threat to me.
3 people like this
• United States
20 Dec 17
I'm not just writing for comments as I said. I'm writing for a totally different reason. I'm not concerned about comments at all. The few pennies I get from comments is totally irrelevant to me. How could writing about our 50 states sound like a threat? That actually made me laugh.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
20 Dec 17
@IreneVincent What I've written has nothing to do with money. I'm not accusing you of writing so many posts in order to earn a lot of money here. But I would certainly be miffed if I had just posted a discussion and see it disappear somewhere in the depth of myLot pushed down by your ten discussions.
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• United States
20 Dec 17
@MALUSE OK I can understand that, I think. I'm really not sure about discussions being pushed down though. I don't think that we are limited though, are we? I'll certainly take that into consideration. I don't really think I can keep up the pace though, anyway. Basically, it was a challenge for me and I didn't meet it.
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@JudyEv (328597)
• Rockingham, Australia
20 Dec 17
Isn't it funny that sometimes you make a plan (like writing x number of posts a day) and something turns up to make such a plan difficult to follow (like the internet going down).
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• United States
21 Dec 17
@JudyEv I am such a TRIVIA nut, I like to share ODD facts. And I read all the time. Every day. I have collected trivia for years and I think it keeps my brain active. I'm an old person now and I want to keep my brain busy. I think that many people don't care if they learn something NEW every day or not, but I do. I especially like geography and history and reading about people who have lived in past centuries.
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@JudyEv (328597)
• Rockingham, Australia
21 Dec 17
@Daelii I used to do about two a day but lately I haven't had much to write about.
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@Daelii (5619)
• United States
20 Dec 17
This!!! I have all kinds of ideas in my head to do posts... Just not enough time in the day! So I'm happy if I get one.. lucky if two, and blessed to have time for 3!
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
24 Dec 17
I'll think up different ideas and yet when I get down to being able to write, I'm over tired. It's been a challenging year with so much going on but I will attempt more. I'm random. Usually it's what is on my mind, what I just read or listened to, or sometimes oddities. Some days I don't write. I mostly read what everyone is up to or sharing. It's what I'm doing tonight instead of my own post.
1 person likes this
• United States
24 Dec 17
I like to read what others write also and I need to be doing more of that. I'm thinking that I should start each day with commenting on at least 10 posts and then write some of my own.
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@noni1959 (9923)
• United States
30 Dec 17
@IreneVincent That's what I normally do when I come in. I read and comment and go around my friends posts and comments to see what they are up to. If I have time I may write something myself.
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