Why do some people filled with negativity while some other full of confidence and positive?

June 18, 2018 2:10am CST
People who suffer from negativity about themselves , are because of the their own mistakes ?Or the because of environment in which they are grown and faced problem? While some people who are filled up with confidence ,is it because of they have god gifted/inborn quality and are grown in good and healthy environment?
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16 responses
@Jessabuma (31700)
• Baguio, Philippines
18 Jun 18
Hi! Welcome to myLot. Enjoy your time with us.
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@mlgen1037 (29886)
• Manila, Philippines
18 Jun 18
It is always a person’s choice if he will be filled with negativity or abundant with positivity. You take your pick.
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@Shavkat (137310)
• Philippines
18 Jun 18
People have their own ways of revealing their emotions. Some people are really pessimistic and cannot be controlled. For me, I don't spend time with them. It will greatly be influenced me.
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@rebelann (111669)
• El Paso, Texas
27 Aug 19
I'm a realist, I simply state the facts as they are and some people seem to think that is pessimistic, it is not it is just the way things are and often there is little one can do about what is, it's neither good nor bad.
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@Shavkat (137310)
• Philippines
27 Aug 19
@rebelann I do agree with you. People have their own ways of accepting the pessimistic situation, It could be negative or positive to them.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
18 Jun 18
It is cycle i think. Sometimes you will be more positive than negative. I am mostly positive. Now that I am slightly on the negative side lol.
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• India
18 Jun 18
Hello and welcome here on mylot. I think it's the way how others have been treating you from where emotions take shape during childhood
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
18 Jun 18
It's very important to think positive whatever we do.. some people think about the failure only..So they lack confidence
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@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
18 Jun 18
Welcome to Mylot! Have a great time here! Members would be happy to know something about you before interacting with you! Thanks!
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@allknowing (130865)
• India
18 Jun 18
It is the condition of one's mind that dictates how they see life. It is not how much we have but what we make of what we have is the route to happiness. Those who are happy follow this route.
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@saurabhrmp (2283)
• Hyderabad, India
18 Jun 18
I don't think that people who are filled up with confidence & positivity , is because of god gifted/inborn quality. The person can generate this quality also. Just you need ot be positive whatever work you do. Just remember that no work is small.
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@reskyyandi (3616)
• Indonesia
19 Jun 18
People have theri own own ways to saw with their own perspectiv.
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• Indonesia
19 Jun 18
By the way, welcome to mylot and give more response to another discussion.
• Indonesia
19 Jun 18
Enjoy your time in mylot. Keep mylotting!
@sw8sincere (5204)
• Philippines
18 Jun 18
it's because each of us is different my friend. We are all unique individual so not everyone are the same.
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@ARN4567 (1061)
• Baguio, Philippines
19 Jun 18
It is all about choice. we are free to choose but are to suffer the consequences of our decisions in life, however there are people like friends and families to guide us in our life... and there is a living God...
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• Russian Federation
18 Jun 18
Because the first category of people is stupid, and the second one is smart
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@chicnthin (3031)
• Philippines
18 Jun 18
It is our own personal choice whether to stay positive or negative
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@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
18 Jun 18
Well. In my own opinion...It`s really hard to be confident with yourself especially when you`re afraid of others opinions and be misunderstood. I guess, in that part I`m such a looser
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
18 Jun 18
A lot may have to do with how they were raised. However they can change their attitude if they want to?
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