Gift ideas for a grieving friend. Thank you

love, gift, friendship, gift ideas
@kimian55 (132)
Alamogordo, New York
September 10, 2018 5:01am CST
I have a friend that's going through a very tough moment in life. She broke up her 5 year boyfriend, dropped out from school in Australia and came home, she got pregnant to some new guy.. who was married... the guy left her and went back to his family. On top of that, her brother who was her best friend just died. It's crazy what she's going through. She's pregnant, broke and I can imagine about lose her mind. I want to give her something that would make her feel empowered every time she looks at it. I want her to feel that there is hope and there are people who love her. I have a few ideas: an acrylic key-chain that say "I AM STRONG, MY FAITH WILL NEVER WAIVER" or other inspiring quotes. or maybe a picture frame she can hang on her wall, that she could see. Any ideas, thank you.
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10 responses
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
I don't have any idea coz the gift you're thinking should be something personal and I don't know your friend that well and I don't know what can cheer her up. All I can think of is for you to be there when she needs you because she lost her brother and though no one could replace a family, a good shoulder to cry on and depend on during tough times is more important than anything else.
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@Icydoll (36717)
• India
10 Sep 18
I think the keychain idea is good my dear friend
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@Juliaacv (49196)
• Canada
10 Sep 18
Sadly she has to be going thru so much. I wouldn't worry about giving her something so much as being there for her. It has been my experience that when we suffer losses like this its more often that we need a shoulder to lean on, or a joke to help us see a lighter side to life more then anything else. I hope that you can be that friend to her.
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@shubhu3 (36464)
• New Delhi, India
10 Sep 18
You are right. Something like an inspirational quote frame would empower her a lot. You can customized the frame like having her photograph and then adding the quote on that photograph and getting it framed. You can also do something handmade like using paper or cardboard writing inspirational quotes or positive empowering messages for her. Try adding her name in the quote. It will have a more powerful impact on her.
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@vsai2008 (11796)
• India
10 Sep 18
This has a few, may your friend be blessed with strength and will power to overcome all the struggle.
Sympathy gifts send a tangible expression of your love to someone who is grieving. These twenty-nine sympathy gifts provide you with inspiration on what to give to someone who is grieving. These are unique and personalized memorial gifts that will endure a
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• Philippines
13 Sep 18
,, the best gift you can give her is your presence and your
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@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
10 Sep 18
the keychain is good. But you can also make a jar full of rolled up inspiring quotes, and candies if you have more time
@Aquitaine24 (11665)
• San Jose, California
19 Sep 18
Photo items are good
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
17 Sep 18
A key ring? A picture frame? Such presents aren't very personal. I'd suggest some vouchers according to the amount of money you can spend. She can tell you when she's ready and has the time to get the 'present' behind it They could be for - eating out as long as the baby isn't born yet - meals from a food delivery service which you eat at home with the woman once the baby is born - stuff for the baby - so and so many hours of babysitting later on You get the drift. Maybe you have more ideas as you know the woman.
@Hannihar (130057)
• Israel
16 Sep 18
@kimian55 I am so so sorry what she is going through. it is horrible and everyone needs people to care. How about getting a picture of the two of you and have it framed? That would show her you care and she would love it.