like lemmings off a cliff..

United States
July 15, 2019 4:28am CST
as someone who grew up as probably the last generation not to have always known tech toys,it just amazes me how glued some of these young'uns are to their cell phones. i have seen them have a "conversation" on phones while sitting next to each other. i guess that's how you talk crap about people walking by nowadays..without risking getting your face punched. but today took the cake. i was crossing the street on the walk,and in the other direction was 12 people-ALL ON THEIR PHONE while walking. come on.NOTHING can be THAT interesting that you can't put it down long enough to walk from a to b. i'm really surprised more people haven't walked into holes..hit poles..bumped off cars than there is local. no wonder the gov't's doing what it wants. they're not paying attention anyway. baby shark do do do dooooo
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15 responses
• Preston, England
15 Jul 19
It used to be only crazy people walking down the street shouting at invisible people.
5 people like this
• United States
16 Jul 19 you have to check if they're on the phone first
3 people like this
• Philippines
16 Jul 19
and now people don't care who can hear them.
4 people like this
• Preston, England
16 Jul 19
@hereandthere It sometimes seems to be done to draw attention to the caller / call taker who wants to feel important - they just end up being annoying. I love peace and quiet and many calls going on round me are just noise pollution
4 people like this
@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
15 Jul 19
It is rather scary how distracted people are with their cell phones.
4 people like this
• United States
16 Jul 19
4 people like this
@cacay1 (83237)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Jul 19
@BelleStarr,it seems their cellular phone is their life.
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@BarBaraPrz (45891)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
15 Jul 19
You may be on to something... a communist plot! Opiate of the masses!
4 people like this
• United States
16 Jul 19
yup.the best servants are complacent ones..
3 people like this
@hereandthere (45651)
• Philippines
16 Jul 19
my niece/nephew need to watch their phones while doing chores so either the chores take forever to finish or they're done haphazardly.
3 people like this
• United States
17 Jul 19
i can't get my nephews to do anything..
3 people like this
• Philippines
23 Jul 19
@scarlet_woman i have to tell them several times, then i have to check on them while they're doing it.
2 people like this
@PatZAnthony (14752)
• Charlotte, North Carolina
1 Aug 19
Could it be this is b/c so many are trying to do so much in a small amount of time? Hate seeing people on their phones anywhere! Really? Can't wait to get home and check email? It has gotten so out of hand, hasn't it?
2 people like this
• United States
1 Aug 19
it definetly younger coworkers can't seem to put the damn thing down long enough to do their job.
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@LindaOHio (161113)
• United States
15 Jul 19
So many people are on their phones's amazing.
3 people like this
• United States
16 Jul 19
it is.
3 people like this
@GardenGerty (158294)
• United States
25 Jul 19
People do not realize they have reached a point where their phone owns them. What a pain to try to deal with some of them.
2 people like this
• United States
25 Jul 19
it sure seems like..i get people yelling at me sometimes cause i didn't pick up..if i'm home,it's not on me.
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@snowy22315 (172372)
• United States
14 Aug 19
In a total act of enablement I have heard of some communities wanting to put in cellphone only the silly people too lazy to put their head up and look around them..won't get hit by cars!
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@crossbones27 (48641)
• Mojave, California
18 Jul 19
Indeed, it makes me mad at how spoiled people are and I hear all this talk its the youth. No, its the teaching and leading by example. You 42 on vacation and your phone has been in your face the whole time. You spending 1000's of dollars to do what you could do at home.
2 people like this
• United States
1 Aug 19
Oh yes it is all engineered for brainwash
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
7 Aug 19
I don't know how you define 'younguns' but at 83 I constantly see the behavior you are talking about being done by people in their 30s, 40s, 50s and a few in their 60s!! And, yes, they bump into other people, walls, fall off the curbs in streets and let's not get into causing automobile accidents because they are addicted to the point of texting/reading on their phones while driving (including a 81 year old fried of mine even though I have made him pull over and let me out of the car!!) I'm not an angel but I don't do any of that--just like I couldn't take my landline with me I don't take my cell phone with me! Hey, if an emergency comes up there are people all around me with phones! :O)
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
2 Aug 19
I agree. It’s getting crazy and I’m positive those on their phones are not conducting import business calls. There have been many accidents. Idiots!
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@porwest (79027)
• United States
5 Aug 19
This sort of thing drives me NUTS.
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@jnrdutton (2657)
• United States
9 Aug 19
I use my phone at times to text, call my mother, and play games, browse/write, or take pics, but it's no obsession. I mean I know when to put it down. I had my 1st cell phone when I was 15, it didn't have all the capabilities many do now. Maybe all the things a phone can do these days is why kids are glued to them.
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Aug 19
i got my first one..hmm..i think i was 48. i resisted getting one,but my mom almost got us stranded somewhere the one day,and that was pay phones around anymore..
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@cacay1 (83237)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
18 Jul 19
Many were killed because while walking texting. They are stupid. Young people as so weird this time. They like to apply what they heard and seen, They like to do selfies than read books and discover their talents and potentialities.