Fashion is a funny thing.

@Fleura (29266)
United Kingdom
October 26, 2019 10:56am CST
I’m not a great follower of fashion. I prefer to just wear what I like, but even so it’s hard not to notice that some things elicit either no response or perhaps even compliments from acquaintances, while others induce smirks – and of course, if, like me, you keep your clothes for a long time, you will notice that the same clothes will cause different responses as fashions change. The other day I decided to have a sort-out as my trouser drawer seemed to be rather full. I pulled everything out to see what I had forgotten about at the bottom, and found I had four pairs of black trousers. I don’t wear black all that often, but I do need some because, as a volunteer usher at the theatre, we are required to wear black, and trousers are easier since I generally cycle there. Still I don’t really need more than one pair at a time. The main difference between the four pairs, apart from being slightly different shades of black, was in the width of the leg, which varied from tight through close-fitting then straight to almost flared. It was quite funny to see what a difference there was – for the photo the legs of three pairs are all aligned on one side. Should I get rid of the unfashionable ones? Should I alter them? Should I just wear them anyway? One pair needed a small repair to the hem of one leg, so while I was there with my sewing machine I did narrow the legs of that pair a couple of inches – but I didn’t cut off the excess fabric, I just left it on the inside so when fashions get wider again I can just let them out again. Then I chose the most appropriate for the current season and the others went back into the bottom of the drawer; when styles change, I can swap them over again! Do you do this, or do you get rid of stuff that’s not in fashion and then buy things again when the situation changes? All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2019.
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13 responses
@evans777 (1454)
27 Oct 19
I wear whatever I'm comfortable in
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 19
That's the best way!
@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 19
@evans777 I'm not even sure what crazy jeans are! Do they have lots of colourful patches?
@evans777 (1454)
27 Oct 19
Crazy jeans seems to be the new fashion @Fleura
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• United States
26 Oct 19
i've not cared 'bout fashion fer many, many years. i wear what i like 'n give no thought 'f such. that bein' said, i've many shirts 'n jeans that've seen better days. 'fter a while there's nothin' left to hold a patch, lol.
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• United States
27 Oct 19
@Fleura lol, me, too! 'tis awful though when ya think 'f 't. wearin' clothes so threadbare ya can see right through 'em, lol. i figure the hubs spends more'n 'nough'n clothes that i don't need to be wastin' those funds, too.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 19
I know what you mean. I have a load of T-shirts that are coming to the end of their lives as they are all more than 20 years old and full of holes. I still wear them under other things though!
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
27 Oct 19
@crazyhorseladycx we certainly can't be accused of extravagence!
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
26 Oct 19
@fleura I would never comment on a lady's apparel except when out of an evening when there are lots of young people around. On those occasions I am to be heard frequently muttering things like "Imagine going out dressed like that" or "I don't know why she even bothered putting anything on at all because she has nothing important covered anyway".
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 19
Or of course "Isn't she cold??" This is most frequently heard in Newcastle.
@paigea (35974)
• Canada
26 Oct 19
I rarely get rid of things due to fashion changes. Some things I find I really don't like, then I donate them. Right now I am trying to decrease stuff in my closet. I have lost weight. Many of the large clothes are too worn to donate and not worn enough for the garbage?? Big dilemma for me!
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 19
Over here most charity shops also collect worn stuff for the 'rag man' so if it isn't good enough to sell they will still be happy to have it. And if you don't want to think of the staff rifling through your old clothes you can just bag them up and say they are for the rag collection and they'll be pleased not to have to bother sorting. Maybe you could ask if they do that. Otherwise perhaps you could use them to make something different - patchwork? Clothes for children or even dolls? A rag rug? Dishcloths?
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@paigea (35974)
• Canada
26 Oct 19
@Fleura yes, the ones that make good rags, I use or donate.
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@thelme55 (76634)
• Germany
26 Oct 19
I don´t really get rid of clothes which are no longer in fashion. I keep them and wear them again when they are still fitting to me, when the fashion is coming back.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
26 Oct 19
Same here!
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@Hannihar (129999)
• Israel
28 Oct 19
@Fleura I say wear what makes you happy. I got rid of things when I lost weight because they were not good on me anymore. I buy things that I like and I feel look good on me. I have seen others with some of the things I did buy. I felt good about it.
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@Fleura (29266)
• United Kingdom
28 Oct 19
Yes they must be comfortable and a good fit.
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@Hannihar (129999)
• Israel
29 Oct 19
@Fleura So true.
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• United States
26 Oct 19
It all comes around for fashion anyway so you might as well make use of them all Fleur. At least the way I see it.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
28 Oct 19
I keep things for a few years and then if I don't wear them out they go unless I really love them but I suspect of I love them that much I would be wearing them!! lol Though I wore a really cute pair of houndstooth fit leg pants today that I haven't worn in a couple of years and it made me wonder why I hadn't worn them, they fit good and they are comfortable.
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
26 Oct 19
I do not get rid of stuff, I know that I keep too many things, but I always tell to myself "why to throw them if they fit?". I often wear those more "out of fashion" at home, or when I work in the garden. I made some small modifications to other things and they look like new.
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@jaboUK (64360)
• United Kingdom
31 Oct 19
Fashion plays little part in my attire nowadays, I just wear what I'm comfortable with.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
26 Oct 19
Fashion goes in cycles. I only save my designer pieces and donate the rest to a consignment shop, charity shop, or into the trash. Vintage clothing is very popular, so if I wear an older piece, I feel fine. I just try to mix it up with new things.
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@just4him (310126)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
29 Oct 19
I'm not fashion-minded. I wear what I like. I get rid of it when it's too big. I throw it away when it's ruined and I can't get rid of it to the thrift store.
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@JudyEv (328120)
• Rockingham, Australia
27 Oct 19
I really only get rid of clothes that I find I don't wear at all. I really need a nice new blouse or two but apart from that I'm pretty well off for clothes.
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