UPS is at it again!

@CRK109 (14558)
United States
November 14, 2019 7:51pm CST
I wrote about UPS the other day and how they have been leaving packages in common areas. Easy to steal. Today I received an email from UPS. Not with any helpful information about my complaints. Oh no. But it's the holiday season and they want to be...helpful! They want to know where I'd like them to leave my packages as they begin to deliver holiday packages! If we set up a place for delivery at one of their access points, we can get a gift card. Well, isn't that special? It's great for someone like me without transportation so I would have to pay for ride to go to an access point to retrieve my packages that they can't (won't) deliver to my door. I have no gift cards in my future and possible stolen packages. Merry Merry. Peace Claudia
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8 responses
@Deepizzaguy (95995)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
15 Nov 19
In my neighborhood I have to be on alert when the UPS truck comes to the front door since sometimes they do not knock on the door to tell me that my package arrived. The fear in this neighborhood is that thieves will take off with them.
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@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
15 Nov 19
Yes that's the problem. They used to deliver to my apartment door and they used to knock. Then they stopped knocking. Now they don't even come upstairs. They just leave packages by the front door.
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@Deepizzaguy (95995)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
15 Nov 19
@CRK109 It is a shame that the service from UPS has taken a tumble.
@RasmaSandra (74599)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Nov 19
That is certainly a difficult situation I have two thoughts one that they could arrange to deliver your packages on days when you are home and two do you have any neighbors who could take in your packages?
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@RasmaSandra (74599)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Nov 19
@CRK109 that really makes no sense at all I hope you can find a way to solve this problem
@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
15 Nov 19
You see, that's the weird part. I'm home every day. I'm retired. But they don't even come to my apartment door. They just leave packages where anyone can take them. Makes no sense to me.
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@shaggin (71672)
• United States
15 Nov 19
They leave mine on my porch and I never have any problems thankfully. So many times I am supposed to have to sign for a delivery but they leave it there without even knocking.
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@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
15 Nov 19
I'm so glad you've never had a problem. I did have one package stolen. All the thief got was kitty litter! lol I was out the money but I was too busy laughing and wishing I could have seen the thief's face!
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 Nov 19
Why are'nt they delivering the package to your door.
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@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
15 Nov 19
I have no idea. They used to. They also used to let me know that a package was coming that day. They have even stopped doing that. Things are going downhill fast.
• United States
17 Nov 19
i oft wonder if'n all the online shoppin' aint jest o'errun those carriers? the holiday season 'tis jest gonna make 't worse. i did find out that they've 'nly so much time to deliver a package 'r get 'nto trouble. i'd ordered the hubs some shoes this past week, 'pposed to be comin' fed-ex. which worried me coz ya ne'er know where they're gonna throw such package (i 'dmit, that aint happened since i sent the company a video 'f such...). nope, they handed 't off to u.s.p.s. 'n 'nstead 'f the gal gettin' out'ta her truck, she left a sticky "undeliverable". the hubs'd the need to drive 'nto town to fetch 't today.
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@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
17 Nov 19
The holidays might have something to do with it. Bigger problems will come if/when more packages are stolen
@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
15 Nov 19
I understand the situation there when the package comes and no one in the locked house. Maybe you have to find a good place where the package can be delivered like the nearest convenience store. Just my thoughts.
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@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
15 Nov 19
Since I am home every day, it would make sense that they just deliver to my apartment door. But they don't. So I don't know anymore.
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@Alexandoy (65308)
• Cainta, Philippines
15 Nov 19
@CRK109 oh, I wonder why they can't deliver to your apartment.
@LadyDuck (461849)
• Switzerland
15 Nov 19
They are so annoying, I also do not drive, I want to receive my packages at my door.
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@JudyEv (328095)
• Rockingham, Australia
15 Nov 19
I hope you can get this sorted. Surely they must realise that many people don't have transport.