Ah, procrastination!

United States
November 29, 2019 9:16pm CST
I reckon that'd be what one'd call puttin' somethin' off that really needed tendin'. Like this quilt top I finished back'n July. 'twas to be fer my aunt fer her birthday the 1st 'f August. Ne'er happened. Jest couldn't get my groove goin'. Perhaps 'tis coz there's lots 'f stitchin' to be done 'n I dislike stitchin' in the ditch. Not fer certain how I'm gonna quilt 't either. Dunno why I get myself 'nto these pickles, but 'tis startin' to happen quite oft. 'tis now sandwiched (quilt top + battin' + backin' all pinned together), mockin' me'n the table e'ery time I walk by. Danged thingy. I wonder if'n 't knows how much I dislike 't? Since I've not free-motion quilted since...hmm, don't recall the last? Anyhow, prolly'd be a good idea to come'p with a plan 'n make some samplers to refresh my muscle memory. Or, I could jest wing 't. I confess to leanin' towards the latter. Do ya e'er make somethin', despise 't so that'cha've no desire to finish 't? Ugh...I so need motivation coz there'd be other quilts callin' to be made.
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16 responses
@kareng (56242)
• United States
30 Nov 19
I think the quilt is gorgeous and reminds me of all the old quilts my grandmother had. I miss those days! Those were nice and heavy quilts too. You can't get the same warmth from the flimsy blankets you buy these days. I think you should set up an award for yourself so you will have something to work for and get 'er done! Your reward is your payoff! I usually start things and don't finish them. I have a crochet blanket started in a new stitch I learned and now don't remember the stitch at all. I don't think instructions are with my thread either so may as well unravel and start over. I have a cross stitch bib started that was for my grandson. He is a year old now. I'm bad about all that. I did find the cross stitch blanket that I bought years ago for one of the grands, not sure which. It got misplaced. Found now and no little babies. Boo. I do want to work on that one though.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
aw, thanks, hon. the blocks 're wonky. i believe 'tis called 'lazy crazy eights'? i dunno, the youtube thingy said 'twas easy. uhm, nope! would'a been bigger, but i screwed'p 'bout 9 blocks to the point they'd jest not work. sigh... noperz, ya can beat those ol' quilts fer warmth. they used what they'd'n hand most oft. sometimes e'en ol' blankets were used's the battin'. my fav'd be the ol' denim 'n flannel quilts. they weigh a ton, but ya can't beat 'em fer warmth! if'n i survive this'un, i've got 'bout 8 tops to make'n then get those quilted, too. dunno if'n that 'tis a reward? but'll make a dent'n the fabric that seems to jest seep'n through the holes'n the house. this 'twas made from the aunts fabric. i've still 'bout 6 yards 'f various materials from her failed sewin' 'ttempts. i've got 'bout 40 pairs 'f holey jeans torn 'part fer more rag quilts. my ranchin' bud 'twas kind 'nough to donate 'bout 10 more pair. used to i'd the need to go beggin' fer those ol' britches, now folks jest leave'em here'n the porch, lol. i'm purty sure my desire to not leave thingies not completed 'd be due to the hubs. he's hardly finished anythin' here'n o'er 30 years. drives me crazy. perhaps i've lost my marbles 'n hope that me hittin' the finish line'n these quilts'll perhaps get his backside'n gear, so's he'll do the same. can't help ya with that crochet schtuff, tried fer o'er 40 years to learn that'n knittin'. 'lways a disaster. perhaps ya can go 'head'n finish those 'n donate 'em? i'm sure the women's shelter'd be plum tickled to get 'em. 'lways a need fer young'uns schtuff. that's where most 'f my quilts go. they're 'lways so thrilled.
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@kareng (56242)
• United States
6 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx Glad people are bringing you their old jeans to repurpose into quilts! That's great! I"m fixing to sign off here as this stomach virus that I though I had whipped is back. Grrr.
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• United States
6 Dec 19
@kareng me, too, but now i've got piles 'f the danged thingies that need to be fashioned 'nto somethin', lol. which i'll tackle if'n i e'er get this current quilt finished. oh no! please do take care with that bug, hon. sendin' healin' hugs ~
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• Pamplona, Spain
30 Nov 19
Yes, although it was not sewing it was always a huge pile of ironing that made me procrastinate big time trying to get out of it. You hang on in there and you can do it you know you can even if you procrastinate.
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• Pamplona, Spain
1 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx Just do it bit by bit that is how I do something I don´t care for getting aroiund to. Ironing was something I was forced to do when I was very small afraid I was and are a rebel heart although I did do it hence the dislike for that kind of job now I don´t mind doing it too much.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
thanks, hon. ne'er minded ironin', back'n the day most all clothin' needed such. i'd jest put'n some music'n get busy, lol. 'twas 'bout the 'nly time i'd to myself 's the young'uns feared they'd be put to work. yes ma'am, i'll get'er done. got started this morn 'n now'm procrastinatin' rippin' all that out. i've got puckers... totally unacceptable.
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• United States
2 Dec 19
@lovinangelsinstead21 i tried to get those stitches out earlier today 'n 'd to jest walk 'way. i confess there's not much i like 'bout this poor quilt. thankfully the aunt's seen 't, thinks 'tis beautiful. ne'er minded ironin' once we got a fancy iron that plugged 'nto the wall, lol. heatin' stones to put'n cast iron irons made 'em purty hefty. lots 'f burn scars, too.
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@shaggin (71672)
• United States
30 Nov 19
I get lots of ideas in my head that I start and then don't feel like finishing.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
oh, my head swims'n ideas, lol. schtuff that'll most likely ne'er get started. once i start somethin', i've gotta finish 't. drives me a tad o'er the edge to've 'em laughin' 't me, lol.
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@BelleStarr (61047)
• United States
30 Nov 19
I have a room full of my mother’s thing that I just avoid . I really do need to deal with it !!
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• United States
1 Dec 19
'tis diff'cult to tend to those thingies, hon. so much sentiment, fear ya might re-home somethin' that'cha later regret. i feel fer ya!
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@wolfgirl569 (97279)
• Marion, Ohio
30 Nov 19
Its pretty. I would prolly just wing it. Just try setting down and starting. Maybe that would get you motivated.
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@wolfgirl569 (97279)
• Marion, Ohio
1 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx It will come back to you. I have a little material still here. Donated a lot as I never get the sewing machine out.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
thanks. 'twas the aunts fabric from when she decided she could sew. 'n then changed her mind 'fter purchasin' quite a bit 'f fabric. which made 'ts way to my place. i sat down this morn 'n made a disaster. gonna need to get mr. ripper out 'n start 'new. dunno where the puckers came from?? perhaps all the help i'd with the pinnin'?
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• United States
2 Dec 19
@wolfgirl569 i went to rip those stitches out earlier 'n 'twas jest so disgusted i jest walked 'way...
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
30 Nov 19
I hope you get it finished. It's really beautiful. I procrastinate over a lot of things, mostly housework. I'll write before I do that. The dishes stare at me every time I come out of my office.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
me, too! thanks much fer yer kind words, hon. a new pattern that 'twas touted 's 'easy', i found such not to be the case. hopin' the quiltin' helps to hide the wonkiness 'f the blocks, lol. started this morn, found i've puckers...gotta rip that all out so i'm procrastinatin' yet 'gain. i used to keep a purty tidy place. not possible with the hubs here 24/7. i'm down to runnin' the vac 'bout once a week?? which's pitiful coz such needs done daily with critters. dirty dishes i jest can't tolerate. e'en clean'uns hangin' 'round'n a dish drainer, lol. nope, gotta wash/dry 'n put 'way quickly.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
@just4him i prolly ought'a run mine one 'f these days, jest to keep the seals workin' proper. 'tis been o'er a year i believe?? if'n i've lots 'f folks to eat, i sometimes use 't. yers must be much quieter'n mine, lol. ah, but'cha aint got a pup, cat 'n a hubs who'll not wipe his feet 'fore comin' 'ndoors :) seems i'm the 'nly capable 'f scrapin' mud 'n junk off my boots there'n the porch 'n e'en then switchin' shoes when i come'n. sigh... job security i reckon?
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@just4him (310131)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
1 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx I'll run the dishwasher tonight. It's my lullaby. The sound just puts me right to sleep. My place is tidy, though I can't tell you the last time I ran the vacuum cleaner.
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
30 Dec 19
I can completely understand why you've put this off ..... as for me I never woulda started it in the first place as I have no patience for such things.
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@rebelann (111563)
• El Paso, Texas
30 Dec 19
I have more patience with online tasks or with learning how to use aspects of Microsoft Office products @crazyhorseladycx I love using a computer.
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• United States
30 Dec 19
@rebelann i started out'n puters, many years 'go. got a piece 'f paper'n e'erythin'! 'fter i left corporate america, i'd no need fer such. missin' 8 years 'f technology aint a good thingy. i miss the days 'f dos 'n lan based systems. much easier to navigate.
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• United States
30 Dec 19
i've usually the patience 'f a saint, so i've been told anyhow. months 'f not bein' 'lone 'tis squished that purty much i fear. 'tis not the quilts fault, but we still aint made much progress.
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• Preston, England
2 Dec 19
I have many unfinished projects
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• Preston, England
3 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx it can be very frustrating
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• United States
3 Dec 19
does such not drive ya crazy? i wish 't didn't bother me so, but these thingies haunt my days 'n nights, lol.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
30 Nov 19
It is so easy to procrastinate and hard to get going again,
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
1 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx I have the baby quilt my mom made for me.
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• United States
2 Dec 19
@jstory07 do ya? oh, what a treasure to've!
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• United States
1 Dec 19
aint that the truth? seems the longer ya procrastinate, the more hard feelin's ya've fer the task. 'n thus such keeps gettin' pushed further 'n further from ones 'to-do' list. i tried to start quiltin' this morn, jest to find i've puckers. gotta rip 't all out'n start 'new. sigh...i'm determined though to get 'er done! i've got so many others to make.
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@Juliaacv (49087)
• Canada
30 Nov 19
The quilt looks lovely what you have done and I am sure that it will look even better once you finish. I started a cross stitch picture, over 20 years ago. It was quite a small one, so small that I couldn't finish it then because it was so small, and it bugs me now that I couldn't finish it today for the same reason.
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@Juliaacv (49087)
• Canada
1 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx I always find that even the less then perfect choice of material looks all that much better when done up in a quilt or handmade pillow.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
@Juliaacv this sure looked better chopped'p, lol. jest not my color palette i reckon. oh well, will get'er done hopefully soon. 't least such'll be warm, eh?
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• United States
1 Dec 19
aw, thanks :) not my fav regardin' the fabric (the aunt purchased such), not too happy with how my rendition 'f the pattern turned out either, lol. i miss doin' cross stitch, i hear ya'n how diff'cult doin' those small'uns can be. nearly puts yer eyes out! i got to where i couldn't distinguish the colors well, nor count the tiny holes. now, 'tis most diff'cult to do those thingies 'n needlework period 'tis a task i jest can't manage.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
2 Dec 19
What did you give to your aunt instead?
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• United States
2 Dec 19
@sol_cee yes, most definitely, e'en with the zippers 'n box corners, lol. sigh...
• United States
2 Dec 19
i'd made her some saddlebags fer her walker which she can take off'n use's a purse if'n she's the need.
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@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
2 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx Was that easier to make than the one above?
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@CRK109 (14558)
• United States
1 Dec 19
Same has happened to me with knitting and crocheting projects. I usually put them in time out until I'm ready to tackle them again.
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• United States
2 Dec 19
this poor thingy 'tis been tauntin' me since i finished the top back'n july. i dunno how much 'time out' 't needs?? i jest gotta get'er done. i'm one 'f those who cannot start 'nother 'til this'un 'tis completed. i'm runnin' out'ta time fer my holiday given.
@Hannihar (129980)
• Israel
7 Jan 20
@crazyhorseladycx Can you still give it to her now just as a nice gift for her? I have done things I did not like but worked on them to make sure that they turned good for me and the person I am doing it for.
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• United States
8 Jan 20
yes ma'am, if'n such e'er gets completed anyhow. she's seen such (can't miss't, 'tis sprawled out'n my dinin' room table which i use to quilt) 'n loves 't. doesn't matter to here when she gets possession.
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• United States
8 Jan 20
@Hannihar yes ma'am, whene'er such 'tis finally completed. hopefully 'fore spring, though i'm not gettin' my hopes'p, lol.
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@Hannihar (129980)
• Israel
8 Jan 20
@crazyhorseladycx So you can give it to her then and she will be happy with it. I am glad she likes it.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
30 Nov 19
The quilt looks beautiful. Maybe you'll get it finished eventually.
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• United States
1 Dec 19
thanks, ms. @CarolDM. i've great hopes to get'er done'n out'ta my house 'fore the next holiday, lol. i've got so many others to make. donated fabrics 've grown my 'stash' to unacceptable.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
1 Dec 19
@crazyhorseladycx It takes time I know. I used to watch my grandmother makes quilts all the time.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
2 Dec 19
My friend Allen is a procrastinator and it drives me CRAZY!!! ARGH!
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• United States
2 Dec 19
i'm not takin' this well. perhaps too much unrest here't my place? drives me crazy, too :(
@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
2 Dec 19
I had been working on latch hook rug. The past few months I haven't worked on it. But I do want to finish it, I hope this weekend I will be able to work on it.
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• United States
2 Dec 19
oh, i used to love doin' those! the hands'll not cooperate these days, so took'p quiltin'. i sure hope yer able to get such finished soon, hon. 'lways makes ya feel good to get'em done.
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