Waitress Who Walked 22 Kms to Work Every Day Surprised With a Car By Generous Couple*

@MALUSE (69388)
December 2, 2019 2:51pm CST
When I open yahoo, I find a lot of headlines from news agencies all over the world. The news the yahoo peeps feel share-worthy (Is there such a word? If not, it should be coined) are a mixture of world politics and trivia. The No 1 trivia news of today is an article from the American news agency NEWS 18. It tells us about a waitress in Texas - Adrianna Edwards by name - who would walk 14 miles (22.5 km) from her home to the restaurant Denny’s in Galveston where she worked and back *every day*! It's not mentioned for how long she did this. It's not mentioned, either, how a couple she served in the restaurant learnt about this and that she was saving money for a car. Anyway, they did. They ate, paid for their meal, left and returned hours later with a 2011 Nissan Sentra they had bought for the waitress. Their only condition was that she should pay their kindness forward and help someone in future. Instead of travelling for four hours she will now need only 30 minutes. So far, so good and moving and tear-jerking and just right for pre-Christmas sentimentality. YET, comments on the net show that I'm not the only hard-hearted, unsentimental person. ARE THERE NO CHEAP (USED) BIKES, E-BIKES, MOFAS, MOTORCYCLES in Galveston, Texas? Has the idea of CAR-SHARING not reached this town of 50.000+ inhabitants? The mind boggles. The joy caused by the kindness of the anonymous couple is overshadowed by disturbing thoughts about the waitress' wanderlust (to put it mildly). ----- * Headline and piccie copied from NEWS18
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13 responses
@maezee (41996)
• United States
2 Dec 19
Oh my goodness, I have to agree with you. 14 miles is excessive. She must be in great shape, but wouldn't that take about 5 hours each way? I would have to imagine there is some other way, or a job that she could hold that is closer to her home. But it's kind of heart-warming also. Ha ha.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
2 Dec 19
When I read the article, I thought for a fleeting moment that she was exercising for marathons. But this is obviously not the case.
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• United States
2 Dec 19
I saw that article, I think that is wonderful.
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• China
3 Dec 19
Luck came the waitress' way ! The couple must have felt for her.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
3 Dec 19
That's for sure!
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@amnabas (13742)
• Karachi, Pakistan
2 Dec 19
Yes I read it somewhere..
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@just4him (310863)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
2 Dec 19
I hadn't heard of it. That was nice of the couple to do that for her out of their generous heart.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
2 Dec 19
Yes, indeed, it was very nice.
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@porwest (79040)
• United States
19 Dec 19
I am with you on your complaint. Some people just are TERRIBLE about managing their money. I have always said that it NEVER matters how much you make, it matters what you DO with what you make. In other words, you could be a lawyer and be broke, and you could be a fast food worker and be rich. It just depends on how you spend your money and what you INVEST in. In any event, I am glad she got her car and I hope she DOES pay it forward and becomes a person who realizes that not all rich people are evil and greedy. Too many poor people in this country believe that EVEN THOUGH they have a job provided to them by a rich person, and that job pays their bills, puts clothes on their backs, puts food on the table... ...and will ultimately put gas in that free car. That rich people are evil and greedy. The unfortunate truth is that THOSE people who believe that THINK that the rich do not work hard for their money, and THEY (the poor people) feel entitled and think someone owes them something. Most of the time...for nothing. What's more is that they think all jobs should pay a certain amount. Look, fast food pays what fast food pays. You CHOOSE to work fast food, you get paid what fast food pays. A garbage man makes about $45,000 a year. Maybe think about picking up garbage instead of flipping burgers and maybe you might be better off. Opportunity abounds. But not all people know this, understand this, or seize upon this.
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@Tina30219 (81556)
• Onaway, Michigan
8 Dec 19
That is so sweet of those people to do that.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
8 Dec 19
Yes, it is indeed. A premature Christmas present!
@Tina30219 (81556)
• Onaway, Michigan
8 Dec 19
@MALUSE Right I bet the lady was very surprised for sure.
@STOUTjodee (3572)
• United States
5 Dec 19
Wow!! When I was a waitress, I never had a customer "give" me a vehicle when I didn't have a vehicle!! Hope she enjoys it, now she might have to get another job to pay for insurance, gas,plates and maintenance on the vehicle.
@jstory07 (134786)
• Roseburg, Oregon
5 Dec 19
That was a very nice thing that the couple did for her. I heard this story before it shows how nice people can be.
@Tampa_girl7 (49472)
• United States
8 Dec 19
I heard this heartwarming story the other day.
@Tampa_girl7 (49472)
• United States
8 Dec 19
@MALUSE I totally agree. The news can be so depressing.
@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
8 Dec 19
It's nice for a change to read or hear about a positive happening and not only about crimes and catastrophes.
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@DianneN (247204)
• United States
8 Dec 19
I read about that, too, and thought the same thing. Bicycles are inexpensive.
@thelme55 (76664)
• Germany
2 Dec 19
OMG! That is a long way to walk to work and back home. There are still kind people in this world. Congratulations to that waitress.
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@YrNemo (20257)
5 Dec 19
You are always very practical. I read your post, and sat there calculating, the lady must have longer legs than mine (slightly). it would take me roughly the same time to get that far but I can't walk every day like her. Now and then is enough to kill me. (That couple is wealthy OK. I should try to contact them, perhaps they would give us a house for the coming Christmas???? )
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