Be Positive, Regardless...

By pgn
@pgntwo (22408)
Derry, Northern Ireland
January 2, 2020 4:26am CST
... of the mess the United Kingdom seems to be making of itself. Perhaps 2020 will bring the clarity of vision needed to navigate a path to a better, brighter future, regardless of the way our European Union friends and family members are being made to feel after a lifetime spent living in the UK - 47 years on Jan 1st, 2020. Regardless of the way the National Health Service has been overburdened and underfunded in the preceding decade, and is now being starved, due to circumstances and uncertainty, of critical personnel. Regardless of the likelihood that, for a Brit, travelling in Europe will become just a sightseeing trip - no more an opportunity to be spontaneous and take up that poolside job or that chalet ski guide position... Regardless, I will seek the positives. Regardless.
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9 responses
@DaddyEvil (137170)
• United States
26 Mar 20
I sincerely hope things don't change so far out of recognition that we won't recognize ourselves and each other when everything is said and done, pgn. BTW, isn't it about time that you used a bit of that "stuck at home time" to write a new discussion or maybe two here on myLot?
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@DaddyEvil (137170)
• United States
26 Mar 20
@pgntwo I thought you usually do "work from home". (Maybe I misunderstood something last time we talked here. *shrug* It wouldn't be the first time. ) But you know staring at papers all day can cause you to go blind, right? Or have I gotten that confused with something else again? I may try to interrupt your work schedule a little bit... Especially after Pretty told me to leave her alone and slammed her bedroom door in my face! I swear, all I did was tell her I was bored.
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
27 Mar 20
@DaddyEvil Tense times, short tempers and worry - all ingredients for a bout of foot-stomping, hollering and door-slamming. Nah, I usually work in an office - but as lockdown means staying home (wisely), I have to work from wherever I can find a quiet corner within range of the home WiFi Always know where your towel is, then you'll never get bored
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
26 Mar 20
I am officially 'working from home' - long story, the upshot of which is: less time for frivolities.
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@xFiacre (12586)
• Ireland
2 Jan 20
@pgntwo Perhaps your advice has encouraged Arlene and Michelle up the hill. Perhaps they’ll stay there till they feel a bit more of your positivity.
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@xFiacre (12586)
• Ireland
3 Jan 20
@MALUSE They are the leaders of our two biggest political parties, the DUP and Sinn Fein, neither of which I support. They are responsible for our current political impasse and they prevent progress.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
3 Jan 20
@xFiacre And you thought these names would ring a bell? Unfortunately, they don't. Ireland is not in the news at the moment. Considering why Ireland used to be in the news in the past, this is a good thing in my opinon.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
3 Jan 20
Who are Arlene and Michelle? I've never heard the names.
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@rebelann (111682)
• El Paso, Texas
22 Feb 20
I hope 2020 is shaping up the way you'd like. Why can't you take up a poolside job?
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@rebelann (111682)
• El Paso, Texas
23 Feb 20
Damn, that sounds really mean @pgntwo do they dislike citizens from the UK?
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
26 Feb 20
@rebelann Alas, it is what the UK is doing to itself, by leaving the European Union. A bit like Florida leaving the USA, perhaps? The changes started on 31-Jan, become irreversible on 29-Jun-2020 and result in complete separation of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland from the EU in December 2020. Skim-read this to get a feel for what happens at end-Dec 2020:
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@pgntwo (22408)
• Derry, Northern Ireland
22 Feb 20
Travel from UK to Europe will be "for leisure purposes only". A UK citizen will need a visa and work permit after Dec-2020, and a promise that they will return to the UK when the poolside job ends.
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@LadyDuck (462735)
• Switzerland
2 Jan 20
As Switzerland is not part of EU (and it has never been) we always had the problem to show our ID at the borders, even if we are Italian citizens.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
2 Jan 20
Everything is special in Switzerland.
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@LadyDuck (462735)
• Switzerland
3 Jan 20
@MALUSE I am glad that the Swiss know us, when we cross the border they never ask for our documents. The Italians are bureaucratic, so they do.
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@MALUSE (69388)
• Germany
3 Jan 20
@LadyDuck The fact that Italians are bureaucratic is something that puzzles foreigners because Italians often behave in the way as if they don't care. They certainly don't care about traffic rules, especially in the south. They don't care about dirt and rubbish in public places. But if you have to do something in a bank or a communal office, then they are bureaucratic. What I'll never forget is that old age pensioners have to wait in line for hours when they get their pensions. I saw that in Sardinia. I don't know if it is still the case. And the people working in banks and offices are the kings and behave in an arrogant way towards the customers. Nobody dares to complain. The Italians invented the banking system during the Renaissance but now they're 'behind the moon' as the Germans say. Why don't they use giro accounts? They even go to the post office and pay for TV and radio instead of doing this without carrying cash with them.
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• United States
7 Feb 20
God is good, so I try also to seek the positives.
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@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
3 Jan 20
It is good to stay positive and just accept that we have no control over what happens in our world.
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@rsa101 (38013)
• Philippines
2 Jan 20
It seem like there is a worldwide concern right now for government who seems like they are not doing well their jobs in serving its citizens. I think it is not only in your country but in many countries too.
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@waflay (2737)
• Nairobi, Kenya
2 Jan 20
When everything seems uphill, only a positive mind stands adrift, even though that might mean working twice as much to get the same services you used to have. Times change but people only learn to adapt.
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@cherigucchi (14876)
• Philippines
2 Jan 20
I agree. This is a good start for the new year
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