Of Kingdoms and Dynasties.

@eileenleyva (27562)
September 27, 2020 5:27pm CST
Man's history is filled with wars and battles and unending disputes over lands and territories. A people versus a people. A kingdom versus invaders. Longevity for a dynasty. There's the United Kingdom and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Japan has an emperor, as China details a long succession of imperial dynasties. Elsewhere are princes and dukes, with fiefdoms to fight for them. Such is the story of man - a never ending tale of war and disputes, a never ending desire for individuals to be in power, and even believe themselves sons of heaven. Are you ruled by a king? Would you defend your king and the kingdom with all your might? Even with your life?
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5 responses
@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
28 Sep 20
My ancestor was the terrifying Genghis Khan. My ancestor was a grandchild of his to be adopted by the chinese family because my branch is not the Khan. It could be a blood bath if you are not in the Khan branch. We had adopted the same surname as the adopted family and interestedly, the second generation of my branch off clan had worked with Kublai Khan whom is mildly amused that his cousin had ended up been a chinese officer working under him instead of going through the mongol route. I will have been loyal to the Mongolian but I was not given the chance actually.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
29 Sep 20
A very interesting lineage you've got. Will reserve my comments till I have watched the movie about Genghis Khan, and learn more about your ancestry. It is very noble though, to have that courage of a defender.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
29 Sep 20
@id_peace Glad fb has provided linkage for the clan. People ought to know their relations who are probably scattered round the world.
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@id_peace (14005)
• Singapore
29 Sep 20
Thank you so much. I did not know this part of the history as well till I learn of it from the main branch as I joined the clan FB.
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@judithml (405)
29 Sep 20
Are you ruled by a king? I don't think we had kings here, but for sure there had been rulers. I don't know exactly who or where they were from Would you defend your king and the kingdom with all your might? Even with your life? Maybe not. I cant say. If you're talking about the current govt, my answer is no way.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
29 Sep 20
The Philippines is a tribal archipelago, once ruled by datus. The old days was also a story of tribal wars. In a sense, we are still tribal up to now. The despotism in the current situation is most unfortunate. The concept of kingship is to provide a ruler who would unite the people - like the first king in the Bible - Saul. Saul, however, turned into a power-driven king. Yet, David, the shepherd boy who fought Goliath of the Philistines, served Saul, his king.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
7 Oct 20
@judithml The Bible is basically a History Book, from the point of Salvation of Man. Man's story is filled with wars.
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@judithml (405)
6 Oct 20
@eileenleyva Yes, I read part of that high school world history book that I found and it was fascinating at the same time a little difficult read, I have not finished it yet. It was about ancient human and nations history all over the world.
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
28 Sep 20
Are you ruled by a king? No. Would you defend your king and the kingdom with all your might? Depends on what's at stake. Even with your life? Again, depends on what's at stake. I'd like to think of myself as a sellsword. I'll fight if the price is right.
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@allen0187 (58444)
• Philippines
29 Sep 20
@eileenleyva those who fight best are those with nothing left to lose.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
29 Sep 20
@allen0187 Have you no one to lose?
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
29 Sep 20
Whoaaa! Really? Though odd, if you believe you are a mercenary, I have no argument with that. Uncanny.
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@rebelann (111685)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Oct 20
More wars have been waged simply over religious differences, those are the most tragic of all.
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
11 Oct 20
Is that so? Never thought about that yet. WWI was triggered by the assassination of Gavrilo Princip. WWII, far as Philippines is concerned, started right after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, and the Filipinos assisted and fought side by side with the Americans. The Battle of Lepanto in 1571 is a religious war. The other wars, I have yet to study.
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@rebelann (111685)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Oct 20
The Crusades was also a religious war and it lasted way too long @eileenleyva
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
11 Oct 20
@rebelann Oh yes, you are correct. I think Pope John Paul II apologized and tried to make amends for the atrocities the Christians brought in that war. Hu hu. Mea Culpa.
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
28 Sep 20
That is a very hard question but In case, I will not do it in the name of the king but for the kingdom... Sadly, mostly, only the king will be remembered on how great he ruled while the rest that gives their lives for the country will just be an unsung heroes...
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
28 Sep 20
Wow. That's a very poetic answer. Yes, the people are the ones worth fighting and dying for. Kings and rulers come and go but the people remain true to their country and the land. You are selfless, kabayan. Very admirable.
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@simplfred (20641)
• Philippines
28 Sep 20
@eileenleyva I can sense you have a heart for the country too, kabayan... We surely have some differences but one thing is for sure... We have a big heart for our county...
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@eileenleyva (27562)
• Philippines
28 Sep 20
@simplfred This country is the only one we've got. Perhaps the best in the world, for ours is a paradise. Climate perfect with lands as vast for vegetation and seas with fish a plenty. That is why the conquerors want to rule our land, for our natural resources. Our people are the most hospitable in the world. The imperialists took advantage of that. We would offer them our 'papag' while we sleep on the floor, give them our last meal while we sleep hungry. We are most self-reliant, most helpful, most resilient, and most enduring people in the world. Many Americans and Brits are recognizing now that we are the special forces, because in the face of adversity, like this pandemic, our nurses and doctors were true to the oath of taking care of the sick. Yes, ready to offer my old self, too, for this country.
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