I just had a wonderful "street moment"! Please share in my joy!

@TheHorse (208232)
Walnut Creek, California
February 5, 2021 4:04pm CST
I had just gotten off of work today. I had had a delightful interaction with my autistic client (to be described), and was in a good mood. I decided to sit down on the curb and smoke a f*g in the laundromat parking lot, next to my truck, facing the street near a stop light. A fella in the left turn lane, across the street from me, was "dancing" in his seat to some "disco"-sounding music. He was brushing his hair back sensuously and moving like he was already at "the club." A woman driver and her male companion pulled up behind the dancing driver and started moving a little bit, both laughing out loud. When she looked left, and saw me, I started doing the robot dance with my arms, sitting on my butt and smoking my cigarette. The woman laughed even harder and gave me the "thumbs up" as the light turned and she started into her left turn. I had already started to give her the thumbs up even before I noticed she was doing the same. It was one of those random moments in life that make me think, "People are OK, and it's good to be here!"
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19 responses
@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Feb 21
What a cool moment!
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Feb 21
So simple and so fun. I want to write about my interaction with the autistic girl today. But I'll wait.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Feb 21
@CarolDM Exactly! Do you know the story of the "good wolf and the bad wold within me, Grandfather"? I was thinking about that as I drove home.
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@CarolDM (203449)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Feb 21
@TheHorse Life is what we make out of the moments.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
5 Feb 21
It's moments like this that make you realise not everyone is a complete &%$£. I do have to ask why you smoke figs though!!
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Feb 21
They're hard to light unless they're really dry.
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@WorDazza (15830)
• Manchester, England
5 Feb 21
@TheHorse I can imagine. Nowhere near as difficult to light as a watermelon though.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Feb 21
@WorDazza Easy if you shot them up with enough Coleman fuel. But they're no good for smoking at that point.
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@wolfgirl569 (97247)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Feb 21
Sometimes it can be fun.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Those silly moments CAN make a day.
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@Deepizzaguy (95956)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
5 Feb 21
Despite what the news media reports of all of the bad things going on in the world, there are some good people willing to make a positive change in our world.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Feb 21
You mean like willing to have a laugh together and share a good moment without caring about their political affiliation or wanting money from them? Who'd a thunk it!
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
5 Feb 21
@Deepizzaguy I did not see myself as correcting you in any way.
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@Deepizzaguy (95956)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
5 Feb 21
@TheHorse That is what I meant. Thank you for correcting me.
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@kobesbuddy (75574)
• East Tawas, Michigan
5 Feb 21
Whenever I start whining that every person is mixed up, God sends someone into my life to stop my negativity.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
That is a good thing. My positive interaction with the autistic kid made me more sensitive to the good in the world.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
@kobesbuddy Exactly!
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@kobesbuddy (75574)
• East Tawas, Michigan
6 Feb 21
@TheHorse Whatever we're looking for, that's what we will see. If we're looking for the good, we will definitely find it.
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@spiderdust (14741)
• San Jose, California
6 Feb 21
I had to look up "steet" and wonder if I found the right definition. What's yours?
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Heh. I'll let you know after I look it up.
@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
LOL! Sorry I subjected you to that. But at least we both know something we hadn't known before!
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@spiderdust (14741)
• San Jose, California
6 Feb 21
@TheHorse Ah, I see there was a typo and you meant "street"! I thought there was a new slang term that I hadn't picked up on yet. I remember being so confused for about a week when the kids started saying "yeet".
@GardenGerty (158131)
• United States
6 Feb 21
Sounds like a pleasant afternoon.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
I was happy for the entire afternoon. I guess I'm easy to please.
@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
6 Feb 21
A funny and relaxed moment, not all people are bad and not all people complain all the time.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
7 Feb 21
@TheHorse I think most of us are open to such moments... there are exceptions of course.
@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Yep. Given the right circumstances, I think most of us can be open to such moments.
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
6 Feb 21
That's my motto, "People are OK, and it's good to be here!"
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@xander6464 (41011)
• Wapello, Iowa
7 Feb 21
@TheHorse It does seem to be a different mindset....if you can call what we have here a mindset. It feels more like a fantasyset. Or a mindlessset.
@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
I'm glad I've lived in both Iowa and Montana. It's a different mindset than in the more population-dense states.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
6 Feb 21
There must have been something in the air, pony... You don't find "happy" people out in public very often. I'm glad you had that experience.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
7 Feb 21
@TheHorse Hmmm... I guess I wouldn't notice... I interact with the public all the time. I rarely see/talk with anyone not actively seeking me out for help, so in my experience, they're always nice... When I'm not at work I actively avoid people. I'm scared of catching Covid.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Feb 21
@DaddyEvil I wear my mask and assume...I don't know what.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
I have found that people are MORE friendly, rather than less friendly, during the pandemic. Maybe it's because we're all stuck at home, and craving social interaction. We're all living like Montanans, where the population density is so low that people are actually gad to interact with, and help out, others.
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@RasmaSandra (74555)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
6 Feb 21
That could make anyone smile I am glad you had such an awesome moment
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Between that and my interaction with the autistic kid, I was happy all afternoon.
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
6 Feb 21
Hell, I'd have pulled over; got out of the car and danced with ya @TheHorse . I'm sure within 15 minutes, the parking lot would have turned into a 'club' as more gathered.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Now THAT would make my week!
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
7 Feb 21
@TheHorse The Go-Go Dancer in me ain't never left even at the age of 70. Even though I can't hang upside down from a pole anymore, I can still shake that bootie.
@just4him (310102)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Feb 21
Those are good moments. It makes the whole day worth it.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
It really does. It's up to each of us to be open to them.
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@just4him (310102)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
6 Feb 21
@TheHorse I agree.
@DocAndersen (54403)
• United States
6 Feb 21
THAT IS HILARIOUS! reminds me of a story I will share on another day!
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Feb 21
I want to hear it! Once, a friend and I started singing Time of the Season, by the Zombies, on a BART train. We got others to sing along and did not get beat up or mugged.
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@DocAndersen (54403)
• United States
7 Feb 21
@TheHorse I will make a mylot post about it soon I promise!
@BarBaraPrz (45813)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
6 Feb 21
Doesn't take much...
@sol_cee (38221)
• Philippines
6 Feb 21
Haha you were in the same ‘zone’. I would have joined if I were there lolll.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Another participant would have been fun!
@JudyEv (328037)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Feb 21
Love it when this happens.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
6 Feb 21
Me too.
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@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
6 Feb 21
People watching is such fun; and it makes it even better when you run into some nice people.
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@TheHorse (208232)
• Walnut Creek, California
7 Feb 21
They're out there. They just have to know that it's not a crime to be kind.
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@ladyhero (3846)
• Indonesia
8 Feb 21
Funny moment become possitive wave to other, what a mood boster lol