It Takes All Sorts to Make a World

@Shiva49 (26269)
August 22, 2021 9:44am CST
The goings on in our world can make us withdraw into a shell, close our eyes even, if we are sensitive. We have a set standard that makes us accept what is right, fair, but we face some that make us numb. That they are allowed to happen despite murmurings of protest from all over shows either our apathy or incapability to act in unison to right what we know is palpably wrong. Now, the Afghan situation is beyond shocking. Their own are running away from a gun trotting few among them – the opposite of freedom and democracy that we take it for granted in most parts of the world. It is repression of the vast majority by a few who have no value for human lives, compassion is absent, zilch. Like a lie repeated gains acceptance over time, I hope the tyranny of the few will not gain currency, embolden a few to replicate the anarchy at other places too with the innocent majority sitting ducks and running helter-skelter. I recall the quote “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” attributed to Edmund Burke, But who should take the lead to get things under control and lead the fight for justice? How to rein in the ongoing injustices when our house stays divided? Maybe, we will be like headless chicken till a messiah unites us. Till then we have to withdraw in our own comfort zones to find some sanity. How do you face such injustices happening all the time? Image: Questions from Free site Pixabay
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6 responses
@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
22 Aug 21
Really, it's disappointing to see how the situation has been handled. Humans hardly ever trust each other, so they mind more about themselves, the individual, than the collective. I'm no perfect myself, but I'm working on that. We, as a species, are capable of doing amazing things, sacrificing ourselves for the sake of the community, it's just hard to fight that primal instinct that makes us selfish. Despite all, I manage to stay optimistic.
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@sabtraversa (13097)
• Italy
23 Aug 21
@Shiva49 I think it has little to do with faith, it won't ever be pure if it comes from vulnerable people being brainwashed to hurt other people. If they truly wanted to save souls they would let them free to walk their own path to enlightenment. Any other way is quite messed up, imho.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
23 Aug 21
@sabtraversa Yeah, I think some are intoxicated with what they believe in and brook no alternate view. They are supposed to follow the "religion of peace", and therein lies the hypocrisy. Killing another without taking a second look is anathema to any belief; of course, some interpret to suit their nefarious pursuits and to justify their action through the cloak of such misguided interpretations.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
22 Aug 21
And the worst trait is we fight for unseen gods and end up as bigots unwilling to accept another view. There is only one creator but we have created many gods! And then it is my way or the highway. Yes, when we lose hope, we lose it all.
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@ThatDisha (4010)
• India
23 Aug 21
I am very grateful to the almighty that i am not one of the people facing such situation..if i ever face such situation then i will try to be calm and cool and face whatever fate leads to
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
23 Aug 21
Sadly, women and children are like being hunted by wild animals. Very few are lucky to live another day in a free land. Freedom and democracy are most undervalued in many countries, especially in India, where Politicians fish in troubled waters 24/7. Politics is the most rewarding profession with endless politicking shorn of all principles.
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@ThatDisha (4010)
• India
23 Aug 21
@Shiva49 so true, politics has been the reason for all the sufferings either in some way or other
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@m_audrey6788 (58482)
• Germany
22 Aug 21
I just pray
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
22 Aug 21
We have not changed from our primordial times. Some just refuse to coexist.
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• Germany
22 Aug 21
@Shiva49 Yes.
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@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
22 Aug 21
I feel thankful for the fact that I am not in that place now. However this could change in a heartbeat. In the case that it does, I would handle it best by facing all that comes my way and keep my strong faith in the Almighty.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
22 Aug 21
Frankly, I cannot fathom what makes them go against their own women and children even. The line between reason and bigotry looks thin indeed. Love and compassion do not figure in their dictionary.
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• United States
22 Aug 21
@Shiva49 It is centuries old thinking I believe Shiva
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
22 Aug 21
I worry that it will only get worse or until a not so good “other” country comes in to take control.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
23 Aug 21
Yes, they will understand only brutish behavior that takes no prisoners!
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@innertalks (21245)
• Australia
22 Aug 21
"It takes all sorts to make a world", seems like an acceptance of sorts, of the bad types, too. I wonder if it really does need all sorts to make our World. Would we be better off without some types too? I guess, evolution does lead to some types being extinguished over time, and it is sore time that these Taliban dinosaurs, were evoluted out of our world too.
@innertalks (21245)
• Australia
24 Aug 21
@Shiva49 I see the Taliban have raised their flag there now too, mocking the Americans when they did that there years ago. I also do not like to look wet behind the ears, naive, simplistic, and so at work, I usually bite my bullet, rather than shooting my mouth off, and risk hitting others with it instead. Here my bullets are words, on papers, and so I feel more comfortable firing a few off for real, but I usually ensure that they are rubber bullets, with noise, but no hurting power to them. I am more my self here, than I am in real life have not got the courage of a Zen master to hold firm to my words, in real life.
@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
23 Aug 21
Maybe, when the good band together but that has not happened any time in history - okay, after a world war, momentarily! The UN is a case in point, now in hibernation! Soon all is forgotten, forgiven, and another evil raises its head with a few holding their hands to subdue and subjugate the vast accepting, trusting, majority. Maybe, we are stuck in a rut of repetitive folly unable to find a way out to coexist. When there is true democracy and freedom, then the will of the majority prevails. I assume no woman will support the diktats of their oppressors.
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@Shiva49 (26269)
• Singapore
24 Aug 21
@innertalks Agree with your positivity that we are progressing with two steps forward and one back or some stalling our progress with their destructive minds and actions. It is then a test of our mettle to stay the course or risk losing our resolve and start all over again. Some are so entrapped in their comfort zone of oppression that they resist any change but they will fall in line as more from among them see reason and logic. With regard to another Hitler, some still seem to have it in them and power corrupts but they could not carry it beyond a stage though a near majority had an attitude of to hell with democracy and freedom! We need to shine our light by setting an example and soon those who mocked us start to follow us. In fact, it happened to me at a few places as some thought I was rather naive in my approach, idealistic, but soon there was a turn for the better, at times grudgingly. When I had nothing to hide, then others too felt comfortable with sharing positively rather than with suspicion. I think in the world at large, there is too much suspicion like now when the US VP visits South East Asia, for China, it raises a red flag as they feel it is their backyard! They are not comfortable with red flags then that is not their own!
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