Dreams: Do they have unique meanings only for the dreamer themselves?

We must stretch our minds through our hearts to properly understand our dreams
@innertalks (21250)
September 27, 2021 9:44pm CST
Does each dream have a unique interpretation for the dreamer, or can a dream mean different things for different people, and so are there common dream themes, or archetypal symbols in them? God brings you dreams from a different channel of yourself, to show you where you are, where you have been, and where you can go to. The dream is the map that connects your directional stances to yourself, and so you see yourself in the past, and how it connects you to who you are now, and to who you will be, futurally speaking too. Dreams can exaggerate its message to magnify its meaning for you. (see picture of oversized giraffe) Here is an example from one of my own dreams: I was dreaming that I was driving a bus, but from the rear of the bus, not from the front. The driving area was at the rear. It was hard for me to see out of the front window, all the way down the long bus, yet alone to see anything on the sides of the front, where our peripheral vision normally operates for us, if we are up the front of the bus, looking out from there. I was driving fast, and recklessly, just the same, though. Then, I arrived home, to my house, but I parked the bus, not outside of my house on the road, but in a large shopping centre car-park, not far from where I lived in this dream. This dreams shows me that departing from the norm, being myself in a way that is bad for me is not good for me either, and this is not really my true real self, working backwards like this. My real self works normally, as do all other real selves, and I park the bus close to home alright, because it is my soul, but I must look through my heart, at the front of my soul, not look through the back of my mind first, where any driving of my life will be reckless, and dangerous, for me like it was here, for me, in this dream. Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, pixabay.com We must stretch our minds through our hearts to properly understand our dreams.
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6 responses
@DocAndersen (54403)
• United States
28 Sep 21
Do dreams have meanings for others - interesting question. i would simply say no. they are a story played out in our own heads. but can they influence others? of course!
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
28 Sep 21
And yet, we are all in this together, all seamlessly connected within oneness by love. This means that everything is relevant to us, as well as to the focus point of the action. My wife's dreams, for example, can have meaning for me too then. I can better understand her, by my hearing of them, and when better understanding comes to me, I obtain overall, a better meaning of all too. Everything has meaning for everybody. There is no exclusivity in meaning. We might think that we own our own exclusive meaning, but we never do. No man is an island. There was an old experiment, called the hundredth monkey, which implied that meaning is universally present. When the threshold is met, we all move forwards in greater meaning together.
@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
29 Sep 21
@DocAndersen Is God seamlessly connected to us, then too, or not? If there were any holes in love's seams, God would have such holes in himself too. Nothing can fall through love's blanket of love, unless we dig the holes in it for our self, and then they are instantly patched up with new love, but we keep digging them again, and spending all of our time digging holes, rather than piling the dirt up, and climbing up the inbuilt mountain then instead, to both God, and to our true selves, seated there with God. We, as our souls, watch ourselves living here, with God seated right beside us, and we both have a good chuckle over our mind's antics, at times. Love seamlessly connects all. We just undo its seams.
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@DocAndersen (54403)
• United States
29 Sep 21
@innertalks is love seamlessly connecting us? i wonder/ if it was, if it did then the world should be a very different place.
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@snowy22315 (172395)
• United States
29 Sep 21
I would say sometimes they do, but more often they don't. For instance I was sleeping on the couch until about 9AM. The guy who lives here was watching a TV show, and my dream consisted of a situation that involved the characters of the TV show.
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@snowy22315 (172395)
• United States
29 Sep 21
@innertalks Anything's possible.
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
29 Sep 21
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
29 Sep 21
Yes, but the elements making up the dream can come from anywhere; it is more the underlying meaning, which carries the real reason for the dream occurring. No dream is a nonsense dream, I think. As our minds do not deal in nonsense. Everything that happens, in life, and in our minds too, happens for a reason. There must have been something in that dream, using those characters, that your mind was trying to highlight to you, I would say.
@Jenaisle (14079)
• Philippines
9 Oct 21
Dreams are usually individualized, but there are general meanings. For example dreaming of feces usually portends money, but the interpretation of the dream per se, will have to depend on the dreamer. I have learned to interpret my own dreams by observing what happens next after I have done mu own interpretation, and most times I have interpreted my dream correctly. The dream interpretation's specifics would also depend on your own real-life experiences, culture, and environment. I noticed that vivid dreams usually is a reflection of the future, and the feeling I have experienced in the dream, is what I would be feeling eventually. So, when interpreting your dreams consider the vividness, clarity, feelings and premise in which the dream occurred. For less vivid or unclear dreams, they are usually not meaningful. This is based on my own experience.
@Shiva49 (26281)
• Singapore
28 Sep 21
I have found it tough to make sense of most of my dreams. There are those who I have no idea who they are. However, a few have given me a fright, sort of a nightmare, Then those that I like when those I knew here and departed, appear as if to reassure me they are doing well and are in another realm. In a way, they want to reconnect with me and are ready to welcome me into their lives/fold again.
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
28 Sep 21
I think that everything, including our dreams, comes to us, with an embedded message from God, somewhere within it. We are to see that life goes on past any bodily ailment, or problem, and that we really are our soul, not our body. I see my Mum, sometimes too. She told me that she is not the old ancient body that we last saw anymore, but is now an angel, with wings, and youthfully vibrant again, and she enjoys flying around. She is allowed to visit other realms, when God allows this for her, and if he has a purpose for her visiting there too. Our flying dreams here prepare us for our later ability to fly in heaven
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@Shiva49 (26281)
• Singapore
28 Sep 21
@innertalks Yeah, sure there is an underlying message in dreams. I don't communicate through words in my dreams but through telepathy. Things happen fast as if I have a life in another realm while still alive here. That makes me think of dual existence.
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
28 Sep 21
@Shiva49 Perhaps dreams are fashioned for us to best suit us. I am often immersed in a dream body, and I use that body to actually talk to others, as in real life. I even make phone calls in my dreams. I was talking to my Mum, on the phone, from my work, in some office, last night, and she had my brother call in while I was talking to her, so she left me on hold for a while, to look after him, and to get him something to eat. I waited ten minutes, for her to come back to the phone, but I eventually hung up, as it might appear to others, at work, that I was making too lengthy a phone call, on work time. The dream was set in the past, and played out as a real event might have done so too. In the dream, I had planned to recall her later, as well, to explain my actions in hanging up to her, to her.
@judithml (398)
10 Oct 21
Sometimes I wish I can make a video of some of my dreams shortly after I have them, like at most within the day just so I can remember them. The thing with dreams if ever they have meaning is that they are also forgotten very fast
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
10 Oct 21
I have noticed that when I have 3 or 4 dreams in the one night, that it is hard for me to remember more than just one. I sometimes remember a dream very well, as I wake up after the dream, and play it through in my mind again to cement it in there, but then, when I go back to sleep again, another dream seems to come in and overwrite the memory of that first dream with itself, and so I lose the first dream then too, unless, I have been extra vigilant, and have gotten up, and recorded it down on paper too.
• United States
29 Sep 21
Sometimes my dreams incorporate movies that I watched or something I read. I guess I liked it so much that my mind didn't want to let go of it.
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@innertalks (21250)
• Australia
29 Sep 21
I think that we access material from lots of places in our dreams. I used to like to play chess, and so sometimes, I even had dreams of playing chess in my dream. In real life, I can't do that, play a game of chess in my mind, as the top champions can do too. They can play chess, blindfolded with their back to the board, and somebody just telling them the moves. The fact that I can do that in a dream too, is interesting to me too. I am using my dream mind to do this though, and they are using their waking mind somehow, so there is a difference there too.