Mylotting and coffee at the airport

@arunima25 (86091)
Bangalore, India
November 24, 2021 11:08pm CST
Good morning from this side of the planet. It's 10:30 AM and here I am in the airport lounge sipping my coffee and writing this post.. I have been peeping in here but not much in action. November has been a busy but very good month with quite a few accomplishments in the offline life. Well, that will be another topic that I might talk about in December Lots in my hands kept me away from the cyberspace. But I could at least keep up with the notifications here. Traveling after a long time...almost two years. Glad that I am stepping out of the city. Visiting Delhi for three days to attend a family wedding and other function of house warming. I am looking forward to meeting my mom, brother and others after two years. This must be the longest so far in my life that I have not travelled. I have to board my flight in another 30 minutes. I can just sip my coffee and answer the notifications. I will get too busy with family and friends once I land there. I hope to be more here from next week. Hope all is okay in your mylot corner. Stay safe and healthy. The ruthless virus is still not out and many countries in Europe see a spike again. That's the news playing on the TV where I sit and wait on the airport.
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23 responses
@Junbals (1421)
• Philippines
25 Nov 21
Mylotting has apparently become for you a part of life which is good. :)
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
Mylotting is always there to fill up the free time that we have. I find it the best way to utilise the little free time that I get.
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@ptrikha_2 (45726)
• India
3 Dec 21
@arunima25 Plus chill out and de-stress!
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
25 Nov 21
That's a good news for you can travel now to visit your family in Delhi for a wedding. Stay safe.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
It was a good trip. It was great to see so many of my loved ones after so long. Though there was a constant fear of the virus, I tried to have a good time by keeping all safety measures in place.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@Nakitakona Thank you. Posts from mylotters like you keep me motivated.
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@Nakitakona (56300)
• Philippines
1 Dec 21
@arunima25 That's the basic health protocols observance. Keep it up.
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
25 Nov 21
Have a nice time at the wedding
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@Nawsheen (28643)
• Mauritius
30 Nov 21
@arunima25 you need to have a good rest
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
Thank you. I really enjoyed it. Now I am back to my place. All this travel and fun has left me exhausted.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@Nawsheen Oh! I slept and slept and slept all these three days. I am feeling all refreshed now
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@LadyDuck (461827)
• Switzerland
25 Nov 21
I have not seen you around a lot this month, I thought you were busy. Have a safe trip.
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@LadyDuck (461827)
• Switzerland
1 Dec 21
@arunima25 I noticed that you were not around. Have you read that we have a new Admin.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@LadyDuck Yes, I read that. JJ suggested the post to me. Hopefully all goes smoothly and mylot stays strong like always. JJ is missing here. Hope he decides to come back soon.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
November was a real busy one. I will need to write about that separately. I completed two certifications this month and all the classes and examinations kept me busy. I have a lot to catch up here. It was a good trip. I enjoyed it fully though the fear of the virus was always there in the thoughts.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
25 Nov 21
A fifth spike is happening here in the US and will get worse over the Thanksgiving holiday, claim experts here. I hope you enjoy seeing your family and will talk with you when you get back and have time.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
30 Nov 21
@arunima25 We don't even know how virulent the Omicron variant is yet. So far doctors are saying it causes a very mild form. I hope you enjoyed your trip.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@DaddyEvil It's supposed to be highly infectious but yes not a dangerous one. The symptoms are mild. Only time will tell. Better to take all precautions. It seems the virus might get weak with time The trip was a blast. I had so much fun after so long. I badly needed this break. I am back rejuvenated and refreshed
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
The new variant is spreading fast and that's a big concern. Cases often rise after festivals and gatherings. Let's hope things stay in control. I am back but too exhausted after all the fun and travel. I have a lot to catch up here.
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25 Nov 21
Mylotting and coffee seem like a good idea. Stay safe wherever you are.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
That is a perfect combination I enjoyed the trip and had a good time with family and friends. We tried to keep the safety guards in place.
@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@ihasaquestion Glad that all went smoothly and I am back home safe and sound
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1 Dec 21
@arunima25 Yes, sounds good.
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@ptrikha_2 (45726)
• India
3 Dec 21
Yes the new variant is a big challenge and more travel restrictions are there. Did you had to undergo any RT/PCR? I too was wondering that I have not seen you much in action here. It rained a bit here yesterday and getting colder gradually.
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@ptrikha_2 (45726)
• India
6 Dec 21
@arunima25 So how did the Delhi trip worked? Hectic and enjoyable?
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@ptrikha_2 (45726)
• India
7 Dec 21
@arunima25 Yes with other family members, it could have been more tedious. You got a much needed break!
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
6 Dec 21
I needed to present my vaccination certificate. They didn't ask for RTPCR at that time..they might change it now in concern with new variant. I had to do some online course for my job profile. We need to enrich it from time to time. It was sponsored by the school. Today I completed the exam. A big sigh of relief. Finally the months and months of rain stopped here. We got some sun in last three days.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
26 Nov 21
This travel fresh up you, now we have marriage season, enjoy it
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
I badly needed this break. It was refreshing to meet all my friends and family. We had fun. Now back to Bangalore. I am too tired after all the travel and fun.
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@anil02 (24688)
• India
1 Dec 21
@arunima25 Take some rest and than reactive again
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@anil02 I slept a lot on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. It was to catch up with all the lost sleep. We had a blast there and we enjoyed there. Now, I am all okay. The tiredness is gone after three days of rest.
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@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
25 Nov 21
Have a safe trip and enjoy the wedding day with the family.
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@Shavkat (137313)
• Philippines
1 Dec 21
@arunima25 I know where it is coming from. I also tried it a few days back.
I took the chance of having four-day vacation and it was started yesterday. I am still in my hometown but booked myself in a hotel room to relax for three days....
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@Shavkat Going to read and respond to it
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
Thank you. It was refreshing to meet all my friends and family and enjoy the function. I badly needed this break.
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@jstory07 (134775)
• Roseburg, Oregon
25 Nov 21
I hope you have a good day. And a good time on your trip.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
Thank you. It was a good trip.
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
20 Dec 21
I haven’t been here much in ages. Have a safe and wonderful trip!
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@DianneN (247205)
• United States
24 Dec 21
@arunima25 Thank you! I won’t be back here fully until February sometime. Glad that you had a blast and are safe.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
27 Dec 21
@DianneN Oh! That's a long break. You will be missed. Have a good time
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
23 Dec 21
You were missed here Dianne. Glad that you are back after the break. Hope to come across you more often here It was a short and hectic trip but was a blast. Glad I did ir despite all the hesitance and inhibitions. I am back safe and sound before the omicron fear began.
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@JudyEv (328068)
• Rockingham, Australia
26 Nov 21
That's wonderful that you're meeting family after such a long time. I hope you have a great time.
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@JudyEv (328068)
• Rockingham, Australia
30 Nov 21
@arunima25 Sometimes you don't realise how much you need a break until you have it.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@JudyEv That's so true. I am so glad that I took this one though I was still hesitant to travel. I have come back so relaxed and recharged.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
Thanks Judy. It was great. I badly needed this break. I was house arrest all these days. And this came so refreshing. Now catching up with my breath after all fun and travel.
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
25 Nov 21
Glad to know that you are travelling. Hope you enjoy lots and stay safe dear. Have a happy and safe journey
2 people like this
@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
It was a good trip. I enjoyed it a lot. Good to meet loved ones after such a long time. The news of the new variant is concerning. This virus doesn't seem to go away soon
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@Rashnag (30594)
• Surat, India
30 Nov 21
@arunima25 ok dear. Glad to know about it
@sinari (4997)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 21
Enjoy your trip. Good luck to your destination, and meet your family there.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
7 Dec 21
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
Thank you. It was a short trip as I could not take out more days out of my busy schedule. It was a blast. Had lots of fun with my friends and family. Glad that all went smoothly and I am back home safe and sound.
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@sinari (4997)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 21
@arunima25 That's fine. Glad to know your trip went well.
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@allknowing (130518)
• India
25 Nov 21
Have a blast. I have not travelled in years
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@allknowing (130518)
• India
30 Nov 21
@arunima25 We all need it
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
@allknowing True. I am glad that I did it despite. I was hesitant to travel. I am back so relaxed and refreshed. They truly say that we are social creatures. We need to intermingle to stay fit
@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
30 Nov 21
It was actually a blast.. I badly needed this break after such long house arrest since the pandemic.
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@crossbones27 (48590)
• Mojave, California
18 Dec 21
You be safe you braver than me riding those flights with all those people. Coffee always good in my book especially when you spike it with good spirits. I would be drunk if I had to ride in a airplane in covid era.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
20 Dec 21
I am not brave when it comes to stepping out in the covid era. I had once stepped out for a work-related meeting in March and despite all precautions and care I came back as an asymptomatic carrier and passed it on to my elder one. And then I too developed mild symptoms but major side effects in post-recovery time. So, I dread this virus. Now, physical schools have started and I need to go to work every day. I step out with a silent prayer for my daughters and myself each day. Hope we all stay safe and healthy.
@xstitcher (30654)
• Petaluma, California
13 Jan 22
You stay safe and healthy, too !
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
14 Jan 22
These are scary times amidst the pandemic. We have to take care and be safe. We are responsible for ourselves and people around us. Take care.
@just4him (310134)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
8 Dec 21
I hope you had a good flight and you enjoyed your time in Delhi with your family and your friend's wedding.
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
8 Dec 21
It was a short ( two days and three nights) trip and was hectic. But it was a blast. I badly needed this trip to break the monotony of the life and being home arrested since the pandemic. Glad I made it and I am back home safe and sound.
@GooglePlus (3837)
11 Dec 21
Welcome back And Happy journey Stay safe! Does Flight allow us to use Mobile phones when we are on board in the plane ? And do we get signal in flight ?
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
13 Dec 21
Thank you. It was a short and hectic trip but I had a blast. Glad I did it before the fear of Omicron came. I am safe and back home. We can not use mobile after boarding a plane. We are asked to switch off our phones and gadgets or put them on flight mode.
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@LotusEyes (2711)
• India
30 Nov 21
Wish you a happy and safe journey and enjoy every moment of the wedding and family get-together
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@arunima25 (86091)
• Bangalore, India
2 Dec 21
Thank you. It was a short trip but was a real blast with friends and family. I badly needed such break after so long being house arrested due to the virus. Glad that all went smoothly and we are back home safe and sound.