Where to book your next trip" Travel tips from a travel agent

@raijem (335)
May 28, 2022 2:02pm CST
When planning your trip, there will always be that urge to go for the lower price. Choose where you place your reservation wisely. Do you need to book via a third party or direct with the hotel, car rental, airline or activity provider? Here are some pros and cons: 1. Booking via a third party like Expedia. Hotels.com. Orbitz, Cheap tickets, Priceline and other third-party provider can earn you points or rewards depending on their rewards program. It does not limit your perks to just one Airline or hotel brand but to several others. -This is particularly advisable if you are a frequent traveler either for business or leisure purposes. 2. Booking direct helps out if you are not a frequent traveler. It does not waste any rewards points you earn on a particular third party as normally those points expire over a period of time (6 months to 1 year) 3. Air travel You can do this direct either via the airlines or the third-party providers as most of them allow you to use your frequent flyer miles via their platform. Just make sure to pay attention to it so as you won’t need to contact customer services just to add your frequent flyer miles and to ensure your airline rewards are earned at the same time that you earn points with the third party. 4. Hotels Direct reservations may earn you rewards points and points for that particular brand only if you are a member. While if its via third party. You can earn points/rewards with various hotel reservations. Always and I mean ALWAYS, make sure to log in to your account with the third party provider or the hotel to avoid delays in points crediting. 5. Car Rentals You can either book for it via third party or direct but it’s a lot easier booking the car rental direct with the provider. Why? When you need to cancel on the day itself of the rental or pick up, most of the third parties already have limited access to cancelling it. Changing the pick up time or location will also be a problem as they will also point you to the car rental company. 6. Tours and activities Similar to car rentals, it is mostly a lot easier to book via the tour provider unless they do not have a reservation site and have tied up to a particular third party. A lot of them though are cheaper via third party as the third party has already booked or mass purchased slots for resale. Added tip: Always check your cancellation policy and insurance if your trip comes along with insurance. Refundable hotel reservations, flights and other forms of reservations do have penalty periods in which beyond that period, free cancellation may no longer be allowed. Stay tuned and watch out for more tips.
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3 responses
@arunima25 (86090)
• Bangalore, India
28 May 22
Nice tips there . In this time of pandemic and looming uncertainties, it is better to check for all cancellations and refund policies before we book these airlines or hotel.
@raijem (335)
• Philippines
28 May 22
I agree. The problem we face now is that a lot of people just keep on booking without paying attention. There are plenty of them out there who forget that they are still bound by policies and terms and conditions of the services they avail.
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@arunima25 (86090)
• Bangalore, India
31 May 22
@raijem You are right.
@GoAskAlice (5811)
28 May 22
For the record, you need to put spaces between the words on your tags or they are worthless. No one is going to look for the tag 'travelagenttips'.
@Deepizzaguy (96022)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
28 May 22
Thank you for sharing the information about travel agents and sites.