SUCCESS by Jeff Bezos

Photo is not mine: Captured at Facebook wall post
@luisga814 (6913)
Quezon City, Philippines
July 31, 2022 3:39am CST
SUCCESS, what do you know about success? As I'm enjoying responding here in myLot, I'm checking from time to time with Facebook wall posts posted by my friends. And I found this SUCCESS quotes by Jeff Bezos who happens became the number one on richest man on earth (I forgot the year) before Elon Musk takeover the top spot. Jeff Bezos is the founder of Amazon. I really love this quote in which we should admire it always as I've seen that I should apply in my current work right now. As I've shared before my obstacles with the nagging of my supervisor. S = I can see my goal that I'll be a successful advisor of an online shopping site of a fashion dress and shoes. U = I can understand the obstacles that even if I'll do my best to please all my customers but there's still customers who can't understand that this is not my fault, it's the company process. C = I create a positive mental picture that I can get more promoters because I'm making sure that I'm attending all the customer's concern. C = Although, I'm aiming for promoters but I'm clearing my mind of self doubt because my main job is to help my customers need. E = I'm embracing the challenge of constantly changing the process of the company that makes us more difficult to understand and follow. S = I'm staying on track that I'm still with this company for about 3 years already. S = And finally, I'm making sure that I'm showing that I can do my best to do my job efficiently not only to my supervisor but also with my teammates as well as to the other teams. How do you find SUCCESS?
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5 responses
@Ganma7 (3664)
2 Aug 22
I like this very much. I find success by doing my best at whatever I do!
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@luisga814 (6913)
• Quezon City, Philippines
2 Aug 22
That's great t know. @Ganma7
@LindaOHio (161271)
• United States
31 Jul 22
That is excellent! I am now retired but found success during my working days.
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@luisga814 (6913)
• Quezon City, Philippines
31 Jul 22
@LindaOHio Good to know of your successful career during those times.
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@Shavkat (137311)
• Philippines
31 Jul 22
"Success is reaching the ultimate goals in a person's life."
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@luisga814 (6913)
• Quezon City, Philippines
31 Jul 22
@Shavkat Wow. That's a good one. It's just like achieving your goals.
@Metsrock69 (3517)
• United States
31 Jul 22
I still have not found success but I am slowly working on it
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@luisga814 (6913)
• Quezon City, Philippines
31 Jul 22
@Metsrock69 I do understand that I know for sure that someday, you're going to achieve that SUCCESS. Good luck.
@akanetuk (2136)
31 Jul 22
Success is being persistent in your goal, the end reward is success.
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@luisga814 (6913)
• Quezon City, Philippines
31 Jul 22
@akanetuk That's a good catch. Reward is not really in a form of monetary but somewhat may say a compliment.