Is there a name for Non-MAGA Republicans? (Herr T. would call them RINOs; maybe the MAGAts are the Real RINOs)

where The Atlantic calls them an Anti-MAGA Majority
@mythociate (21437)
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
November 18, 2022 7:10am CST
(RINO stands for Republican in Name Only; MAGAts don't actually "Represent" us in a government-of-laws (as True Republicans would), but they represent 'mindless fans' in the cult of 'that orange guy.') I could CALL them 'TruPublicans,' but I'm worried that the MAGAts have already taken "Truth" (with TRUTH SOCIAL). Maybe--since Chuck Schumer recognized them in his speech ('victory-speech'?) announcing plans to soldier onward for the new session--we should call them ChuckPublicans? or maybe PeoplePublicans (as he instructed the Republicans, Democrats & all others that they are to keep in mind whom they are serving)? Constitu-o-Publicans? CitizenPublicans? PatrioPublicans?
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1 response
• Israel
21 Nov 22
I think that the Republican party should go back to the platform that was in force in 1865! Free the Slaves, Full Equality for all. That was the true Republican Party! What we have nowadays is such a farce that I think that Abraham Lincoln would not be a member, he would be a Democrat!
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