Ahhh, Sunday

United States
August 6, 2023 10:43pm CST
I actually slept in for a change. I guess I really needed it. Petey was on my chest staring me in the eyes as if to say "Are you still in there?" He's such a sweetheart. I gave him his breakfast of canned cat food and then started my morning chores. The thought hit me, my nurse PA put me on the substance abuser list without a fair trial. In California the computer system links the pharmacies with the doctor's offices so they can see what is prescribed when and where. So if I was getting narcotic medication prescribed several times a month it would show up on the computer and I wouldn't be able to get the prescription filled. She not only called me a substance abuser, but she also called me a liar. Interesting, very interesting. I finished my chores in the bedroom and went into the hall leading to the living room. Freya has a new sleeping place. I put a clear storage bin by my pantry door, the lid is in the storage cupboard in my carport. Anyhow she is now sleeping in the clear storage bin (it's about 2 foot by 3 feet in size so she has plenty of room to stretch out and since there is no lid I don't have to worry about her getting stuck or suffocating.). I gave her her breakfast of canned cat food and checked the temperature. It was 9 a.m. and already 82 degrees. It's going to hit over 100 degrees for sure. I checked the temperature on my weather on the phone and it was over 100 degrees today. I stayed close to the fans, I can't afford to run the air conditioner for sure. I sorted bears and then started jointing and stuffing them. It's a bit hard when you're hot, and hurting and depressed. I don't feel comfortable calling my pain clinic because the nurse PA (I refer to her as "the nurse P.I.A.) will accuse me of trying to get more medication for the pain. Hang the old lady before the trial, it saves money that way. I am going to fire the pain clinic, along with my primary care physician. I am tired of attitude. I love getting told by the pain nurse that I can take one pill in the morning and in between take Tylenol. If the pain gets really bad I can take half my evening pill and save the other half for bed. Then the Primary Care doctor tells me that I need to adjust to the pain because I am old. I wish I could be around when those two get old...I can point at them and tell them to "adjust to it". Oh well, just venting helped. I plan when I dump the pain nurse to have a bear ready with the letter firing her and the clinic. I am going to state that as well as sitting on my dead fanny I design and make teddy bears and am busily making a batch to donate to Loaves and Fishes for the children that won't get much for Christmas. I don't have time to cruise through medical shows looking for ailments or setting up appointments with doctors to get more pain medications, that she can take her attitude and superiority and stuff them where the sun doesn't shine...and it's the part that she sits on. Gee, that puts a big smile on my face! I will say that I had my adopted sister in hysterics when I told her about losing the cell phone and coming up with calling myself on the phone. It was very logical until I realized that my only phone is the cell phone that I couldn't find. Oh well, that goes with being a Space Cadet. I promised myself that tomorrow is going to be a much better day, and dog gone it I'm going to make sure it is! I hope all my myLot friends have a great Monday too!!!
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5 responses
@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
7 Aug
I hope tomorrow is a better day for you too. I understand how suspicious the pain management people are as I have faced suspicious ones myself. If I had really good insurance they’d probably treat me better, but I have Medicaid. Being poor ain’t for sissies, and neither is getting older. I hope you can find someone who treats you better than they do.
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@jstory07 (134784)
• Roseburg, Oregon
7 Aug
And in the mean time people who really are addicted get all the pills that they want. What a strange system we have.
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@sissy15 (12269)
• United States
7 Aug
I'm sorry to hear you're going through all of this trouble trying to get help for pain. I know my MIL has chronic pain and they ended up inserting a pump so she could control her pain meds better but I think they eventually removed it when it wasn't helping. They expect people to just deal with it. I know far too many people just dealing with it. Not everyone who seeks pain relief abuses meds. I know people who ended up addicted after being on pain meds but they say if you only use them when you're in pain you won't become addicted.
@wolfgirl569 (97305)
• Marion, Ohio
7 Aug
I hope it's a much better day for you today
• United States
7 Aug
Even though it's going to be a stinker temperature wise (we're already over 80 degrees and it's 10 a.m.) I think it's going to be a much better day. I read about a lady in New York that is collecting Barbies and cleaning them and hand sewing dresses for them. She gives them to the refugee girls that have nothing, it's amazing how wonderful the reaction to the dolls are not only by the little girls but also by the parents. It has strengthened my resolve to make the teddy bears for the low income children in my area for Christmas. Keeping busy making the teddy bears will really help my frame of mind. Of course I have to get Freya out of the side table drawer before I get started. She knows which drawer I keep her cat nip mouse in and when I play "fetch" with her in the morning if she can't find her mouse, she crawls in the drawer to find it. I just need to get "welder's boots" to wear when I play "fetch" with her. My feet look like 50 pounds of ground meat!!! Even with trimmed claws she can do some damaged! Anyway, I'm going to cut out the pattern for the teddy bear today and start cutting out the teddy bears for the children. It won't take long to cut, sew and stuff the bears for the kids...it will be wonderful to be able to present Loaves and Fishes with the boxes of finished bears at the start of December. That will make my days so much brighter. Plus, I collected the fiberfill for stuffing over the past few months- I was given pillows that were stuffed with fiberfill that had been washed and dried...I have enough fiberfill to do 40 or 50 teddy bears for the kids. I have always found that doing something for others has brightened my frame of mind. I will say that the cherry on the top of the sundae would be to find a doctor that gives a darn about the patient rather than the money. If I can't find a doctor then a Witch Doctor would do, at least with a Witch Doctor you not only get a "doctor" but you get entertainment too. Have a great week! Make sure that you treat yourself to something nice that you enjoy.
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@wolfgirl569 (97305)
• Marion, Ohio
7 Aug
@BearArtistLady I hope you do find a good doctor. I like the one I have right now. That helps a lot. If you were closer I have fiber fill you could have as I don't think I will ever use it. But I might think of something
• United States
8 Aug
@wolfgirl569 I've been hitting it lucky, I have been scoring pillows that people bring to me for stuffing bears with. I just need to get the pain under control, and I should be "Back in the Saddle Again" (Remember who's theme song that was?). I had my downer for the week. My neighbor that I became very close to was hinting that I still owed her for $450 for some stuff she had me show a friend of mine that was in the reselling business. He looked at the stuff and told me he wasn't interested. I gave her the stuff back and she decided that I sold it and kept the money. I tried to tell her that I didn't do that but she wouldn't believe me. I ended up paying her off. She stopped in last night and hinted that I still owed her the $450. Today I get to try to tell her that I had paid her off. She needs the money, and somehow she thinks I'm rich. Sigh. Keep your fingers crossed that I can convince her that I did pay her off.. She has a tendency to spend money she doesn't really have, hence she tries to come up with ways to make money. I also get to call the pain clinic and tell them that the pharmacy that they transferred the pain prescription to hasn't gotten the medication in that I need from the prescription, I am really considering the Space Cadet Corps...It might be easier. Except you have to keep coming up with new material to convince them that you are a few bricks short of a free load. SIGH!
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@sallypup (58554)
• Centralia, Washington
7 Aug
I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow. Take care.