If you want to be healthy and are over 50 years old, don´t eat these foods.

@marguicha (217131)
September 16, 2023 11:59am CST
The subject intrigued me online and I started to read. And the more I read, the more I discovered that there was nothing healthy in this world. At first if was fine. I did not eat much of this or that. But then I kept clicking and more and more foods appeared as completly unhealthy. Not even the casseroles and stews I make with recipes from my grandma were healthy! The list went on and on but I quit reading. Anything you eat is unhealthy if you eat lots of it of course. And all are healthy (except if you have a special condition) if you eat a reasonable amount. If I followed the rules I was reading, I´d be dead. OF HUNGER!!! What do you think about food and health, friends? I usually listen to my body.
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21 responses
@DaddyEvil (137154)
• United States
16 Sep
I eat what I'm hungry for and can afford... Those "Stay Healthy" sites never take into consideration how much we can afford to spend.
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@kareng (56635)
• United States
16 Sep
@DE So true!
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
16 Sep
Nor what we like! My eldest daughter doesn´t eat mayo because it is not healthy". The mayo I make at home has eggs (one) oil, salt and lemon juice. How can that be unhealthy, I ask myself? I just ate an artichoke with mayo. Artichokes tend to fill me with gases. But I don´t mind. I love them. And I don´t eat them everyday.
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@DaddyEvil (137154)
• United States
16 Sep
@marguicha It doesn't make sense... I think those sites are more about what somebody else likes and their tastes don't align with mine.
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@kanuck1 (4406)
16 Sep
These days everything is polluted: the air, the water and the soil. In my opinion, here are a few basic guidelines: 1) Don't overeat. 2) Eat as close to natural as possible. Eat as close to the way nature makes the food. Avoid processed food as much as possible. 3. Eat lots of fruits and vegetable. Have you own orchard and garden if possible. The Bible promises that soon the kingdom of God will come to the earth and then everything will be set right. Until then, do the the best you can and keep a positive attitude.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
16 Sep
Your list s a lot smaller thatn what I read today.
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@kanuck1 (4406)
17 Sep
@marguicha It's like you stated, if we do everything we are told to do then we are going to die of confusion or hunger because one study says we should do something and another study tells us not to do it.
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@MarieCoyle (30523)
17 Sep
I think it does help to try to stay away from highly processed foods--they seem to be the ones often loaded with excess sugar and fats, nitrates, and so forth. Keep your food as close to basic as you can. That doesn't mean eat only plain everything, at least not to me. I just try hard to avoid the processed foods. DE is correct in that the people who advise this or that never take in to account that some of the things they recommend are wildly expensive, and people all over the world are struggling right now.
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@kareng (56635)
• United States
16 Sep
We have cut out fatty snacks and some starches. So far, so good. My hub is a bread-o-holic though, so I will never get him away from bread!
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@kareng (56635)
• United States
17 Sep
@DaddyEvil Bread would be a hard one to give up 100%!! We always grab a sandwich when crunched for time or forget to take something out of the freezer.
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@DaddyEvil (137154)
• United States
16 Sep
I try to watch how much bread I eat... My doctor wants me to stop eating it altogether and I won't do that. I have stopped baking bread so I won't eat as much, though.
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@DaddyEvil (137154)
• United States
17 Sep
@kareng I've been just eating slices of ham or slices of smoked turkey instead of eating a sandwich.
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@much2say (54080)
• Los Angeles, California
16 Sep
Seriously, if we followed every single food health rule, there'd be nothing left to eat. Reading those things can be bad for our emotional and mental health . Best to eat in moderation, right?
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
16 Sep
I wholly agree! Although my boddy sometimes has gotten too picky ( I drink a LOT less than what I used to 15 years ago) and eat less red meat, When I have them I want the best there is.
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@much2say (54080)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Sep
@marguicha We try to eat sensibly as we can. We try to eat way less sugar than we used to - less meat - add more vegetables, etc. But there's no sense beating ourselves if we break out of that every now and then. Ah yes, life is too short - enjoy the best !
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
23 Sep
@much2say I wholly agree.
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@LadyDuck (462726)
• Switzerland
17 Sep
I think that in our days they are exaggerating with what is not healthy and dangerous. As the ancient used to say "it's the quantity that makes the poison". We can eat almost everything, but in moderation.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I wholly agree with you. Of course, there are conditions that make some food unhealthy (like sugar if you are a diabetic) but normally I see no reason to stop eating any food in moderation. My body usually tells me what not to eat at a certain time. I´m now eating less meat than what I did when I was younger. I feel better eating less red meat. But I might be spending the same because I´m only buying the best cuts.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
@LadyDuck Exactly. BTW, yesterday I remembered you and made an eggplant breaded. DELICIOUS! Thank you for the tip.
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@LadyDuck (462726)
• Switzerland
17 Sep
@marguicha - If you have specific health problems, some foods have to be avoided. I think that healthy people can eat almost everything, without over eating. I eat very little red meat, but when I buy it must be a good cut.
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@Kandae11 (53956)
16 Sep
If l had not changed the way l ate l would not be here today. I stopped eating a lot of foods and find an overabundance of other healthy foods l can eat. They taste good too. I could never go hungry unless l want to.
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@May2k8 (18173)
• Indonesia
16 Sep
We certainly want the substances that enter the body to be complete, some foods may be contaminated with substances that can be harmful to health. I have ever found stones in food that are barely visible to the eye and that can damage the digestive system.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
16 Sep
I once found a bug in a sandwich at a restaurant. I never came back, of course, and did not eat what was brought to me instead.
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@marlina (154165)
• Canada
16 Sep
I don't listen to those advices.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I don´t either. I find them funny.
@wolfgirl569 (97697)
• Marion, Ohio
16 Sep
I agree. I eat what I like
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
Me too. Now that I´m more sedentary I eat less but I eat everything I want.
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@RasmaSandra (74845)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Sep
I turn a deaf ear to it all. I know that it is easier for me to have frozen foods like tater tots and fries and pork patties and some chicken pieces and I don't think it will all kill me. I also eat a lot of cottage cheese which I enjoy.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
18 Sep
@RasmaSandra Thank you for your answer. And I´m glad that my body is so wise.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I eat what I enjoy too. As I have told here, I´m eating a lot more sweets (those chocolate cakes I buy) now after the problems with my children than before. I think that I´m a bit depressed but I don´t believe in psychiatrists or pills so I pamper myself with the cake.
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@RasmaSandra (74845)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Sep
@marguicha and you are doing just right because chocolate greatly helps with depression. From the net Chocolate may help depression by containing neurochemicals and antioxidants that play a role in the regulation of mood and inflammation1. Chocolate also induces feelings of pleasure because it tastes good1. A survey of over 13,000 US adults found that people who ate dark chocolate in the past 24 hours were 70% less likely to report depression2.
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@LindaOHio (161113)
• United States
17 Sep
Everything in moderation I feel does the trick. There are so many things that aren't good for us. Have a good day.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
So true. As for myself, right now I will eat the first small piece of cake for breakfast
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
20 Sep
@LindaOHio And today I´ll eat the last piece of cake for breakfast, before Tania arrives.
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@LindaOHio (161113)
• United States
17 Sep
@marguicha Good for you! That sounds yummy to me, especially with a cup of coffee.
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@Scrapper88 (5984)
• United States
16 Sep
There are a lot of foods I will not eat very often because these foods has a lot of sodium in them. I like to read the back of a lot of foods to see what they add to the foods I eat.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
16 Sep
The only thing I´ve done to eat less sodium is that I steam veggies. They taste better. No extra sodium as a side effect.
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@arunima25 (86157)
• Bangalore, India
16 Sep
There is a lot of hype too. I would like to live longer enjoying the life, not being deprived of things I like or starving myself for good health. I keep a watch on my health enjoying everything in moderation. You want to live thinking about food in your mind all the time
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
16 Sep
Many decades ago, doctors said that we should use margerine instead of butter. I tried it once and decided to live less but eat my corn with real butter. Same with the eggs. Now they say that butter is better and that eggs have nothing to do with cholesterol levels.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
23 Sep
@arunima25 Fortunatly I never listened to those suggestions.
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@arunima25 (86157)
• Bangalore, India
21 Sep
@marguicha Very true. They keep coming up with such statements and influence the eating habits in a great way. Indians uses ghee ( clarified butter) generously in their traditional cooking. They had to promote the market of Olive Oil from West and Refined oil. They made ghee an evil. And now doctors are back to suggesting using ghee and cold pressed oil the traditional way
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@solidcodes (1690)
• Philippines
16 Sep
sorry but I'm not 50 yet.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
Good for you!!! Enjoy your age and your life.
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@snowy22315 (172371)
• United States
17 Sep
I think eating lots of fruits and vegetablesm nuts and fish is key. Minimizing processed foods is great, but anything in moderation is probably OK. I have heard a few times, eat the rainbow...in terms of fruits and veggies.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I sometimes go through phases. But the sort of foods I now eat are more veggies than before.
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@allknowing (130812)
• India
16 Sep
I avoid oily and salty stuff and that's it
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I discovered that I prefered steamed veggies (no salt added). Besides that my ways of cooking are the same.
@Shiva49 (26281)
• Singapore
17 Sep
I eat in moderation and do not curb my craving for any food. I find the list of healthy foods is contradictory at times.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I agree with you. I prefer to listen to my body.
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@aninditasen (15840)
• Raurkela, India
17 Sep
Yes, we all have a different body constitution and should eat according. That which doesn't make us feel uncomfortable after we eat it.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
I absolutly agree with that.
@Beestring (13598)
• Hong Kong
17 Sep
I just avoid food which is too oily, too salty or too sweet. I eat everything in moderation.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
Your body is wise.
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@Treborika (17448)
• Mombasa, Kenya
17 Sep
This is very educative indeed. For this reason and the other I like my lot so much. Its one of the most visited website on my phone on daily basis.
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@marguicha (217131)
• Chile
17 Sep
Sometimes the posts we write are not as interesting as the answers we get. Each of us shares their world and knowledge.