Lock installed finally

By C
@ShyBear88 (59308)
Sterling, Virginia
September 18, 2023 1:19pm CST
Well, you might remember back two weeks ago when I posted out our new lock not being able to work. Finally, we got things figured out so instead of the handle I wanted to match the lock we have the original handle on and the original door handle. By the way, someone glued for some reason which also didn't help with getting things to work. So that has been disabling but we can use the handles to open and close the door as needed. I'm keeping that handle unlocked since the man lock is now the bad keyless padlock. So after making the hold bigger, we need to cut ourselves through metal. Why yes part of our front door is metal. Do you happen to know what was holding on to our original dead blot on the inside cardboard? Who the hell put cardboard inside the deadbolt? Looking at I told my husband this seems such a Pawpaw thing or your step dad definitely not something your dad would do. He is too hands-on to put that inside of a lock he would have picked a much stronger material.
1 response
• Philippines
1 Oct
that's good to know... while youa re deaing with you door, I am dealing with mynew tablet yesterday, since I refresh for system updates, it gave me a headache, I am so blessed I guess, that I saw a button that reinstall everything that I updated... nd my tablet works fine again. Hope we can always find a way to fix every damage things, same with our lives... hope life is easy, but no, it is full of training... but I am happy about it, but sometimes it makes me cry but trusting the Lord, is much better... Sorry my comments looks like heading to different directions, I tend to be so talkative that is why.
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
1 Oct
Lol 100% okay that you are talkative lots of people are. I get that way to usually over something that excites me or that I know a lot about. Don't be sorry about the door it wasn't your fault so don't be sorry for things that are outside of everyone's control. But yeah the door is good know and the lock works the older two kids now have their codes to get into the house as well as me and my husband whom we share one.