OMG!!!! (wish you could see the pictures!!)

@GreatMartin (23675)
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
October 3, 2023 2:30pm CST
IF I HADN'T BEEN THERE I WOULD NEVER BELIEVE THIS STORY!!! Last Thursday Allen picked me up for our usual day's errands a little bit earlier than expected, which was fine as there were a few extra stops to make. The first was at my primary doctor's office to drop a few papers they had to fill out and fax to the PACE organization I was looking into. After that it was to the Dollar Tree on 17th Street where we hadn't been for a while and I needed to get 6 items. Luckily we found a place right in front of the store. When I came out I asked Allen if he was hungry and wanted to eat first and then do our food shopping or go to Winn-Dixie and then eat lunch? It was a little after 1 PM and he said that since our flu and virus shots appointment were at 3 PM at CVS we should do the shopping and then go to Big Louie's which was on the way. Most of the time when we went to Big Louie's we had pizza but this time we decided to have a regular lunch both ordering the chicken francais, Allen having the salad and I the soup. We each got 2 garlic rolls with our meal and right here you will know something is wrong as I let Allen have one of MY garlic rolls! I won't go into all of it but I wasn't able to eat because if I sit too long I get tremendous pains in both buttocks and have to get up and walk and that was what was happening. When I finished my soup I told Allen I was going to take my meal home and eat it later. Poor Allen! I think he was in shock never having me saying I wasn't going to eat when food was there! He also ate a lot faster than usual--I am the one who always finishes way before he does! We got to CVS in time for our appointment and though we got the flu shot the covid hadn't come in yet--another trip! By the time I got home and got the groceries upstairs, I was exhausted and had to take a nap--even before I put the food away!--and I slept for 2 and a half hours! It seems I have energy for 2 to 2 and a half hours in the afternoon and then I am out! Allen has been very good about helping me out every Thursday but I can't do more than 3 things in that time! Oh yes! Don't worry! I had my Big Louie's 'lunch' at 9 PM! There is a lot more to say about what is happening to me but one surprising fact, though I am eating, I have lost 26 pounds since January not even trying--something is wrong! As I sit here it is 3:15 PM and I feel all the energy leaving my body---time to nap!
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11 responses
@Aquitaine24 (11665)
• San Jose, California
3 Oct
Where are the pictures?
4 people like this
@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
4 Oct
The site is having trouble with posting pictures!
4 people like this
@much2say (54081)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Oct
That is unlike you to not eat! I hope you gain your appetite and energy back - and that all pains go away.
4 people like this
@xander6464 (41050)
• Wapello, Iowa
3 Oct
Losing weight might just be nature's way of telling you to eat more ice cream.
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@much2say (54081)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Oct
And for him, more carrot cake !
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@xander6464 (41050)
• Wapello, Iowa
3 Oct
@much2say I thought of that the second after I submitted the comment.
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@much2say (54081)
• Los Angeles, California
4 Oct
@xander6464 Do we know him or what .
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@Deepizzaguy (96254)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
3 Oct
I am happy for you that you feel better losing weight and feeling better.
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@nela13 (55851)
• Portugal
3 Oct
You must check to find the reason why you are losing weight.
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@spiderdust (14741)
• San Jose, California
3 Oct
Martin! It's so good to see you on here again! Do you see the doctor again soon? That unexplained weight loss is concerning.
3 people like this
@jstory07 (134841)
• Roseburg, Oregon
4 Oct
I hope you are ok and can get to a Doctor if something is wrong.
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
4 Oct
I have been to 9-10 doctors--no one knows what is going on!!!
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@RasmaSandra (74845)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
3 Oct
Sorry, I can't see the photos. Too bad you are having these problems but good that you still got to eat your lunch, I hope you get back your energy,
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@sallypup (58663)
• Centralia, Washington
4 Oct
Take care. Are you diabetic?
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
4 Oct
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
4 Oct
Have you discussed this with your doctor?
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@GreatMartin (23675)
• Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
4 Oct
9-10 doctors--no answers.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
5 Oct
@GreatMartin That’s strange that the doctors have no answers. Maybe it’s normal. I don’t have the energy I used to.
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@LindaOHio (161112)
• United States
4 Oct
Have you discussed your weight loss with your doctor? That's a red flag I would think. Have a good day.
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