Saturday, Where Did You Go?

@kareng (56450)
United States
October 7, 2023 6:33pm CST
This has been a really fast Saturday. Where did the time go? And, of course I haven't gotten much done that I had planned to do! Hubby got up at the crack of dawn this morning and I stayed in bed until 8:15. Of course, he was ready to go back to bed. I asked if he had eaten anything since he is diabetic and he said yes, I fixed myself something to eat. I went about looking some items up online to get more information on them and was waiting on the LSU football game to come on at 11 am. Around 10 am I hear him calling me to please come here. I went to the bedroom and asked what was wrong. He said blood sugar crash. When I looked at the program on his phone the reading was under 40! That is an extreme crash. I got him a glass of orange juice to sip on while I grabbed a yogurt for him. I had some bacon frying on the stove so had to turn it. It was good that I had a little protein on him already. I was planning a brunch to tide us over to getting lunch with the game on. He asked for a banana after I told him I had bacon on and it would be ready in just a few minutes and that I would fry him a couple of eggs too. His blood sugar took a long time to come up because it was so low. He sat in the den and watched a bit of television and the beginning of the football game. Our team was not playing well so he decided that he felt good enough to go piddle outside a bit. All is well with his blood sugar now and our team pulled off a win. I'll be tagging items for the antique store tonight and tomorrow. We have plans for Monday! How was your Saturday?
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11 responses
@kaylachan (59978)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
8 Oct
I hate when my blood sugar crashes. I always feel miserable the next day. When it's that low, it can take a while. Glad he's okay now. As for me, Walmart and mcdonolds.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
It's a wipe out for sure! And makes you tired and miserable as you stated!
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@kaylachan (59978)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
14 Oct
@kareng Yes. my doctor insists I'm diabetic. But, I do suffer from lows . All be it a lot less now.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
@kaylachan It is stressful and it always happens when yo least expect it to.
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@RebeccasFarm (87114)
• United States
7 Oct
I am glad you got that blood sugar up again Karen. Sorry that happens even. Hope you had a fair day in the end. Here I have been wiped out for some reason..its okay there were no pressing things to do.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
Sorry you were feeling tired and off! I hope you got some rest and are feeling better now!!
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• United States
14 Oct
@kareng I am plugging along thanks Karen..hope you are doing fine too.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
15 Oct
@RebeccasFarm Having a nice and laid back day here! Watching the LSU vs. Auburn football game now.
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@crossbones27 (48603)
• Mojave, California
8 Oct
Alabama won, did Notre Dame win, they should have, just Louiseville. I was watching baseball. LSU, Missouri was good, damn did not know my home state was that good this year. They blew it but that is OK, was fun for minute. I am glad you there looking out for hubby and smart to also look for stuff he likes maybe like LSU football, they say that things that make people smile help people's heath so much.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
I had to laugh at your comment of me looking out for stuff the hubby would like!! He is not much of a sports fan at all! I'm the sports nut here! He tolerates it! And he better continue because he gets control of the remote for most of the week!! What state is your home state??
@wolfgirl569 (97523)
• Marion, Ohio
8 Oct
Maybe put some candy bars all over the house for him. Glad it came back up good.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
I do have hard candy out for that purpose.
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@Dena91 (16026)
• United States
8 Oct
That is an extreme drop for his sugar. Glad he was able to call out to you for help and that you got him what he needed. Glad your team won. We never been into college sports that much. The day did seem to go by quicker than usual.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
Being from a college town, it is just a natural. Then I went to work for LSU in 1988 and that hooked me even more! Then I got several freelance writing assignments in Sports for LSU and dug in even more. I ended up covering a couple of NFL teams as well. Miss those days!!
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• Agra, India
8 Oct
We all look forward towards weekend and it just passes away so quickly
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
So true!!
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
16 Oct
• Agra, India
16 Oct
@kareng and another one just passed away yesterday
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@allknowing (130659)
• India
16 Oct
I am a homebody and hardly step out
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
16 Oct
I need to be!! Or at least for a few days a week!!
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
16 Oct
@allknowing I am retired and do what I want to do now. Everyone told me I would be bored when I retired. I told them no way and I have made sure I'll never be bored!! Too much to do and too much to see!!
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@allknowing (130659)
• India
16 Oct
@kareng You are still in harness. I gave up working years ago and after the pandemic I am used to just staying at home but I like it that way now.
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@jstory07 (134866)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Oct
I am glad your husband is alright now.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
Thanks, @jstory07
• United States
8 Oct
so glad y'all were able to turn that blood sugar 'round! scary schtuff fer certain. quite oft i've nary a clue what day 't'd be. make no plans, jest tend schtuff 's the weather 'n body 'llows.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
That has happened here often since we are both retired now! I try to keep my schedule routine so I know what I have to do each day! And also not have to run around on multiple days in a row. That's too much!!
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
20 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx I understand. It keeps things uncomplicated and that is how I like it!
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• United States
19 Oct
@kareng my 'routine' 'tis jest takin' care 'f this place'n the inhabitants. i rarely venture 'nto town.
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@sallypup (58597)
• Centralia, Washington
7 Oct
That's scary about your hubby. I've had a quiet warm day.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
Hoping we get back regulated on a regular basis soon!!
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@LindaOHio (160747)
• United States
8 Oct
I'm glad you were there to help hubby out. Glad your team won. I haven't followed the Ohio State games yet this year. Have a great day.
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
14 Oct
It is weird and seems like Football just started but half the season is over with already!!
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@kareng (56450)
• United States
15 Oct
@LindaOHio Exactly!
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@LindaOHio (160747)
• United States
15 Oct
@kareng Time flies. The older you get, the faster it goes.
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