looky here what the cat drug'n

United States
October 8, 2023 10:23am CST
Seems ya folks've 'd some interestin' hiccups since I've been buried 'nder a pile 'f rubbish. No pics? How's a gal to share the wonders? 've 'd fascinatin' visitors out here'n my neck 'f the woods. er, prairie. Pair 'f Great Horned Owls graced limbs 'f trees fer a week 'r so. 'd high hopes they'd nest, but 'las 'twas not to be. A Peahen, odd surprise out'n the pasture next to Mr. Whiskey's humble 'bode. She stayed 'round fer near a month 'fore her song 'f departure. A dear friend named 'er Ms. Penelope. Native fox family set'p 'ccomodations. 't first 'twas not close. They'd tunneled 'nder the big barn 'nto the hubs ol' shop. Which 'twas ok, jest put a halt to my gettin' that all put'n order. Lil darlin's moved'n when the kits'd jest started to come out. Y'all might ne'er guess where they hung their hats next. The latest 'twas a juvenile Yellow-Crowned Night Heron. Dunno where such a beaut came from, 'tis not like we've food sources fer such. Heck, I've not e'en fish'n the pond these days. Hope y'all 've been well. Crazy times....
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4 responses
@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
10 Oct
And you came back just in time . . . it seems the photo glitch is fixed now (not completely sure)? It's really nice to "see" you back . Missed ya! You get the coolest visitors out there . What an honor to have them around for a while . . . not something we'd see out here. Crazy times - oh yes!
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx It's wonderful to chat with you again . . . now if only I can make more time to be here!!! Yep - some people have left - others we just don't know but still hoping they'll return. That photo glitch was frustrating . . . had been around for a long time . . . and it got rather slow here because of it I think. The conditions had to be just right for your return . I'm glad nature finds it way to you !
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Oct
@much2say aw , same here. y'ave a family to tend, yer sweet momma 'n all 'the rest'. that'd be the 'mportant schtuff. i 'gree, i debated climbin' back 'nder my rock with no pics here. thankfully such 'twas short-term. fer me anyhow. nature keeps this ol' gal goin'. if'n not fer the critters i aint sure i'd'a make 't this far.
• United States
11 Oct
missed ya, too! seems lots 'f folks 're no longer here so 'twas delighted to 'see' ya. perhaps the powers that be knew i'd be most 'nhappy with a pictureless world? been blessed by many 1sts, helps keep 'way the shadows.
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Oct
I'm glad you're doing well. We have pictures back this morning. YEA! You've had a wonderful time with all those birds.
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• United States
9 Oct
most delightful! the birds 'n the pics, lol.
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
9 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx I'm glad they are.
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@wolfgirl569 (97215)
• Marion, Ohio
8 Oct
Really wonderful to see you back. Glad you are good. You had some wonderful visitors
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• United States
9 Oct
thanks :) didn't figure i'd be missed much. sometimes 'nderground 'tis best. been a marvel 'f 1st's fer certain. makes my heart sing.
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@wolfgirl569 (97215)
• Marion, Ohio
9 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx You were missed
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@nela13 (55814)
• Portugal
8 Oct
I am so glad you are back. It seems everything is well with you. yeah, no pictures, hope they solve this soon.
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• United States
9 Oct
aw, thanks, hon. hope the family 'tis well. pic mystery solved, so relieved :)
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@nela13 (55814)
• Portugal
9 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx yes, it is a general problem.
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