Karma: Keep calmer about Karma

Life is about give and take
@innertalks (21243)
October 8, 2023 4:47pm CST
The Karma philosophy is all about thinking about what we do. We create karma, when we do anything at all, be it a good thing, or a bad thing, because everything has consequences for its action. The effect on you from your actions is what karma is. Your past makes your present what it is now, and your now, will determine what your future is too. What can be changed now then? You do not need to allow your past to have any influence on your now. Awareness of what is happening, prevents it from happening. Karma mainly acts against the blind. Karma is a law of the system, or the way that the system works. Push against the system, and at some later time, it will push back at you. The only way around this is to get help from outside the system, by the divine intervention of God. Karma presses itself on us, but we can escape its clutches by appealing to God. In the Old Testament of the Bible is this interesting proverb: Proverbs, chapter 26, verse 27, says. "Whoever digs a pit will fall into it. And whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back to him." In other words, what you sow, you will reap. Saint Paul said this too, more directly, in Galatians, chapter 6, verse 7. "Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow." The grace of God, though, can rise us above Karma, so that we are forgiven, and then we can go on living good lives for God, without the weight of karma hanging around our necks, still. Living your life for God, doing his will, circumvents the effects of any past karma on your life, and your life becomes then one of love. Karma has no effect on the power of love, and can never prevent love from loving. Awareness is about living from the truth, which also sets you free from karma, as living from truth awarely, always sets you free, free of all trappings, including free from karma too. This also means conversely that when we live our life awarely, we will live from the truth, and when we live from the truth, we can incur no karma. In Saint John's gospel, chapter 5, verses 31 to 32 says: "So Jesus said to the Jews, who had believed him, 'If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.'" Photo Credit: The photo used in this article was sourced from the free media site, pixabay.com Life is about give and take
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5 responses
@TheHorse (208196)
• Walnut Creek, California
8 Oct
I think it is good to think of possible consequences on ones actions.
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@TheHorse (208196)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Oct
@innertalks I was thinking of my actions toward others. But it applies to ourselves as well.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
9 Oct
@TheHorse Yes, that's a good point, we should really think hard about the possible consequences of our actions on others too, as well as on the world, at large, as well.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
8 Oct
Yes, before we do anything, we should try to think of the possible consequences of our actions. Even things like smoking, if we really thought of the consequences, we would never do this too.
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@Deepizzaguy (95953)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
8 Oct
You have a good point there that making an effort to live a life that pleases God will be worth it in the long run.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
8 Oct
Yes, if we live a life pleasing to God, we will live a good, holy life, and not do any bad things in our life then either.
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@TheHorse (208196)
• Walnut Creek, California
9 Oct
@innertalks I think some bad things are inevitable, though. I have worked with some unethical and just plain incompetent people in my life.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
9 Oct
@TheHorse Yes, while we remain humans here on this Earth, I guess that you are right, and yet, if we strive to do good, and try to steer ourselves away from the bad, that extra effort, should cut down on the amount of bad that comes into our life, or that we give out to life, from our life too. If God is real, and we feel connected to him, that should help us to be good too. Not all bad is bad though as well. And sometimes an unfortunate happening in our lives can eventually take us to a better place in our life too, if we learn something from it.
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@RebeccasFarm (87038)
• United States
8 Oct
Always people say that you do not have to let the past affect you, but in my case..it is absolutely not true..
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• United States
9 Oct
@innertalks Oh I am sure I would not be alive without the love of God.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
9 Oct
The past will always affect us, but what I am saying here is that if we enlist God's help to help us overcome the effects of the past on us, the past will then not affect us as much.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
9 Oct
@RebeccasFarm Me, either.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
16 Oct
Very interesting thoughts for the day. I definitely believe in karma.
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@cpefley (1926)
• San Jose, California
16 Oct
@innertalks Absolutely! What get what you put into life.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
16 Oct
Thanks. I think that there is some truth behind the theory, too.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
9 Oct
Everything that happens to us from the day we’re born makes us who we are.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
10 Oct
@RubyHawk And our abilities grow over our lifetime too, if we allow them to do so.
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@innertalks (21243)
• Australia
9 Oct
Yes, but we can have a part in choosing what type of a person we become too. We can make something more of ourselves too. We are more than only how the world, and its experiences, shapes us to be.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
10 Oct
@innertalks Yes, we use our life experiences to live our lives to the best of our abilities.
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