Oh the joys 'f parenthood!

United States
October 11, 2023 11:26am CST
The Gray Fox family that took'p residence here 'twas such a gift. Some folks'd be put off by such, but not I. 'twas the 1st time I've got to see 'em close'p, their interactions not skewed by distance. Learnin' their language 'n what such meant - from warnin' calls to reprimands to their kits if'n they disobeyed. I reckon a lil backstory might be nice fer some folks, so here't goes. Adult males range from 7-11 lbs, females 6-10. Females 're 'kin to the size 'f a grown housecat. The males a medium sized pup. They climb - trees, barns, most anythin' they can. Such 'tis done fer safety, food 'n respite. Freaks folks out they've such ability. I'd no visitors whilst they were here once this tidbit came out. Dunno why?? Foxes don't 'ttack humans... A full grown'n can squeeze through a 4"x4" hole. Meanin' they can easily slip through horse panel fencin', pet doors, etc. Prone to takin' o'er 'bandoned dens 'f other creatures 'n fashionin' to their needs, such can be tunneled out 'p to 75' 'nderground with various chambers to store food, move those kits 'round. Once a chamber 'tis soiled, they move 'em. They're solitary 'til matin' season, which happens 'round February'n March. Gestation 'tis 51 days 'n they've 3-7 kits per litter. Both parents've crucial roles'n parenthood. Kits leave 'bout October, to go out'n their own. These lil darlin's 're quick! Can reach 28mph fer short spurts. Seriously, one sec they're 30ft 'way, the next they're a 100 yds 'p a tree. Poppa teaches 'em life skills like pouncin' fer prey. 'tis adorable to watch when they're wee. I felt their triumph 's they mastered such techniques. The parents'll hide goodies, diggin' shallow holes to place apples, small mammals fer the kits to find. Ya aint lived 'til ya see the 1st time one finds said goody. Will prance with back arched, tail'n head high whilst prancin' 'round. Like all young'uns, seekin' 'ttention from parents 'n waitin' fer that reward from 'ccomplishment. This's a pic 'f the vixen (female) 'n one 'f the kits partakin' a drink from the bird bath.
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7 responses
@wolfgirl569 (97215)
• Marion, Ohio
11 Oct
Many people don't know they can climb. They are extremely good at it. That is a great picture of the pair
2 people like this
• United States
12 Oct
not all the fox'n new mexico climb. these 're most agile. got good jumpin' skills. i've seen 'em leap from the ground to the top 'f hay stacked 8 bales high. 'twas sweet seein' 'em all together. she'd bring 'em out fer drinks when our temps triple digited quite frequently. 'd wonderful subjects:)
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@wolfgirl569 (97215)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx We have mostly red fox here. They can climb if they want to. Very good jumpers too.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Oct
@wolfgirl569 do ya get to see'm 'nteract with their young with yer cameras out there? i wish i'd not procrastinated'n bought some trail cams...
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@much2say (54009)
• Los Angeles, California
11 Oct
Cuteness overload - your photo here is absolutely precious! They sound pretty smart - folks are just scared of their skills . Such good parents/teachers they seem to be too - the little ones learn and thrive!
2 people like this
• United States
12 Oct
i wish i could'a got videos 'f the kits all out playin', great games 'f 'tag'. their folks playin' with 'em, too. brought me joy when my heart 'twas so heavy. proper parentin' 'tis key, but like humans our young'uns sometimes think they're smarter'n we, eh?
@kareng (56088)
• United States
14 Oct
I didn't know they could climb. I thought I saw one in the other picture in the tree, so I guess I did see them both?? Nice photo!
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@kareng (56088)
• United States
20 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx Yes, it was!!
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Oct
seems not all fox do such. this'd be the 'nly species'n these parts that does. 4 kits were'n the tree, zoomin' through like crazy kids to see who'd the nerve to climb higher, lol. 'nly managed to capture the 2 laggin' 'hind with the camera. they camouflage well :) thanks, 'twas a sweet moment!
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@1creekgirl (40767)
• United States
13 Oct
That was such an interesting post. And your photography is so professional. Love the thought of a baby fox proudly prancing around with his prey!
1 person likes this
• United States
13 Oct
most kind 'f ya, ms. vicki fer yer kind words. dunno where the parents found a green apple (neighbors trash...), but that kit 'twas e'er so proud! the others runnin' o'er to see what their siblin' 'd found. 'twas like the whole family rejoiced 't 'ts success.
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
12 Oct
It's great you got a close-up look at how foxes care for their young. Nice picture of them.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Oct
i've seen documentaries 'f such, jest diff'rent 'n more personal 'xperience. made my heart sing 'n such 'twas needed. most all pics 'f 'em 're from 'nside the house. most grateful i've walls 'f mostly windows'n the livin' room'n sun porch.
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@just4him (309978)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
13 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx It's good you have so many windows.
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@paigea (35935)
• Canada
12 Oct
So cute to watch. We had a family of red Foxes over the fence. They disappeared the middle of August Great photo.
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• United States
13 Oct
most certain! they tend to not stay'n the same den 's theirs 'comes soiled. so, they move'n. kinda sad fer 's who 'njoy watchin' 'em. thanks! great subjects 'n lots 'f windows, lol.
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@JudyEv (328006)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Oct
What an amazing photo and thanks for the interesting information. They are different to our foxes. I'm sure ours don't climb much at all, at least not like yours do. I would have wasted hours watching the little ones learn such skills. Thanks so much for sharing with us.
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• United States
12 Oct
many thanks 'n yer welcome. i believe there'd be several other types 'f fox here who aint climbers. seems a tad odd to've these coz trees aint native to these parts. ya would'a been most 'nthralled with all that cuteness :) hours not wasted, per se, when one gets to 'njoy such. able to snag a pic 'r 2 here'n there.
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