What's Cooking?

United States
October 18, 2023 10:32am CST
Happy Wednesday Everyone! it's sunny here today and the temperatures are a bit warmer than it has been. Mother Nature has made a liar out me because I just said that our warm days are probably over and it's time to transition into the colder weather. Just to prove I'm wrong today and tomorrow will be nice enough to wear short sleeves. My Aunt called me his morning to thank me for her birthday card. I think she's going to be 90 yrs old but if not then she's close. She's remarkable for her age and was telling me she was going out to do a little grocery shopping and how tired she is of cooking. My Uncle only eats one meal a day (dinner) so she feels like he needs a decent and nutritious meal since he doesn't eat during the day. My Uncle has been eating only one meal a day for as long as I can remember. During the day he drinks tea with milk and sugar so I guess that gives him energy. I can understand my poor Aunts frustration at having to cook every single night unless they eat out or have take-out. I'm tired of cooking too and I'm not as old as she is. I don't know if I'm as tired of cooking as I am of looking for ways to cook the same things different ways and keep it all as healthy as possible. Do you enjoy cooking? do you make the same things over and over or do you like to try new recipes?
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12 responses
@wolfgirl569 (97215)
• Marion, Ohio
18 Oct
I like eating so I cook
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@Dena91 (16014)
• United States
18 Oct
I tend to make the same things over. Once in awhile I'll try a new recipe out or make something I hadn't made in a while. Like tomorrow I'll be making stuffed peppers something I haven't made in a long time.
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@AmbiePam (86259)
• United States
18 Oct
I can’t stand long enough to cook much, and a chair won’t fit into my kitchen, so I really only “cook” cook a few times a week. Since I found these steamed frozen dinners with no preservatives or anything, I feel like I am still eating fresh. The ingredients are all impressive, and since it’s all fish, I really enjoy it. I’ve recently given up all beef (though I did not eat it much to begin with), so I’m trying to find affordable and inventive ways to incorporate fish into dishes. I recently read a company is coming out with noodles made of pollock, and although it sounds weird, I would like to try it. Yes, your weather and mine lulled us into thinking we weren’t going to be hot again, but it’s in the high 80s here, and I had to briefly turn on the air conditioner yesterday. I felt bad about it!
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@snowy22315 (171915)
• United States
18 Oct
I like cooking, and enjoy trying new recipes. I think my aunt cooks for my uncle almost everyday too, but their daughter works in a restaurant so some of the time, they may have their meals brought to them. I don't know how often there are extras...or food she can bring by.
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@Juliaacv (49034)
• Canada
19 Oct
We have staples that are no-brainers and we will have on nights that we are just too brain tired to think of something else. Then there are the new recipes that on occasion we enjoy. I was fortunate today, my hubby cooked spaghetti for supper.
@Beestring (13547)
• Hong Kong
18 Oct
I would not say I enjoy cooking. If I have a bigger kitchen, I may enjoy cooking more. I tend to make the same things over and over.
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@allknowing (130518)
• India
19 Oct
Cooking is indeed tiring but when we cannot do without it energy just pops up
@RebeccasFarm (87038)
• United States
18 Oct
Honestly, I have always loved cooking, but here lately, I haven't the spunk or energy or will to. Happy BDay again to your dear Aunt..poor Uncle hope he is okay too.
@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
18 Oct
I like to cook but am tired of cooking, too. Pretty eats what I cook but when she cooks, she makes things I won't eat. It's annoying. If she'd cook things I'd eat, we could take turns cooking and maybe, I wouldn't be so tired of eating my own cooking now.
• United States
19 Oct
i used to 'njoy cookin' fer family'n friends. now that 'tis jest me, not so much. i tend to cook many thingies 'n then freeze fer later. sometimes i take a walk'n the wild side, but quite oft 'tis jest the same schtuff. i 'dmire yer aunt fer her 'fforts.
@JudyEv (328018)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Oct
Vince cooks for us but I'm sure he must get tired of it sometimes. I keep offering to cook more but he says he enjoys it. I do cook occasionally and have been trying to cook more often.
@LindaOHio (160137)
• United States
19 Oct
I LOVED to cook and bake; and since I am no longer able, I miss it so much. I used to cook favorites and then I would look in my extensive cookbook collection for something new to make. If your aunt can still cook at 90, she is truly blessed. Have a good day.