What have you eaten today?

November 17, 2023 2:22am CST
Food or snacks are substances eaten by living creatures to obtain nutrients which are then processed into energy. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals are nutrients in food that the body needs. Liquids for consumption are often called drinks, but the word 'food' can also be used instead. Food consumed by humans is called food, while food consumed by animals is called feed. The quality of a food can be assessed from its food energy and shelf life. Consuming inappropriate or insufficient food will cause malnutrition and can result in various health problems. In addition, several types of food can trigger food allergies when consumed by sensitive individuals. Food ingredients are processed into various different dishes and become the characteristics of a culture or population in a certain geographical location. Food is a subject studied in various sciences, such as food science, nutritional science, and gastronomy. Every living creature needs food. Without food, living creatures will find it difficult to carry out their daily activities. Food can help humans get energy, help the body and brain grow. Eating nutritious food will help human growth, both brain and body. Each food has different nutritional content. Protein, carbohydrates and fat are examples of nutrients that can be obtained from food. Each type of nutrition has a different function. Carbohydrates are a source of daily energy. One example of food that contains carbohydrates is rice. Protein is used by the body to help growth, both brain and body. Fat is used by the body as a food reserve and as an energy reserve. Fat will be used when the body lacks carbohydrates, and fat will break down into glucose which is very useful for the body when it needs energy. So, what nutritional content does the food you often consume?
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5 responses
@jstory07 (134736)
• Roseburg, Oregon
17 Nov
I try to eat balance meals every day.
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• Georgia
17 Nov
I once read from a book on Ayurveda: "Eat your food like it is medicine, else you will eat medicine like it is food". I'm greatly indebted to that particular piece of wisdom. For the most part I tend to mix fresh food such that everything is balanced and nutritious and what our bodies need on a particular day. We are sometimes naughty and go the instant food route. And it takes an enormous amount of planning, time and effort to be that aware all the time and I am blessed that I can expend that effort. Lucky I loooove decent food, so I don't mind the work involved
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@porwest (78754)
• United States
17 Nov
So far nothing, but I do not eat breakfast. Last night I had spinach lasagna for dinner, though.
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@ogbenishyna (3327)
19 Nov
I have eaten rice with stew, fried plantain and dish this morning, maybe I will go for break at lunch.
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@Goldius (13)
• Windhoek, Namibia
17 Nov
I love fish ??.... my favorite.
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