An unusual New Years Resolution.

United Kingdom
December 14, 2023 4:41am CST
I was talking to a friend the other day about New Year resolutions. I told her that I did not make any because I never stick to them for long. She said that next year she was making a resolution to pay somebody a compliment every day. This is an unusual resolution because most people say they are going to lose weight, eat more healthy foods, drink less alcohol etc. Do you make New Year Resolutions and have you ever heard of a really unusual one?
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14 responses
@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
14 Dec
I like that one. Maybe I will add that one to mine. It might change mine or someone else's life. I have made one that I will make a recipe out of each of my cookbooks this year. I think I have about 25 so should be doable.
3 people like this
• United Kingdom
14 Dec
That is an unusual resolution. I hope you manage to make all of these recipes, what sort of cooking do you like doing? It is funny that you should mention cookery books because I started a discussion about a cook book I borrowed from the library earlier this week. The book is called A Pinch of Nom, do you have this one amongst your collection?
Today I went to the library to change my books. I was waiting in the queue to speak to the librarian when I over heard her and another lady talking about food....
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@snowy22315 (171971)
• United States
14 Dec
@lazydaizee No, I have not heard of it. They probably sell more French cookbooks there than the US. OH I see, it is not really French.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
@snowy22315 No it is English, but when I was first told about this book, I thought it was about some sort of foreign food.
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@just4him (310134)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
14 Dec
I think it's a great resolution. More people should do that. I don't make resolutions, but I do make new plans every day.
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@just4him (310134)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
15 Dec
@lazydaizee I usually put my plan down in the Morning Brief. The plan for today is to get the notifications done, work on Wilderness Challenge, and get my steps. It will be a light day today.
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec
@just4him What is the Wilderness Challenge and how many steps do you do each day? Sounds like you are going to be busy.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
It is good to have a new plan each day, what is today`s plan, if you don`t mind me asking?
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
14 Dec
I really like that one. I haven’t made New Year’s resolutions for awhile. I did see a person wrote a book about their resolution one year, that was to say yes whenever someone asked them to do anything. She wanted to open herself up to new experiences.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
That sounds like an interesting theme for a book. Do you remember what the book was called or the author`s name?
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@AmbiePam (86266)
• United States
15 Dec
@lazydaizee I looked it up, and it was actually by Shonda Rhimes! You know her, right? Creator of the shows Grey’s Anatomy, Station 19, Scandal… Anyway, I think it’s called “Year of Yes”. It does look good. She’s a natural introvert, so she just decided she’d start saying yes to everything.
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• United Kingdom
19 Dec
@AmbiePam I have not heard of her before and I do not watch Greys Anatomy. Is that the show with George Clooney, or am I thinking about something else.?
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@Orson_Kart (6165)
• United Kingdom
14 Dec
That’s a great idea. If you live with someone it’s worth doing anyway, unless they are like me and think, “what do you want?” Strangers? I don’t know. Women might think I’m a creep, and men might think I’m strange. I’ve been considering giving to charity, an amount of money, every time I treat myself. I’m not sure if I need to set a limit as it could become expensive. However, I am quite tight, so maybe it won’t. It’s also which charity(ies) to give to as many have CEOs on megabucks, and I hate that.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
@lazydaizee I can’t take any credit for my profile picture. I’ve had it for years and it was obtained from a free online site many years ago. Hence why I haven’t aged a bit. I am not a frequenter of charity shops as I see them as selling other people’s tat, and I have enough of my own. I know the shops are a way of making more money for the charities but I’d rather give direct. I come across a number of Big Issue sellers on my travels, and even they aren’t necessarily charity cases.
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec
@Orson_Kart We have a Big Issue seller who sits outside Waitrose nearly every day of the week, she is always there when I go past. She says `Hello' and smiles at everybody who passes her, I have never seen anyone buy a copy of the Big Issue from her. I know what you mean about other people`s tat some of the things being sold in charity shops look like a lot of rubbish, however, people must buy this stuff because the shops are always getting new stock. I normally buy used books from charity shops and the occasional purse or hand bag, but I never buy bric- a- brac.
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• United Kingdom
14 Dec
I like your profile picture it is very eye catching, did you design it yourself.? So your resolution could be to give money to charity when you buy a treat for yourself. This is a lovely idea do you have charity shops near to where you live? If so then perhaps you could treat yourself to something from a charity shop then make a donation at the same time. Like you say, you do have to be careful when giving money to charity because you do not always know where the money is going and it might end up in the wrong hands. A friend of mine donated a lot of goods to a well known charity shop, and then they found out that one of the staff members had been stealing money from the till. This upset my friend because he really wanted the money made from his donation to go to the good cause.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
14 Dec
I never made new year resolutions. I do every day what I can do, no reason to make resolutions and then be forced to stick on them or to feel that you failed. I would fail the one of your friends, I do not meet people every day.
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@LadyDuck (461823)
• Switzerland
14 Dec
@lazydaizee When we were kids the nuns told us that we had to make at least one resolution for the new year. Growing up I wondered what is the purpose.
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• United Kingdom
14 Dec
@LadyDuck Did you get in trouble if you could not keep your resolution?
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• United Kingdom
14 Dec
I have tried making resolutions in the past but I always go back to my old ways after a short time, so I am like you now and I do not make them any more. I did feel like I failed when I did not keep to whatever resolution I made at the time and it is not nice to feel that you have failed at something.
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@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
15 Dec
That's a good resolution. Mine is always to lose weight. I haven't heard of any unusual ones. Have a good weekend.
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@LindaOHio (160234)
• United States
15 Dec
@lazydaizee Thank you very much.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
Good luck with your resolution.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
20 Dec
Your friend is free to make any kind of resolution, and what your friend has resolved to do seems to be a positive resolution. I do not make any resolution on New Year day.
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@dpk262006 (58675)
• Delhi, India
22 Dec
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• United Kingdom
21 Dec
Yes, it is up to the individual.
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Dec
I think your friend's resolution decision is great. I don't know of any unusual resolutions. All are valid for that person.
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@celticeagle (160797)
• Boise, Idaho
15 Dec
@lazydaizee .......That is true. It is a good time to start over or start something new though.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
I suppose resolutions are personal, what suits one person may not be useful for somebody else.
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@RebeccasFarm (87041)
• United States
14 Dec
I don't not anymore.
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• United States
15 Dec
@lazydaizee It used to be lose I have none to lose.
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
Me neither because I never stuck to them. What sort of resolution did you used to make?
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@JESSY3236 (19146)
• United States
19 Dec
I like that. I just say I keep doing what I have been doing.
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• United Kingdom
20 Dec
That is often the best way if you are happy with the way things are.
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14 Dec
I never make resolutions because I cannot maintain them. but I want to loose weight.
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• United Kingdom
14 Dec
Losing weight does seem to be a big thing for lots of people at the start of the year. I suppose this is because we are all encouraged to eat and drink more than usual over Christmas and New Year. The companies that sell weight loss and diet products do a roaring trade at the beginning of each year because of this.
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@cabuyogty (2373)
• Philippines
15 Dec
No. I don't have New Year's Resolution for the next year because i can't do one of them.
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• United Kingdom
16 Dec
I will not be making any because I never stick to mine.
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• Georgia
14 Dec
I like your friend's idea. We don't do the New Year's resolution thing at all, but this one sounds like a really good way to a better life in the New Year. Thanks for sharing
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• United Kingdom
15 Dec
It is a good idea, but I would be interested to see how long it lasts.
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30 Dec
Commonly you don't need or wait til new year to do something, even new year or another year come if you don't have discipline to do things, you will be stuck.
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• United Kingdom
3 Jan
You do need to be able to discipline yourself to do certain things. You also need willpower to stick with any promises you have made.
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• United Kingdom
4 Jan
@UnseenArt You just have to push yourself sometimes.
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3 Jan
@lazydaizee that is true, don't rely on motivation always. Do it even you are tired or not in a mood to do it.
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