Today was an eye opener

Cloverdale, Indiana
December 21, 2023 12:42am CST
I wish I was on my desk top cause there's a song I wish I could put on here that pretty much says it all, it's from the little river band called "cool change" I was pretty much told today from the person I seen that I was a walking dead woman, YEAH sure did & from what she showed me on why she said that I couldn't think, I totally forgot about what meds to double up on till they got my new 1's in & of ALL things it's my heart meds & I have 2 of them. My heart arteries are like about 65-70 % clogged with colesterol fatty tissue & when she said that this has to be chqanged if I want to see 10 more yrs, which would put me at 75 yrs old that sucks. She sounded like if you don't get this changed you won't have to worry about living a long life cause from the results your a walking dead woman. SO guess what that means folks?? YEP I need to make a HUGE change in my life if I want to have ANY CHANCE at living another 10 yrs. Down to the NITTY GRITTY things of life to get my health back on track, that means live or die time, & I made my husband listen to it all too. So I have to get on a study eating diet, Execercise & do what needs to be done to change my health yes that INCLUDES smoking, I got to take this serious, I have to if I plan to have ANY life at all. So I told my hubby after we were done at the hosp, being I have to stop smoking I'm going to just change to weed, that won't hurt me. I ALSO seen today what not eating all day can do for me too, I went almost the day without eating cause I ate me a med size bowl of cereal(rasin bran) a hr B-4 we left home & after we got back home I took my sugar test. I was totally surprised at the reading I got back (151) HOT danm ! ! ! NOW that's THE BEST I have seen it since I started all this, so what does THAT tell me?? as long as I eat a meal at breakfast & go the rest of the day without eating, my sugar count goes down, GREAT. Don't get bent out of shape I know I have to be carfull about going without food all day & what my sugar does, I've been learning how this works, So I'm gonna have to live with it. Hubby hasn't said much about everything he's heard today about how bad my health is, BUT I'M sure he has some or a lot of worries, concerns, hell I know I would & DO. So folks can I lean on your shoulders & cry? & at the SAME time give you a hug for being here for me? cause this isn't going to be easy, or a fast fix, Happy new year to me huh? I hope you all had a great day, better than mine I have a lot of work to do on myself, so I guess this is what my new yrs is going to start out like. I have a list of execercise's I got from P T & all the walking I do when we go shopping O M G we cruze the whole store out in a couple hrs up & down each asle picking up this that & ?? As soon as I get what I need from the diettion A diebeties food list-chart, I'll be working on a MEAL schedule to get THAT where I need it. I told the lady I talked to today that I need #'s of what carbs I can or can't have fiber, sodium things I can & can't eat, from what I do eat. While we were at aldies today for just some eggs I eneded up walking out with a 100 $worth of fruits & a new set of pj's like I don't have enough as it is. 3 bags of stuff for a 100$ GOOD LORD ! ! ! but that's alright cause I'll eat the fruit I buy & make all the fruit salads I can have, that works for me. So anyway not to write a book, I just had to get this off my shoulders, & hang out with you all awhile, it's just 1;30 am here, hubby's asleep. So I'm sitting here running this all through my head & smoking me a duby, while the morn hrs rolls by, I had a 4 hr nap, that's why I'm up. Well folks & friends you all take care have a blessed day & take care of yourselves life is short, don't take it for granted, be good to yourself.
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5 responses
@LadyDuck (462827)
• Switzerland
21 Dec
Fruits and vegetables are expensive, particularly in winter. Beans and lentils are a good source of protein and they are recommended to people with diabetes.
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@jstory07 (134846)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Dec
There are fewer fruits in winter but I still buy the fresh ones when I can.
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@LadyDuck (462827)
• Switzerland
21 Dec
@jstory07 I do the same, right now we can buy pears, apples, oranges and mandarins, those are in season.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
21 Dec
Yea I have MORE than enough of beans Your right about the price of food going up, BUT YET they want you to buy it.
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@jstory07 (134846)
• Roseburg, Oregon
21 Dec
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
21 Dec
I was too dazed to even think about the rest of my day to enjoy it, too busy trying to think about HOW I'm going to make this work, where I can make progress.
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@RebeccasFarm (87130)
• United States
21 Dec
It is not easy to make such big changes, but I have faith in you Gayle. I am sorry it has gotten to this severe of a point, but now, you can overcome it with the help of God, He is with you and in your corner about all this. You can do it. You are already doing it. Proud of you gal. Will the pot be okay too for you? Won't put a strain on your lungs or anything?
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Dec
@2ndchances24 Well as long as it ain't hurting you.
1 person likes this
• United States
22 Dec
@2ndchances24 Well good then. As long as it is helping..I would not be able to smoke lungs are not good for it.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 Dec
@RebeccasFarm Mine aren't as good as they USE to be.
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@TheHorse (208952)
• Walnut Creek, California
28 Dec
I am a big advocate of exercise. Even just a walk. Cool change is a good song!
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@TheHorse (208952)
• Walnut Creek, California
29 Dec
@2ndchances24 I don't think the Bay Area is that pretty overall, but we do have nice hiking trails here.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Dec
@TheHorse we have hiking trails that's too steep for me but I do have a decent long road I can take a walk & get my exeercise in.
• Cloverdale, Indiana
29 Dec
Thank you for putting the video on here for me so others can enjoy it too. Walking is good & when the weathwr is right I do just that.
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@porwest (79039)
• United States
22 Dec
Well, the good news is that at least you are heeding the things you can do to help prolong life. I suspect that kind of news is never good nor pleasant. But it IS a wake-up call of sorts. Our lives are important and our bodies while resilient, are of course still fragile. I think you are taking the right steps and wish all the best for you.
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• Cloverdale, Indiana
22 Dec
Well thank you, I found me a steamer at the good will yesterday & I just pulled out some chicken thighs to cook for dinner tonight to see how it dose for me. I also bought another purse that is for all the meds I have to have with me at all times & the 1 I had was too small, so I found 1 that will everything I have to have. Along with a Ice chest to put cold goods in while we're out & about paying bills & not have to eat at resturants & fast food joints, the 24th of Jan I have a sugar Dr appt & then another 1 on the 26th (my MAIN) sugar dr.
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